Print Candidate Pool Member Information

You can create PDF files of pool member information and share the PDF files with other users involved in the review and selection process.

Before you start

You need the Perform Candidate Duplicate Check and Merge role (IRC_PERFORM_CANDIDATE_DUPLICATE_CHECK_AND_MERGE_PRIV_OBI).

Here's what to do

  1. On the Candidate Pools page, open a candidate pool.
  2. On the Candidates list, click a candidate.
  3. In the Actions menu, click Print.
  4. On the Print Candidate Pool Member page, select which content and attachments you want to print.
  5. Click Print.


The PDF file is generated asynchronously as a batch. You'll receive a notification when the print is completed. Depending on how your administrator configured the feature, you'll either receive a notification with a zipped file containing a separate PDF for each pool member profile, or the notification contains a link to download the zipped PDFs.