Configure Approval Rules for Development Goal Transactions

You can configure and define approval rules for the development goal transactions in Transaction Console.

Define Approvals in Transaction Console

From Home go to Tools > Transaction Console. Click the Approval Rules tab to manage the approval rule set for all Development Goal transactions. Use the Approve Development Goal task to review or modify the configuration of approval rules for development goals. The Rule Set consists of two rules.

  • Automatic Approval of Development Goals DevelopmentGoalAutoApproval

  • Manual Approval of Development Goals DevelopmentGoalManualApproval

By default, the primary rule, Automatic Approval of Development Goals is enabled to automatically approve development goal transactions. When the conditions in this rule are met, the application doesn't generate any approval notifications. By default, all the conditions in this rule evaluate to the True state.

When you want to meet your specific development goal approval requirements, you need to modify the approval rule set. The secondary rule Manual Approval of Development Goals rule captures the requirements for triggering manual approvals using approval notifications. This rule triggers the approval notification flow. By default, all the conditions in this rule evaluate to the False state.

For each condition that you want to trigger approvals, you need to modify both the manual and automatic approval rules so that only one rule meets the conditions at any given time for a goal transaction. This table lists the basic Development Goals approval conditions and indicates the value that needs to be assigned for the condition attribute to enable the manual approval of development goal transactions.

Approval Condition

Condition Attribute

Attribute Value to Enable Manual Approval

New Goal

Development Goals.Goal Added Flag


Delete Goal

Development Goals.Goal Deleted Flag


Completed Goal

Development Goals.Status Code


Updated Goal

Development Goals.Updated Flag


You can configure these conditions to evaluate to the false state by adding the prefix NOT_ to the attribute value in the expression. To ensure that the conditions evaluate to the true state, you need to remove the prefix NOT_ from their expressions. For example, to trigger approvals when new goals are created, in the manual approval rule, specify the condition Development Goal.Goal Added Flag to True. You need to set the value as Y instead of NOT_Y. And in the automatic approval rule, you need to add a new condition DevelopmentGoal.Goal Added Flag!="Y".


If you don't want to use any approvals for development goals, you can select the Bypass Approvals check box option for Approve Development Goal in Transaction Console.

Modify Approval Rule Set

You can modify the rule set of development goals to meet your specific approval requirements. Remember that there is only one manual approval rule along with its corresponding mutually exclusive automatic approval rule.


Ensure that the automatic and manual approval rules don't logically conflict or overlap. Errors may surface and development plans may get locked. Your administrator needs to use Transaction Console to either terminate the transactions or forcefully approve the transactions.

Add a New Development Goal Condition in the Rule Set

Apart from the basic conditions in the Manual Approval of Development Goals rule, you can add more conditions. Build expressions by using the development goal payload attributes. You need to add the condition to both the manual and automatic approval rules and ensure that the rules complement each other. Remember that the condition added in the automatic approval rule needs to be the inverse of the condition added to the manual approval rule.


When configuring multiple manual rules, the person who approves may receive multiple or even duplicate notifications.