Recruiting Content Library

The Recruiting Content Library contains various text-based content and notifications used in job requisitions, job requisition templates, candidate job applications, job offers. The text-based content and notifications are organized into several categories.

Notifications are also available in Alerts Composer. This tool contains notification templates sent to recruiters, hiring managers, collaborators, interviewers, job offer team members for different events in the job application process, the hiring process, and when a job offer moves through its life cycle. Note that interview notifications sent to the recruiters, hiring managers, and interviewers are available in Alerts Composer, whereas interview notifications sent to candidates are available in the Recruiting Content Library.

The maximum size of a notification is 15MB. If you exceed this limit, the notification might not be sent. To respect this limit, you can optimize images or logos in the notification.


Don't disable predefined notifications because they support the intended functionality. However, you can change their content.

The following table presents the notification categories, their description, and where the notifications appear. Note that the notification appears in the Interactions tab only if the Capture Interactions checkbox is enabled for the content item. Similarly, the outgoing email or SMS message appears in the Messages tab only if the Capture Message checkbox is enabled.



Where the Notification Appears
Automated Agent Notification Message automatically sent to recruiting agents as job applications are moved through the candidate selection process. Interactions tab

Automated Duplicate Check Notification

Message automatically sent to the recruiter or designated members of the Hiring Team to inform them of duplicate check results. These notifications are sent when the selection process is configured to automatically initiate a candidate duplicate check before the candidate is moved to the HR phase.

Capture message disabled
Automated Hiring Team Notification Message automatically sent to members of the job requisition and job offer hiring teams as job applications are moved through the candidate selection process. The sent notifications appear in the Interactions tab of job applications. Interactions tab

Automated Job Application Notification

Message automatically sent to candidates throughout the candidate selection process so they're kept informed of their progress. Recruiters and hiring managers can view the notifications that were sent and the content of those notifications in the Interactions tab of the candidate's job application.

For details, see Configure Automated Job Application Notifications.

Messages tab

Automated Job Application Request Info Notification

Message automatically sent to external candidates to ask them to provide more information once they've applied to a job.

For details, see Configure Candidate Notifications.

Messages tab

Campaign Opt In Statement

Text describing the candidate's agreement to receive recruitment marketing communications.

The opt in statement is displayed to candidates as part of the candidate's job application process. By default, only candidates that have opted in are included in campaign audiences.

Candidate Email Update Confirmation Notification

Message sent to candidates to inform them that their email address was changed.

Capture message disabled

Candidate Email Update Request Notification

Message sent to candidates to confirm their new email address.

Capture message disabled

Candidate Job Application Notification

Message that can be sent in bulk in any candidate job application context.

You can include tokens in the notification so that the message is specific to the candidate in the context of the job application.

You can add logos and images to support your branding.

You can contextualize the message with job requisition attributes including recruiting type, organization, location, job family, and job function.

You can translate notifications so they're sent in the candidate's job application language. Recruiters can select these notifications when using the Send Email action.

You can have multiple active content items for this category.

Messages tab
Candidate Merge Notification Message sent to inform recruiters of the merge requet status. Capture message disabled

Candidate Pool Member Notification

Message that can be sent in bulk in any candidate pool context. You can include tokens in the notification. You can add logos and images to support your branding. You can translate notifications so they're sent in the candidate's preferred language. Recruiters can select these notifications when using the Send Email action.

You can have multiple active content items for this category.

Messages tab

Candidate Profile Notification

Message that can be sent in bulk in any candidate profile context. You can include tokens in the notification. You can add logos and images to support your branding. You can translate notifications so they're sent in the candidate's preferred language. Recruiters can select these notifications when using the Send Email action.

You can have multiple active content items for this category.

Messages tab

Candidate Verification Notification

Message sent to candidates to confirm their identity using a code.

Messages tab

Double Opt In Email Confirmation

Message sent to candidates to confirm their options to receive recruiting marketing communications and job alerts when they apply for a job, when they sign in into a talent community, of from their candidate self service page.

Messages tab

Employer Description

Text describing the company hiring candidates. Recruiters and hiring managers select the employer description in the Job Formatting tab of job requisitions. The Recruiting Administrator also selects the employer description in the Job Formatting tab of job requisition templates.

You can have multiple active content items for this category.

Displayed to candidates in job postings.

Hiring Team Notification

Message sent to the Hiring Team members to notify them of actions they need to take on job requisitions, job applications, or job offers and keep them informed through the hiring process.

You can configure hiring team notification templates to be sent to specific Hiring Team members. You need to define all Hiring Team collaborator types before creating notification templates.

It's recommended to include the lookup code in the collaborator type tokens so that users can easily select the correct token when managing notification templates and sending messages to the Hiring Team. For example, the lookup code defined was INTERVIEW_TEAM then the tokens available in the notification would be Requisition_INTERVIEW_TEAM_DisplayNameList and Offer_INTERVIEW_TEAM_DisplayNameList.

Interactions tab

Interview Canceled Notification

Message sent to the candidate when a candidate interview is deleted.

Messages tab

Interview Reminder Notification

Message automatically sent to the candidate 24 hours before a scheduled interview.

Messages tab

Interview Rescheduled Notification

Message sent to the candidate when a candidate interview is rescheduled.

Messages tab

Interview Scheduled Notification

Message sent to the candidate when a candidate interview is scheduled.

Messages tab

Interview Updated Notification

Message sent to the candidate when a candidate interview is changed.

Messages tab

Invite to Schedule Interview Notification

Message sent to the candidate when a candidate is invited to schedule an interview.

Messages tab

Job Alert Notification

Message sent to candidates to inform them that there are new job opportunities that might interest them.

Messages tab

Job Application Confirmation Notification

Message sent to candidates to request them to confirm their email address so they're considered for the job.

Messages tab

Job Application E-Signature Statement

Instructions displayed to candidates when they provide their electronic signature as part of the candidate's application process. The E-Signature option is turned on or off by the Recruiting Administrator using the Job Application Flow Configuration task, in the Set Up and Maintenance work area.

For this content category, you can have one active content item for internal postings, one active content item for external postings, or one content item covering both internal and external postings.

Displayed to candidates as part of the candidate's application process.

Job Application Legal Disclaimer

Text intended to specify or delimit the scope of rights and obligations that might be exercised between the hiring company and candidates. The Legal Disclaimer option is turned on or off by the Recruiting Administrator using the Job Application Flow Configuration task, in the Set Up and Maintenance work area.

Displayed to candidates as part of the candidate's application process.

Job Apply Thank You Notification

Message sent to candidates to thank them for their job application.

Messages tab

Job Offer Accepted Notification

Message sent to candidates to acknowledge that their job offer was accepted.

Messages tab

Job Offer Declined Notification

Message sent to candidates to acknowledge that their job offer was declined (status is Offer - Withdrawn).

Messages tab

Job Offer E-Signature Statement

Text displayed to candidates as they're about to accept job offers. The Recruiting Administrator can configure the content of the statement to target external candidates, current internal workers, or both. When a candidate accepts a job offer, the current job offer e-signature statement is shown to the candidate according to the candidate type (internal, external) and the candidate must provide their name as a light e-signature. The Job Offer Team can't edit the text for each specific job offer.

For this content category, you can have one active content item for internal postings, one active content item for external postings, or one content item covering both internal and external postings.

Displayed to candidates as they're about to accept job offers.

Job Offer Expiration Notification

Message sent to candidates to inform them that their job offer is expiring soon.

Messages tab

Job Offer Extended Notification

Message sent to candidates to inform them that a job offer was extended to them and a response is needed.

Messages tab

Job Offer Extended Rejected Notification

Message sent to candidates to inform them that they're no longer considered for a job. This notification can only be sent to candidates who were already aware of their job offer, and who are rejected directly from the state Offer - Extended.

Messages tab

Job Offer Letter Template

Template to create a job offer letter. To create offer letters for candidates, there must be at least one job offer letter template upon which to base the offer letters. This template provides the formatting, branding, and most of the text that each candidate will see when they receive their offer letter. It also contains tokens that are replaced by specific values for each person's offer letter. When each individual offer letter gets created, using either of the available methods for resolving tokens, this template becomes personalized by merging the template's text with that candidate's specific offer values, such as the requisition title, offer start date, and work location as replacements for all of its tokens.

For each offer letter template, only the current version will be used. When a candidate's offer is associated with a given offer letter template, it will be generated based on the currently-active version of that template. If you need to make a change to the content or formatting to be reflected in the offer letters of future candidates whose offers use a given template, you should inactivate the template in the Content Library and upload a new template to a new item in the Content Library to avoid impacting active offers. For details, see Job Offer Letter Template.

To provide each job offer letter template translated into various languages, it's recommended to create one job offer letter template that contains every desired language translation on subsequent pages. That template should be configured to display only the pages in the appropriate language conditionally, depending on the language in which the candidate applied to the job.

Capture message disabled

Job Offer Post-Offer Text

Candidates can be shown any short text immediately after they accept the job offer. You can configure this text to acknowledge the candidate's acceptance, or to suggest next steps for external and internal candidates after they agree to take a new job.

Subsequent times when the candidate returns to view their accepted offer letter or download the PDF file of their offer letter, this acknowledgment text is no longer shown.

Displayed to candidates after they accept the job offer.

Job Offer Re-extended Notification

Message sent to candidates to inform them that a job offer was extended to them.

Messages tab
Job Offer Start Date Changed Notification Message sent to candidates to inform them that the start date on their job offer was changed.

For the changes to the start date to appear in the candidate application Messages tab, you need to select the Capture Message option.

Messages tab

Job Referral Notification

Message sent to candidates to inform them that they were referred for a job.

Messages tab
Marketplace Opportunity Notification Message sent to candidates to inform them that there are new opportunities that might interest them. Messages tab
Opportunity Marketplace Assigned Gig Notification Message sent to candidates to inform them that they have been selected for a gig. Messages tab
Opportunity Marketplace Gig Canceled Message sent to candidates to inform them that the gig for which they were selected was canceled. Messages tab
Opportunity Marketplace Gig Not Approved Message sent to candidates to inform them that the gig to which they applied wasn't approved by their manager. Messages tab
Opportunity Marketplace Gig Not Selected Message sent to candidates to inform them that they weren't selected for the gig. Messages tab
Opportunity Marketplace Invite Candidate For Gig Notification Message sent to candidates to invite them to apply to a gig. Messages tab

Posting Description

Descriptions used by recruiters when they create job requisitions.

Capture message disabled

Prospect Candidate Notification

Message that can be sent in bulk in any candidate prospect context. You can include tokens in the notification. You can add logos and images to support your branding. You can contextualize the message with job requisition attributes including recruiting type, organization, location, job family, and job function. You can translate notifications so they are sent in the candidate's preferred language. Recruiters can select these notifications when using the Send Email action.

You can have multiple active content items for this category.

Messages tab

Recruiting Organization Description

Text describing the organization for which the candidate will be working. Recruiters and hiring managers select the recruiting organization description in the Job Formatting tab of job requisitions. The Recruiting Administrator also selects the recruiting organization description in the Job Formatting tab of job requisition templates. The recruiting organization description is displayed to candidates in job postings.

You can have multiple active content items for this category.

Capture message disabled

Saved Draft Application Notification

Message sent to external candidates to inform them that their draft job application was saved and that they can complete and submit it.

Capture message disabled

Saved Draft Application Reminder

Message sent to external candidates to remind them that their draft job application was saved and that they can complete and submit it.

Capture message disabled

Send Invite Notification

Message sent to candidates to invite them to apply for a job.

Capture message disabled

Social Campaigns Confirmation Notification

Message sent to candidates signing up on a social media campaign landing page and that landing page is tied to a career site that doesn't have Talent Community enabled.

Messages tab

Talent Community Confirmation Notification

Message sent to candidates to confirm their email address.

Messages tab