Considerations for Creating Performance Template Sections

You must create a section for each task that requires a section used in the process flow. You create sections using the Performance Template Sections task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

When you create a section, remember to specify the type. Depending on the type, you can also set these items:

  • Whether the section is rated or weighted

  • Which calculation method to use to determine worker ratings, if using calculated ratings

  • Which rating model to use to rate workers

  • Content item processing options

  • Content items to include

After you create the sections, they're available for you to use in the performance template. In the performance template, you can create sections or select and edit previously-created sections.

Section Types

The section types are:

  • Profile Content, to rate worker competencies

  • Performance Goals, to rate worker performance goals

  • Development Goals, to rate worker development goals

  • Questionnaire, to allow managers, workers, and participants to provide feedback about the worker

  • Overall Summary, to provide the overall rating of the worker

  • Worker Final Feedback

  • Manager Final Feedback

Note: Note that competency sections with a text field type aren't supported in performance documents.

You must define a section for the tasks that appear in the process flow that require a section. Each section corresponds to an evaluation topic or section in the performance document.

Did you know that you can include multiple competency type sections? Use them to evaluate different groups of competencies separately. For example, configure a competency section to populate with competencies for an employee's job profile. Configure another to populate with the organization's competencies.


To add multiple competency type sections, you must first enable Enhanced Talent Profile Management. For information about how to upgrade to the Enhanced Talent Profile Management, see Upgrading Oracle Cloud HCM Profile Management on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2421964.1). Then you can define competency sections using the Competencies Template in Enhanced Talent Profile Management.

The tasks that require a section, and the sections that you need to include are in the table.


Required Section

Set Goals

At least one of:

  • Profile Content (for Competencies)

  • Performance Goals

  • Development Goals

Worker Self-Evaluation

Manager Evaluations of Workers

At least one of:

  • Profile Content (for Competencies)

  • Performance Goals

  • Development Goals

  • Overall Summary

Manage Participant Feedback

At least one of:

  • Profile Content (for Competencies)

  • Performance Goals

  • Development Goals

  • Overall Summary

  • Questionnaire

Worker Provides Final Feedback

Worker Final Feedback

Manager Provides Final Feedback

Manager Final Feedback

Section Ratings and Weighting

For the Profile Content (for Competencies), Performance Goals, Development Goals, and Overall Summary sections, you can select whether to enable section ratings, comments, or both. When you enable section ratings and comments, managers, workers, and participants can select a rating for the section and provide comments. For the Profile Content (for Competencies), Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections, they can rate the section separately from the individual content items contained within the section. For the Profile Content section, the content items are competencies. The Performance Goals section contains performance goal items. The Development Goals section contains development goal items.

Managers, workers, participants, and matrix managers can use the calculated ratings as a guide to manually select their ratings. For the Profile Content, Performance Goals, and Developments Goals sections, the application calculates ratings based on ratings on individual items in the section. For the Overall Summary section, the application calculates ratings using the section ratings from the Profile Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections

You can select to weight a section, or items, in a section to place more or less importance on the section or item. The application can use the weights to calculate section and overall ratings.

If you have multiple competency sections, you can configure them differently to determine who sees it and whether it's rated. If you have additional competency sections which are rated, then the application considers them in the overall rating if it's calculated, and their weights if configured.

Calculation Rules

You can have the application calculate the employee's performance rating in addition to having workers and managers manually enter ratings in these sections:

  • Overall Summary

  • Profile Content

  • Performance Goals

  • Development Goals

For the Overall Summary section, the application uses the calculation rule you select to determine overall ratings for performance based on the calculations for the Profile Content (for Competencies), Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections. Select one of these calculation methods for the sections:

  • Average

  • Sum

  • Band

  • Fast formula

For the calculation rules, you must also specify these items:

  • Fast formula (if used)

  • Decimal places

  • Decimal rounding rule

  • Mapping metric

  • Mapping method

Rating Models

In the Overall Summary, Profile Content (for Competencies), Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections, you use rating models to rate the workers. You set up rating models in the profile management business process using the Profile Rating Models task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. If you use a particular rating model to rate the items in a section, you can do one of these actions:

  • Use the same rating model to rate the section itself

  • Select a different model to rate the section

Content Item Processing

For the Profile Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections, you select the ratings and calculation rules to use to determine rating scores for the content items, goals, and competencies, if your organization uses calculated ratings. If you use performance rating types for the section, you can select different rating models to rate individual items in the section. The calculation rules are applied to each item, then combined using the calculation rule you selected for the section to determine the section rating. To use this feature for the Profile Content (Competency) sections, you can select Proficiency, Performance, or Proficiency and Performance as the rating type. For the Performance Goals and Development Goals sections, the Performance rating type applies automatically. Only items added directly to the template are eligible for separate rating models. Items added to the performance document by managers or workers use the performance rating model specified for the section.

Section Content

In the Section Content section, you specify the source of content items. You can also designate additional items to appear in the section.

Information Sources for Profile Content Section

For the Profile Content section, you can select to populate competencies from the model profile related to the worker's job, job family, position or organization. You can also select a specific profile from which to populate competencies. Profiles are maintained in profile management business process. When you create the performance template you can also add competencies directly to it. Weights and minimum weights associated with competencies from a model profile are also populated in the performance document.

Workers and managers can use the update action in the performance document to include new competencies added to the profiles configured for the section. The document updates to include additional content added to the model profiles since the performance document was created or last updated. The weight and minimum weight are only populated in the performance document when the competency is added to the performance document. Subsequent changes to the competency weight and minimum weight in the model profile don't update the weights for competencies that already exist in the performance document.

Writing Assistant

In the Profile Content section, you can select Enable the writing assistant for manager to assist managers in writing useful comments about worker competencies in the performance document. The writing assistant feature provides suggestions for comments that are associated with competencies and their correlated proficiency levels.

Information Source for Performance Goals Section

For the Performance Goals section, select Populate with Worker Goals to add goals from goal plans in the goal management business process to the performance document. To update goals in performance documents with weights that are revised in the goal management business process, select Allow update goals action to update goal weights from goal management business process.

The Evaluation Type which is configured in the Performance Goal template section determines how a goal plan is evaluated in a performance document.

If employees have more than one goal plan that needs to be evaluated in a performance document, that can be configured differently in the performance template section. For example, a person goal plan could be configured to provide ratings and comments at the goal level and an organization goal plan configured to only provide a section rating and comment. The evaluation type determines which goal section the goal plan maps to and how it will be evaluated. When you create a performance document, goal plans that have the same evaluation type as performance goal sections defined in the performance template are automatically added as evaluation topics.

When managers or workers edit the worker's goals in the goal management business process that already exist in the performance document, the changes are updated in the document using two methods:

  • When the manager or worker opens the performance document, all edits to performance goals, except weights, are reflected in the performance document.

  • When the manager or worker uses the Update Goals action in the performance document, goal edits, including weights appear in the document.

To populate the performance document with new performance goals from the goal management business process they must use the Update Goals action.

Information Source for Development Goals Section

To add goals from the career development business process, select Populate with workers development goals covering any part of evaluation period in the Development Goals section for the relevant time period. You can select additional options to determine which development goals appear in the performance document:

  • Include future development goals starting after evaluation period

  • Exclude inactive development goals

When managers or workers edit the worker's existing goals in the career development business process, the changes are reflected in the performance document when it's opened. To populate the performance document with new development goals from the career development business process, they must use the Update Goals action in the performance document.

Content Items

You can add content items to the Profile Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals section definitions. When you use those sections in the performance template select the Load Items from Section action on the Content tab to add the items to the template. The content items in the template appear in the performance documents created from the template.