What's a Grid View

With grid view, data is displayed in a columnar layout. The grid view is available to view job applications for a requisition, candidates in a candidate pool, and candidates in a candidate search results list.

By default, the Summary view is displayed to all users and contains specific columns. You can zoom in and zoom out to see a few columns or all columns. You can also scroll horizontally.

If you have the privilege Personalize Candidates Lists (IRC_PERSONALIZE_CANDIDATE_JOB_APPLICATION_LISTS), you can access the Manage Views page available in the View menu. From there, you can:

  • Create your own personal views to display the columns and fields that you're interested in. This is useful when you want to review and compare job applications for instance.
  • Set a personal view as your personal default view. This personal default view has precedence over the global default view.
  • Edit, delete, and copy views.

If you have the privilege Manage Candidate Lists (IRC_MANAGE_CANDIDATE_JOB_APPLICATION_LISTS), more actions are available from the Manage Views page.

  • Manage Compound Fields: You can create compounds fields to display only specific fields that are of interest in the grid view. You can also edit and delete compound fields.
  • Manage Mask Data: If your organization is using blind sifting or name blind recruiting processes, you can mask data in the job application grid view. You can write an EL Expression to define the roles, phases, and states to mask data and select which grid view fields to anonymize.
  • Manage Global Default Views: When you have several grid views, you can use this action to define which view will be the global default view for all users, instead of the default Summary view.