HCM Data Loader and Performance Business Objects

HCM Data Loader is a tool for bulk-loading and maintaining data about business objects.

You can load data from either delimited data (.dat) files or spreadsheets. HCM Data Loader has a comprehensive user interface for loading data, monitoring progress, and reviewing any errors. The user interface also includes detailed information about component hierarchies and attributes of supported business objects.

HCM Data Loader supports these business objects for Performance Management:

  • Performance Document

  • Performance Documents and Goals Assignment Transfer

  • Performance Document Eligibility

  • Check-in Documents

  • Requested Feedback

  • Anytime Feedback

View Business Objects

To view business objects, follow these steps:

  1. Go to My Client Groups > Data Exchange > View Business Objects.

  2. Type the name of the business object, for example, Performance Document, in the text box above the Business Object column and press Enter.

  3. Click the name of the business object to view its component details and attributes. Click a child object in the Components section on the left to view its details.

Performance Document

Using this business object, you can create, complete, cancel or delete performance documents for an employee. You can also transfer performance documents to a new manager if the original manager should no longer complete the evaluation.

It has these child components:

  • Participants - you can add or delete participants and send requests to participants to provide feedback for performance documents for multiple employees at the same time.

  • Attachments - you can add or delete attachments from a performance document.

Performance Documents and Goals Assignment Transfer

Using this business object, you can transfer an employee's performance documents and goals from one assignment to another for a specific review period. For example, when an employee is transferred globally and a new assignment is created for the transfer, you can move the employee's performance documents and goals from the old, inactive assignment to the new assignment.

Check-In Documents

Create or delete check-in documents for an employee with this object. Use the child component, Discussion Topic, to add or delete discussion topics to the check-in documents.

Performance Document Eligibility

Using this business object, you can run the eligibility process for specific employee assignments, instead of all assignments. This way, you can't process excluded assignments or change eligible assignments to ineligible or vice versa.

Requested Feedback

Using this business object, you can delete sent feedback requests as well as received feedback responses. When you delete a feedback request, the responses associated with it are also automatically deleted. You can also delete feedback requests about an object. When you do this, the object's feedback responses are also deleted.

Anytime Feedback

Using this business object, you can delete anytime feedback responses.

Note: If the person information of the person providing the feedback is removed, the feedback or performance review comments they provided to employees continues to display. However, the person’s name is obfuscated.