Guidelines for Creating Goal Plan Sets

You can use goal plan sets to group performance goal plans for evaluating the overall progress and performance of a worker.

Assign specific goal plans with relative weights to a specific population. Depending on your role and security privileges, you can create goal plan sets. Use the Goal Plan Sets link on the administrator Goals page to create goal plan sets.


The Goal Plan Sets link is displayed only when the Goal Plan Sets Enabled profile option is set to Y. To set the value of the profile option, use the Worker Goal Setting Profile Option Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

A goal plan can be associated with multiple goal plan sets if a goal plan set and the goal plan are associated with the same review period.

To create goal plan sets, you must decide:

  • Dates that a goal plan set is active

  • The individuals to whom to assign the goal plan set and whether to add eligibility profiles

  • Which goal plans to add to the goal plan set

  • How much weight to allocate to the included goal plans

  • When to schedule the assignment of the goal plan set

Select Review Period and Goal Plan Set Active Dates

You must select a review period such that the start and end dates for the goal plan set fall within the review period. Use review periods to determine which goal plans are eligible to belong to a goal plan set. Active goal plans with a review period that's the same as that of the goal plan set can belong to the set.

Add Goal Plans to the Goal Plan Set

When creating a goal plan set, you can create a goal plan and add it to the set. Or you can search for and select from existing active goal plans that have the same review period and add them to the set.

Allocate Weights to the Goal Plans

Allocate weight to each goal plan included in the goal plan set so the sum of weights of all goal plans is 100, if enabled. A goal plan weight indicates the relative importance of each goal plan. Other Oracle Fusion Applications products can consume these weights in their processes. For example, the incentive compensation plan can use these weights and the worker's actual achievement of the goal objectives, to calculate the worker's incentive pay.

Assign the Goal Plan Set

You assign goal plan sets to a selected hierarchy or individuals when creating the goal plan set or at a later time. You can also exclude specific assignees reporting to a manager. When assigning more than one goal plan set to an individual, if the review periods overlap, then the newly assigned goal plan set is set to the pending status. The goals and goal plans included in the pending goal plan set aren't assigned to the worker until the goal plan set status is set to active. After you submit a goal plan set for assignment, you can add or remove individuals, and then resubmit the set for assignment.

Add eligibility profiles to a goal plan set to ensure goal plans added to the goal plan set are assigned to individuals who meet the criteria of all required profiles. For example, you can add a location eligibility profile to a goal plan set to assign goal plans to individuals who are located in certain place. You can further refine eligibility by adding length of service criteria to restrict workers by location and length of service.

Schedule the Assignment of the Goal Plan Set

After you save and close a new goal plan set on the Goal Plan Sets page, you must submit the goal plan set for assignment. You submit a goal plan set for assignment on the Scheduled Processes for Performance Goals page.

  1. Select Assign goal plan sets as the Process Type.

  2. Select the goal plan set you want to assign as the Process Name.

  3. In the Advanced Options, you can select if you want to run the process as soon as possible or use a schedule.

  4. Submit the process.

After the process is complete, the goal plans included in the goal plan set are assigned to all individuals who were selected in the goal plan set. The population settings selected at the individual goal plan level aren't used during the assignment of goal plan sets.

If you rerun the process for an existing goal plan set, edit a goal plan set and then rerun the process, or submit a new goal plan set:

  • New workers selected in the goal plan set are assigned the included goal plans and associated goals within the goal plan.

  • New goal plans included in the goal plan set are assigned to the selected workers.

  • Goal plans included in the goal plan set, but already assigned to the selected workers remain assigned. There are no changes to such goal plans for the selected workers.

  • Goal plans included in the goal plan set and assigned earlier to any workers excluded later from the goal plan set remain assigned to them. There are no changes to such goals or goal plans for the excluded workers. You must manually remove the goal from the goal plan for any workers included in any earlier submissions. You can't delete a goal plan assigned to a worker.