Overview of Talent Pool Deep Links

You can use deep links to navigate directly to the talent pool pages. You can also embed talent pool deep links in reports or other third party applications and edit or open specific talent pools.

Remember that you need to have access to the Talent Pools overview page to use the talent pool deep links.

Deep Links for Navigation

You can find the talent pool related deep links on the Deep Links page. Use only the deep links listed in this table for navigating to a talent pool page.

Deep Link

Navigates To

Responsive Talent Pools Overview

Talent Pools page

Responsive Create Talent Pool

Create Talent pool page

The Edit Talent pool deep link requires the talent pool ID as a parameter. So we recommend that you don't use this deep link to navigate to a talent pool page.

Deep Links for Editing Talent pool Pages

Use the standard deep link URL listed in the table to edit talent pool pages.

URL Type


Standard Deep Link URL


Note that you need to pass the talent pool ID as a parameter to open the corresponding talent pool page. Also remember that you need to have access to the talent pool that you're trying to edit.

This table describes the expected behavior when you try to use the edit talent pool deep link.

User's Access Level

Expected Behavior

You've access to the Succession Overview page.

You've the privilege to edit a talent pool.

You can edit the talent pool. When you save or cancel your changes, you'll go to the Succession Overview page.

You've access to the Succession Overview page.

But you don't have the privilege to edit a talent pool.

You'll see a blank page.

You don't have access to the Succession Overview page.

But you've the privilege to edit a talent pool.

You'll see a blank page.

You don't have access to the Succession Overview page.

You don't have the privilege to edit a talent pool.

You'll see a blank page.