Mobile Oracle Learning

You can let learners download their active learning assignments to their mobile devices using the Oracle Fusion Application mobile app. That way they can continue working through their learning content while they're offline.

Oracle Fusion Applications downloads the learning data when learners are online and sign in to the app. The download happens automatically when they have access to Oracle Learning Cloud and you enable offline learning. Every time a learner connects to the server, there's a check to see if there's new learning data to download.

When learners are offline, Oracle Fusion Applications prompts them to switch to the offline mode. They can then access their offline content in the mobile app using the last logged in server and user combination. If the server session expired while they were offline, the app might require learners to sign in again when they go back online. When they go online, their learning progress syncs with Oracle HCM Cloud.

For more information, including frequently asked questions (FAQs) you can also see these documents on My Oracle Support: