The value of a job offer's salary is populated based on the grade or grade ladder
specified in the candidate's assignment.
If the job or assignment section of the job offer defines a
grade or a grade ladder with or without a step, then the associated salary will get
pre-filled by default in the Salary section of the job offer.-
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Progression Grade Ladders task.
- When you create the progression grade ladder:
Set Include Salary Updates to Yes.
Set Salary Calculation Method to Use grade step rate.
This feature is relevant for any offers assigned to a salary basis with the salary
basis type of Salary amount is determined by user.
Include the Salary section in your offer flow.
- Include the Grade Ladder, Grade, and Step attributes in the Assignment section of your offer
flow. This will require configuration using Transaction Design Studio, in HCM
Experience Design Studio.
Exception: If your grades don't have steps, then you won't need to include the
Step attribute.