Overview of Reopening a Talent Review Meeting

As a facilitator or a Talent Review super user, you can reopen a submitted meeting if you had submitted the meeting in error or if you want to make some changes such as updating the ratings.

What Happens When You Reopen a Meeting

Here's what happens when you reopen a talent review meeting:

  • The Talent Review Meeting Reopening process starts. You can see the process ID in the confirmation dialog box.

  • You can view the notes and tasks associated with the meeting; but you can't perform any other actions on the meeting.

What Happens When the Reopen Process is Successful

Here's what happens when the talent review meeting's reopen process completes without any errors:

  • The meeting's ratings for each person in the review population are deleted from the worker's profiles.

  • The ratings in the worker's profiles for that meeting are reset to their prior ratings.

  • The status of the reopened meeting changes to In Progress.

  • The meeting date remains unchanged, but you can't see a submission date.

Note: If an error occurs during the reopen process, the meeting is still treated like a completed meeting and you can't make any changes to the meeting data.

What You Can See or Do in the Reopened Meeting Dashboard

When you reopen a talent review meeting, you can see these details:

  • The previously submitted ratings for the workers in the review population.

  • The workers who were in the holding area of the previously submitted meeting in the same area.

  • The current assignment information of the review population. For example, if the manager of a review population member has changed, you can see the new manager's name when you view the person's details.

Note: You can't see workers who were terminated since the meeting was last submitted.

You can edit the dashboard and perform actions on the workers in the review population.