Talent Review Profile Options

As an application implementor, you can use Talent Review profile values to configure the Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Review work area.

You can use profile options for these configurations:

  • Specify the folder to store analyses for selecting the review population for a meeting.

  • Indicate if meeting facilitators can include themselves in the review population or not.

  • Enable responsive Oracle Talent Review pages.

  • Configure how manager search works in responsive pages.

General Profile Option

This table describes the Oracle Talent Review profile value for specifying the default reports folder and lists the task that you need to use to change the profile value.

Profile Option Code

Profile Display Name

Default Value

What Happens When You Change the Profile Value

Task to Use



Default Reports Folder for Talent Review


HR specialists can add analyses to the specified folder. They can then select an analysis to add workers to the review population of a talent review meeting.

Talent Review Profile Option Values

  • You can copy the folder path directly from Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) by navigating to Properties for one of the analyses in the folder. You can then paste the copied location in the Profile Value field.

  • You can enter only one folder location.

  • The profile value must start with a forward slash (/), but not end with a forward slash.


Allow facilitator to add themselves to the review population


Meeting facilitators can’t include themselves in the review population of a Talent Review meeting.

Manage Administrator Profile Values

If a Talent Review meeting has more than one facilitator, a facilitator can add any of the other facilitators to the review population. Also, facilitators can always include themselves as review participants.

Responsive Profile Options

Some profile options are specific to responsive Oracle Talent Review. Use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task to change the responsive profile options.


Select the Talent Review application and click Search.

This table describes the Talent Review profile values that are used for responsive Oracle Talent Review pages and lists the default value of the profile options.

Profile Option Code

Profile Display Name

Default Value

Effect of Enabling


Mobile-Responsive Talent Review Pages Enabled


You will see the responsive Talent Review pages.


Search for Talent Review Managers Starts with Enabled


When you search for managers to include in a meeting on a responsive Talent Review page, the search results include manager names that start with the specified characters.