Configure the Optimized Indeed Job Application Experience

External candidates who find job opportunities on Indeed can quickly apply using their data from Indeed when Indeed is used to set up their profiles and prefill application form fields.

When you use the optimized Indeed job application experience:
  • Candidates coming from Indeed who are identified as returning candidates are automatically verified and can proceed further without verification.
  • Candidates coming from Indeed who are identified as new candidates are automatically verified and don’t need to go through the 6-digit identity verification process.
  • Candidates coming from or other specified Indeed domains will also benefit from the optimized Indeed experience.

You need to enable the Apply with Indeed feature first, and then configure the optimized Indeed job application experience.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
    • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management
    • Task: Recruiting Category Provisioning and Configuration
  2. On the Category Provisioning and Configuration page, go to the Profile Import section and click Edit.
  3. On the Profile Import Partners page, go to the Social Media section.
  4. In the Indeed section, you need to enable Apply with Indeed. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret Key and select the Active check box.
  5. Configure these two settings.
    • Optimized Indeed Experience
    • Trust Indeed authentication: You can enable this setting only if the Active check box of the Optimized Indeed Experience option is selected.
    Note: If you enable these settings, the job application flow changes to give a better user experience to external candidates. If you don’t enable them, the job application experience is unchanged.
  6. In the Indeed Domains field, enter the referrer domain “”. This is the default value. In the event that the domain changes, you can enter the new domain here.
  7. Click Save.