Send a Notification to Request More Info

You can manually send notifications to candidates to request more information. This is useful when the Request Information Notification is automatically triggered when candidates reach a specific phase or state and you want to send a notification earlier in the process. It can also be useful when candidates didn’t reply to the request.

Note: You can manually send the Request for More Info notification more than once, as long as the candidate hasn't completed it.

Before you start

You need the privilege Request More Information from Candidates (IRC_REQUEST_MORE_INFORMATION_FROM_CANDIDATES).

Here's what to do

  1. In the job applications list, select one or more candidates.
  2. In the Actions menu, select Request for More Info.
  3. On the Request for More Info page, select the notification you want to resend.
    Only the Request Information Notification configured within the candidate selection process is displayed.
  4. Click Send.


When the notification is sent, it’s logged in the candidate application Interactions tab.