Add Talent Pool Members from an Analysis

As talent pool owners, you can add members from an analysis.

Your organization might have an analysis that helps you to identify persons who can be part of the talent pool. For example, an analysis that indicates which workers are high performers or have leadership potential. By adding these workers to suitable talent pools, you can enhance your organization’s talent pools.

Before you start

You can see the option to add talent pool members from an analysis only if your administrator has specified the file path in the Default Reports Folder for Selecting Talent Pool Members profile option.

Here's what to do

  1. From the Add menu of the Members section of a talent pool, select the Members from Analysis option.

    The Add from Analysis section shows the default file path specified in the Default Reports Folder for Selecting Talent Pool Members profile option. The Analysis Name list shows the analyses in this path that you have access to.

  2. From the Analysis Name list, select the analysis from which you want to add members to the talent pool.
    Note: The analysis that you select must include Person ID as an attribute.

    In the Workers section, you can see workers included in the analysis in alphabetical order of their display names. You can initially see 25 workers, but you can load more workers.

    A maximum of 10,000 workers are fetched from the results of an analysis.

  3. Select the workers who you want to add to the analysis.
    Tip: Select the Select All check box to select all the workers in the analysis.
  4. Click Add.


The workers selected from the analysis are added as members of the talent pool with these exceptions:
  • Terminated workers aren’t added to the talent pool.
  • Existing pool members aren't added again.

When you try to add workers in an analysis while creating a new talent pool, the selected workers are added as members only when you save the talent pool. But when you try to add workers while editing an existing talent pool, the selected workers are automatically added to the pool when you click Add.