How External Course Properties Map to Oracle Learning Course Properties

When you import an external course, the process creates a corresponding HACP (HTTP-based AICC/CMI Protocol) content resource, course, self-paced offering, and offering activity. These objects are pointers to the external content hosted in the provider's catalog.

Here's how the imported AICC external course properties map to learning item properties:

External Course Properties Learning Item Properties
  • Content resource title
  • Course title
  • Offering title
  • Offering activity title
  • Content resource description
  • Course description
  • Offering description
  • Offering activity description
Thumbnail image

Course branding image

We don't import brand images from BizLibrary because it sends the image URLs encoded in Base64 format, which we don't support.

Language Offering language
Provider name Content resource author
Import date
  • Content resource start date
  • Course publish start date
  • Offering publish start date
Retired date
  • Content resource end date
  • Course publish end date
  • Offering publish end date

Imported properties don't include any expected effort properties, including minimums and maximums.


For xAPI content, the properties are a 1-to-1 mapping with Oracle learning items. For example, the title is the title on both sides and the summary from the provider is the Oracle Learning short description. Here's what we import from the xAPI external content providers:

  • Content URL
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Description
  • Instruction languages
  • Expected effort
  • Publisher
  • Author
  • Instructor
  • Status
  • Deactivation date
  • Cover art URL

The import learning content process uses the learning setting for recorded attempts when it creates the HACP content resources. It also uses the applicable global learning settings when it creates the courses and offerings. To review and configure the global settings, use the Configure Catalog Defaults task on the My Client Groups > Learning page. Learning administrators can change these global settings when they're creating or editing a learning item.