Add Goals to a Goal Plan

Depending on your security privileges and role, you can add performance goals to goal plans.

You can add performance goals on any of these pages:

  • A goal plan page

  • A worker's Goals page

  • A report's Goals page

  • Goal and Performance Overview page

  • Mass assignment process page

How You Add Goals

This table describes how you can add goals to a goal plan from various Goal Management pages.


Steps to Add a Goal


A goal plan page

  1. Click My Client Groups > Goals > Goal Plans.

  2. Search for goal plans by selecting the review period and a worker's or manager's name.

  3. Click the name of a goal plan to edit it or add a goal plan.

  4. In the Goals section, add a library goal or create a goal.

  • If the library goal you add is already assigned to a worker for the selected goal plan, it won't be assigned again even if you change the name of the library goal.
  • You need to run the Assign goal plans scheduled process to assign the goals added.

A worker's Goals page

  1. Click Me > Career and Performance > Goals.

  2. Select a review period.

  3. Select a goal plan.

  4. Click Add.

  5. On the Add Goal page, select a library goal or enter the goal name to create a goal.

  6. Enter goal details and save the goal.

You can add goals only to those goal plans that are assigned to you.

A report's Goals page

  1. Click My Team My Team. Search and click a person's name. On the person's person spotlight page, click the Goals tab.

  2. Select a review period.

  3. Select a goal plan.

  4. Click Add.

  5. On the Add Goal page, select a library goal or enter the goal name to create a goal.

  6. Enter goal details and save the goal.

On the Goals page, you can add goals to only those goal plans that are assigned to your report.

Goal and Performance Overview page

  1. Click My Team > Performance Overview.

  2. Select a review period.

  3. Select the persons to whom you want to add a performance goal.

  4. Click Add Performance Goal.

  5. For each employee, select the goal plan to which you want to add a goal.

  6. To allow the employee to update the key attributes, select the check box.

  7. Select a library goal or enter the goal name to create a goal.

  8. Enter goal details and save the goal.

  • You can add goals only if a goal plan is assigned to the persons selected for the review period.

  • If the library goal you add is already assigned to a worker for the selected goal plan, it won't be assigned again even if you change the name of the library goal.
  • The Mass Assign Goals scheduled process is scheduled to assign the goals to the workers selected.

Mass assignment process page

  1. Click My Client Groups > Goals > Setup of Performance Goals Mass Assignment.

  2. Edit or add a mass assignment process.

  3. Select review period and goal plan.

  4. If you're creating the process for another manager, select the requester's name.

  5. Select the employees to assign the goals to.

  6. In the Goals section, if you haven't added a requester, add existing library goals or create goals. When you add a requester, you can select and add the requester's goals.

  7. Click Save and Close.

  • If the library goal you add is already assigned to a worker for the selected goal plan, it won't be assigned again even if you change the name of the library goal.
  • You need to run the Mass Assign Goals scheduled process to assign the goals to the workers selected.