Considerations for Using Succession Organization Chart

A succession organization chart provides information related to succession plans of a manager and persons reporting to the manager in a hierarchical chart format.

These considerations apply for succession organization charts:

  • You can search for a person only by their name to view their succession organization chart.
  • You can see only the first 50 persons who match the name you enter.
  • If a person who you can access has multiple assignments, then you can see all the assignments of the person in the search results. But you can see the succession and talent profile information only for the assignments you can access.
  • When you select a nonprimary assignment, the Create Succession Plan and Add to Succession Plan actions are hidden.
  • On the Succession plans and Candidate in plans tabs, if a candidate has multiple assignments, then you can see the candidate only once in a plan.
  • On the Succession plans and Candidate in plans tabs, if you're viewing the person's nonprimary assignment, then you will see only the succession plans related to the primary assignment.
  • In the succession organization chart, you can view the name and assignment of the manager the person reports to in the topmost level of the chart only if you have the security access for it.
  • You can see the Directs with Plans and Directs Without Plans tabs on the succession organization chart even if the person whose chart you’re viewing has no direct reports.
  • You can see only active succession plans in the succession organization chart.
  • The succession plan counts and candidate counts that you see are based on the active plans and candidates that you can access.
  • If your administrator has configured more than 6 readiness levels, you can see only the first 6 on the Succession plans and Candidate in plans tabs. But you can load more readiness levels.
  • The display sequence of the Readiness Category lookup controls the display order of the readiness levels in the succession organization chart.
  • A succession super user can view the succession organization chart of any person in the organization. They can perform the succession plan actions also.