Resume a Job Requisition

You use the Resume Job Requisition action to reactivate a job requisition that was put on hold.

Before you start

You need the privilege Update Job Requisition (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION).

Here's what to do

  1. On the Job Requisitions page, click Show Filters.
  2. Display suspended job requisitions using these filters: phase Open, state Suspended.
  3. Open the suspended job requisition.
  4. In the Actions menu, select Resume Job Requisition.

What to do next

The requisition is moved back to the state where it was before being suspended. However, the requisition won't be posted back on career sites. Its status will be set to Open - Unposted if it was previously posted or scheduled to be posted. Also, the job requisition won't get sent for a second round of approvals.