Ways to Send Messages

There are two features available in Recruiting to send messages:

  • The Send Message feature – This is useful when sending bulk emails or SMS messages to multiple candidates.
  • The Compose feature – This is useful when sending individual emails or SMS messages.

These features are available from the Messages tab of a candidate’s page, which you can open using Candidate Search, from a list of job applications and prospects, or from a candidate pool.

When you click the Messages tab, you can see the list of emails and SMS messages exchanged with the candidate, displayed in the order of the most recent to the oldest.

By default, the Emails section displays the list of emails sent to the candidate in the current context, for example, the current job application or candidate pool. The list can also show all the other emails exchanged with the candidate, if you have access to them.

The Text Messages section displays all SMS messages sent to the candidate, irrespective of the context.

For Twilio and Syniverse service providers, one of these status indicators appear next to each SMS message:
  • Sent – Indicates that it was sent successfully from Recruiting.
  • Delivered – Indicates that it reached the candidate’s phone number.
  • Failed – Indicates that it failed to deliver.

For other providers, the default status is Sent.

This feature uses the Webhook functionality. To use it, you must configure the Delivery Status Callback Webhook URL in the Twilio and Syniverse service providers' accounts. For these configuration steps, see the document Candidate Communication on My Oracle Support (ID 2968395.1).

To use this feature with Twilio, you need to use the messaging service SID instead of the "From" phone number when you configure Twilio as an SMS provider.