How Plan Privacy and Ownership Determine Plan Access for Talent Review Meetings

Talent review meeting facilitators can associate succession plans they own with a meeting. They can also associate private plans for which they're administrators or candidate managers.

Meeting facilitators can also associate nonprivate plans in which they have access to the named or inferred incumbent of the plan with a meeting. All meeting facilitators, regardless of their security access to workers elsewhere or whether they're plan owners, can perform actions on the plans on the meeting dashboard. All plans that facilitators add to the meeting can be viewed by meeting participants, so facilitators should select only plans they want participants to see.

Reviewers can do these actions related to succession plans on the dashboard view that they open from the Prepare Review Content page:

  • View plans added by facilitators of which they're owners.

  • View nonprivate plans added by facilitators in which the managers have access to the named or inferred incumbent of the plan.

  • Perform actions on plans if they're administrators or candidate managers.

  • Access private plans if they're plan owners.

Both facilitators and reviewers can do these actions for succession plans and talent pools associated with the talent review meeting:

  • Add only workers who are in the review population to plans and pools.

  • Add workers only to plans and pools that are associated with the meeting.

  • See only the candidates in the plan who are in the meeting review population.