Uses of Talent Pools

Talent pools are groups used by organizations to categorize people based on criteria such as performance, potential, or functional area.

Your organization can use talent pools for these purposes:

  • Track groups of employees with similar characteristics: You can plan the career development of employees and monitor their progress by grouping them into a talent pool. For example, you can group employees as campus hires or leadership trainees.

  • Plan successors: You can add selected candidates in a succession plan as members of a talent pool. This will help to groom talent pool members to replace people in key jobs and positions.

  • Roll up talent review populations: During a talent review, facilitators can create a talent pool and add members from the review population. Facilitators can include the talent pool with other review meetings and include members from that review population. Later, while creating a talent review meeting, facilitators can add the talent pool members to the review population and evaluate their performance.