Options for Configuring Performance Documents to Display Performance Ratings to Employees

You can configure a performance document to make performance ratings and comments available to employees at different points of a performance evaluation, or not at all.

The availability of performance ratings and comments to employees depend on configurations you make to these Performance Management components:

  • Process flow

  • Sections in the performance template

Configure the Process Flow

When employees can see performance ratings and comments depends on the inclusion and order in the process flow you configure for these tasks:

  • Manager Evaluation of Workers

  • Share Performance Document

  • First Approval

You must include the Manager Evaluation of Workers task to the sections in which managers can rate and provide comments on employee performance. Performance ratings and comments are available in four sections in the performance document: Overall Summary (overall rating) Profile Content (competencies), Performance Goals, and Development Goals. You configure process flows using the Performance Process Flows task in the Setup and Maintenance work area or on the administrator's Performance page.

The table shows when the ratings and comments are available to employees depending on the tasks you added to the process flow, and the order of the tasks.

Task Scenario


Share Performance Document task is included in process flow

Employees can view performance ratings and comments when the manager clicks either of these buttons:

  • Share and Edit

  • Share and Release

First Approval and Manager Evaluation of Workers tasks are included in process flow; Share Performance Document task isn't included

  • If you place the First Approval task after the Manager Evaluation of Workers task, employees can view performance ratings and comments when the approval task is completed.

  • If you place the First Approval task before the Manager Evaluation of Workers task, employees can view performance ratings and comments when the Manager Evaluation of Workers task is completed.

Manager Evaluation of Workers task is included in process flow; Share Performance Document and First Approval tasks aren't included

Employees can view performance ratings and comments when the Manager Evaluation of Workers task is completed.

Configure Sections in the Performance Template

Add and configure the Overall Summary, Profile Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections in the performance template. This lets managers share the ratings and comments and allows employees to access the sections. Note these points when you configure the sections:

  • You can add any, or all of the sections when the Manager Evaluation of Workers task is included in the process flow.

  • You configure the sections on the Structure tab of the performance template.

  • You create and edit performance templates using the Performance Templates task in the Setup and Maintenance work area or on the administrator's Performance page.

On the Structure tab, for the section you're configuring, do these actions:

  1. In the Processing by Role section, add a row and select Manager.

  2. In the Manager row, select Yes in these columns:

    • Share Ratings: To share ratings with the employee

    • Share Comments: To share comments with the employee


    The default setting for both columns is No.

  3. To make the section visible to the employee, add another row and select Worker. The Share Ratings and Share Comments settings for the Worker row are set to Yes and you can't change their value because managers can always view the employee ratings and comments.