Sections and Blocks Used in Job Application Flows

A job application flow is a sequence of pages that candidates complete. A job application flow contains sections, and each section contains blocks of information.


These sections are available in job application flows. You can change the name of a section. You can also remove sections from the flow. If you don't add any block to a section, the section isn't displayed to candidates.



Personal Information

The Personal Info section contains info such as contact information, address. For internal candidates applying for a job, the personal information is prepopulated with information from their person record to streamline the process.

Job Application Questions

The Job Application Questions section contains questions that the candidates are asked to answer, such as disqualification questions and prescreening questions marked as required. Based on the answers provided, the candidate's job application is entered in the selection process or can be automatically rejected from the selection process.


The Experience section contains the candidate education and work experience. The education and experience information can be displayed in a graphical timeline or in two separate blocks.

More About You

The More About You section allows candidates to upload files such as resume and cover letter, to add links to external web sites, and to provide details about licenses, work preferences, and spoken languages.

Note: For the Apply with LinkedIn and resume parsing functionality, only default sections are imported.


A block is a container which holds questions for your candidates. Blocks available to be used in a flow depend on the flow type. The following blocks are available.
Warning: Profile descriptive flexfields (DFF) aren't visible in Recruiting. The DFF context will be populated on the profile items as soon as the candidate is converted into a pending worker or employee.



Available in


The content of the Address block varies depending on the country selected by candidates. The country format is based on the definition selected in the Manage Features by Country or Territory task, in the Setup and Maintenance work area. In addition, the order of address fields might be enforced if the list of values is enabled for address elements in the Manage Geographies task, in the Setup and Maintenance work area (Setup and Maintenance > Manage Geographies task > search for and select a country > Geography Mapping and Validation > Enable List of Values).

If a candidate provided info in the Address block in any previous flows, the block is displayed with the info provided by the candidate. The candidate can update the info if needed.

Make sure the selected address style has the "Country" element visible, otherwise candidates won't be able to select a country.

When candidates apply for a job, their country value gets automatically populated using the following defaults:

  • If their browser setting is to always allow using their location, the country is defaulted based on their location.

  • If their browser setting is to not allow using their location, the country is defaulted to the requisition's primary location country.

  • If their browser setting is to always ask before using their location:

    • If they allowed using location before entering the flow, or before entering the duplicate check for phone, country defaults based on their location.

    • If they declined using their location before entering the flow, or before entering the duplicate check for phone, country defaults based on the requisition's primary location country.

    • If they ignored the question, it will be asked again when they enter the flow, or the duplicate check for phone.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow

Talent Community Flow


The Assessment block is used to ask candidates to fill inline assessments before they submit their applications. When the assessment is completed and is successful, the partner returns a Completed by Candidate status to Recruiting. Assessment results are visible to recruiters when the job application is submitted.

Apply Flow

Contact Information

The Contact Information block contains the name, phone number, and email fields. If a candidate provided info in the Contact Information block in any previous flows, the block is displayed with the info provided by the candidate. The candidate can update the info if needed.

The candidate name format is based on the Universal definition configured using the Manage Person Name Styles task, in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow

Talent Community Flow


The Disability block can display disability-related fields configured for any country, and can display the specific form required in the United States. If the block is in a flow used in a requisition that has a location in that country, that's what governs which fields are shown.

When you add the Disability block and configure the below fields in Transaction Design Studio, external candidates will be shown questions about any disability they might want to share, for each country in which the requisition is posted.

  • Category

  • Reason

  • Reasonable Accommodation Request

  • Status

All fields shown in the Disability block are optional, candidates can choose to respond or not. If the location of the requisition is within the United States, the US Disability Form CC-305 form will be displayed. It's not recommended to configure displaying more than the single disability-related question for locations in the US to preserve the accuracy of that required form.

These questions are shown each time the candidate applies to a job whose requisition's application flow includes this block. The information collected from these questions isn't visible to the hiring team or any recruiters, to avoid influencing the hiring process. The candidate's responses are reportable per job application. They become visible in the new people's profiles if and when they're hired for the job.

If a job is posted to several countries with different setups for disability questions, the block is visible to external candidates as collapsed accordion elements. Candidates click the appropriate country to expand the section, and then provide the required information.

When internal workers apply within their company for jobs in any country, this block doesn't show but their current values for these disability fields are also tracked. This information becomes reportable per job application. The information can be updated as needed by the worker themselves using self-service, or by their current line manager or HR specialist. This information isn't visible to the Hiring Team or any recruiters, to avoid influencing the internal mobility hiring process.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow


The Diversity block is configurable to show specific fields and specific response choices that are configured for each country in which the requisition is posted:

  • Date of Birth

  • Ethnicity (in the US using the two-question format which separates ethnicity and race)

  • Gender

  • Marital Status

  • Religion

  • Oracle-delivered person legislative information flexfields (PER_PERSON_LEGISLATIVE_ DATA_LEG_DDF)

  • Customer-defined flexfields that you need for legislative purposes (PER_PERSON_LEGISLATIVE_ DFF). This includes only Global Data Elements.

The Diversity block will show the appropriate fields and response choices for each country in which that requisition is posted, each time the candidate applies to a job whose requisition's application flow includes this block. These questions are optional, so candidates can choose not to respond. The information collected from these questions isn't visible to the Hiring Team or any recruiters, to avoid influencing the hiring process. The candidate's responses are reportable per job application. They become visible in the new people's profiles if and when they're hired for the job.

If a job is posted to several countries with different setups for diversity questions, the block is visible to external candidates as collapsed accordion elements. Candidates click the appropriate country to expand the section, and then provide the required information. When diversity info is prefilled for the candidate or some information is required, the section is automatically expanded.

When internal workers apply within their company for jobs in any country, this block doesn't show but the workers' current values are tracked. The information can be updated as needed by the worker themselves using self-service, or by their current line manager or HR specialist. This information isn't visible in the job application to the Hiring Team or any recruiters, to avoid influencing the internal mobility hiring process.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow


The Education block contains fields defined in the Degrees content section of the Manage Profile Types task, in the Setup and Maintenance work area. The information is prepopulated if a candidate record is found in the database or if the candidate imported a profile from a third party. Otherwise, the candidate enters the information manually.

Note: If both School and School Name fields are set to be visible in the Education block, they're presented as a combo box (drop-down list and text field).

If this block is set to be required, candidates are required to enter at least one piece of information in that block.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow

Talent Community Flow


The Experience block contains fields defined in the Previous Employment content section of the Manage Profile Types task, in the Setup and Maintenance work area. The information is prepopulated if a candidate record is found in the database or if the candidate imported a profile from a third party. Otherwise, the candidate enters the information manually.

If this block is set to be required, candidates are required to enter at least one piece of information in that block.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow

Talent Community Flow

Extra Information

The Extra Information block is used to collect additional details from candidates. For example, you might want to capture details about the job references of a candidate, their hobbies, special interests, or special needs to attend an interview. These fields are configured in Person EIT Information (PER_PERSON_EIT_EFF), using the Manage Person Extensible Flexfield task available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

When the Extra Information block is added to a Request Information flow, it won't appear to candidates if a recruiter has entered information in it.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow

Job Application Questions

The Job Application Questions block contains questions that candidates are asked to answer, such as disqualification questions and prescreening questions. When disqualified, the candidate isn't notified of their disqualification during the application process and the candidate can finish and submit their job application. Also, although a job application might have been automatically rejected based on the candidate responses to disqualification questions, the recruiter, upon the review of the candidate's responses, can still consider the job application and move the job application back to active in the selection process (by undoing the rejection).

Apply Flow


The Languages block contains fields defined in the Languages content section of the Manage Profile Types task, in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

If this block is set to be required, candidates are required to enter at least one piece of information in that block.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow

Talent Community Flow

Licenses and Certificates

The Licenses and Certificates block contains fields defined in the Licenses and Certifications content section of the Manage Profile Types task, in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

If this block is set to be required, candidates are required to enter at least one piece of information in that block.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow

Talent Community Flow

Miscellaneous Documents

The Miscellaneous Documents block allows candidates to add file attachments of different types to their job applications. Candidates can select a file from their device and drag and drop it.

The size limit for each file attached is 50 MB. There's no restriction on the type of files attached. Candidates can upload a maximum of 10 attachments to each Miscellaneous Documents block in the flow.

Each Miscellaneous Documents block has its own required configuration. If attachments are required for a block, candidate need add at least one file to the block.

You can add several Miscellaneous Documents blocks. Each instance of the block can have its own title and description. Attachments are added to one job application only (they're not added to the candidate profile). Attachments won't appear in the application flows in any subsequent job applications, or in any subsequent request information flows in the current job application.

You can configure what file types are allowed. For details, see Configure Types of Miscellaneous Documents Attached by Candidates.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow

Preferred Locations

The Preferred Locations block enables candidates to select their preferred locations when applying for a job. The block is only available for external job application flows. Preferred locations displayed to candidates are based on work locations and posting locations defined in the job requisition:

  • If the requisition has one work location, only that work location is displayed to candidates.

  • If the requisition has several work locations, all work locations are displayed to candidates.

  • If the requisition has no work locations, posting locations are displayed to candidates.

Apply Flow

Profile Import

The Profile Import block appears at the beginning of the flow. It contains profile import options. Candidates can import their profile from a third party such as LinkedIn and Indeed, or upload a resume. These options need to be enabled to appear on the job application flow.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow

Talent Community Flow


The Questionnaire block is used to collect questions included in a questionnaire added to a flow.

Questionnaires can be confidential. Only users with the privilege View Confidential Questionnaire Responses (IRC_VIEW_CONFIDENTIAL_QUESTIONNAIRE_RESPONSES) will see responses given by candidates.

Request Information Flow

Sensitive Personal Information

The Sensitive Personal Information block is used to collect the date of birth and national identifier of a candidate. You can require that candidates provide their date of birth, national identifier, or both when selecting those options. You can also expose or hide the Date of Birth and National Identifier fields. Both fields are exposed by default. You must have at least one of these fields set to visible.
Note: The visibility settings for these two fields apply to individual application flows. This means you can have Date of Birth visible in one flow, and National Identifier visible in another.

If a candidate has their date of birth and national identifiers stored in their profile, the block is displayed with that info. External candidates can update the info if needed. Returning candidates can update the info but not remove the existing national identifier.

Ex-employees, ex-contingent workers, and contingent workers as external candidates can view information from their profile. While they can't edit their existing national identifier and date of birth, they can add a new national identifier (but not a new date of birth).

Note that the Sensitive Personal Information block isn't available in Talent Community flows. As a result, candidates can't view and update their date of birth and national identifier when they sign in into a talent community or in their profile management in the candidate self-service.

The View External Candidate Sensitive Information (IRC_VIEW_EXTERNAL_CANDIDATE_SENSITIVE_INFORMATION) duty role is required to view the sensitive information of external candidates in their job application.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow


The Skills block is used to collect skills from candidates. When candidates apply for a job, they see the Skills block and they can enter skills relevant to the job. Candidates can also import their skills with the profile import using a resume, Apply with LinkedIn, and Indeed.

If this block is set to be required, candidates are required to enter at least one piece of information in that block.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow

Talent Community Flow

Supporting Documents

The Supporting Documents block allows candidates to add resumes, cover letters, and URLs to their social profiles. You can indicate which types of documents are required from candidates. Supported file formats are: .txt, .rtf, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .odt, .html, .htm. File size is limited to 5 MB.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow

Talent Community Flow

Tax Credits

The Tax Credits block allows external candidates to fill an inline tax credit assessments before they submit their job applications. When the assessment is completed and is successful on the partner portal, the partner returns the candidate back to the application flow to complete and submit the assessment. Assessment results are visible to recruiters once the job application is submitted.

The partner must enable inline assessment.

Apply Flow


The Timeline block can be used instead of the Education and Experience blocks. It combines education and experience content, displayed in a graphical timeline. The timeline is built as the candidate enters information. Only available in external career sites.

The Timeline block can only be used with the default Education and Experience content sections. To capture data using non-default sections, use the Education and Experience blocks.

Note: If this block is set to be required, candidates must add at least one experience and one education.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow

Talent Community Flow


The Veteran block can be configured for jobs posted in the United States. If the block is in a flow used in a requisition that doesn't have any locations in the US, the Veteran block won't appear.

When the Veteran block is included in the application flow, external candidates who apply for jobs posted anywhere in the United States will see this block containing the field Veteran Status. Explanations of this field's standard response options can be configured to display within the block's instructions. This question is optional, so candidates can choose not to respond.

When internal workers apply within their company for jobs posted anywhere in the United States, their this block doesn't show, but the candidate's current value for veteran status is tracked.

US veteran information could be gathered from candidates in two places. However, the best practice is to configure and display this field only once.

  • If your application flow from prior releases already contains the Veteran block, which appears only for requisitions in US locations, then you might want to continue using it. This block always shows only the single field that's required by US law: the field called Veteran Status. There's no need to configure this field to be visible in Transaction Design Studio because it will automatically appear when the Veteran block is displayed. You might want to ensure that instructions for the Veteran block give the definition of all categories of protected veteran, because candidates aren't asked to self-identify their specific category while applying for jobs. Here in the pre-offer time frame, candidates are only asked to disclose whether or not they fall into any category of protected veteran. Each candidate's response, if any, is reportable in the table IRC_REGULATORY_RESPONSES, in ATTRIBUTE_3.

  • Additional US veteran-related fields aren't required to be gathered from candidates. These additional available fields allow people to self-identify their specific category of protected veteran, and they're intended to be displayed post-offer to workers using self-service. If you do want to display any of these fields, you can configure them in HCM Experience Design Studio. These fields will appear in the Diversity block alongside other legislative flexfields (PER_PERSON_LEGISLATIVE_DATA_LEG_DDF).

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow

Work Preferences

The Work Preferences block contains fields defined in the Work Requirements content section of the Manage Profile Types task, in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Apply Flow

Request Information Flow