Create a Job Requisition Based on a Position

You can create a job requisition by selecting a position to base it upon.

  1. On the Job Requisitions page, click Add.
  2. In the Requisition Type field, select Standard.
  3. In the Use field, select Position.
  4. Select a business unit.
    The Business Unit field is required when you create a job requisition based on a position.
  5. Select a position available within your organization.
  6. The option Show Only Approved Positions is selected by default. This means that only positions with the Approved hiring status are available for selection. If you clear this option, the list of positions will include active positions with all hiring status values. If you select a position whose hiring status isn't Approved, a warning message is displayed so that you can decide whether to continue the process or to select another position.
    Note: Your administrator may have disabled this option.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Complete fields as for a standard job requisition.
  9. Click Submit.


The following position field values are added to the job requisition and you can modify them.

  • Position
  • Number of Openings / Unlimited Openings: The Number of Openings is defaulted to the available headcount of the position. This is calculated by taking the headcount of the position from which we remove the number of incumbents on that position (at the time of the requisition creation). If ever this calculation gives a negative value or 0, the number of openings is defaulted to a value of 1.
  • Regular or Temporary
  • Full Time or Part Time
  • Business Unit
  • Department
  • Primary Work Location
  • Job
  • Grade
  • Requisition Title

The Business Unit, Department, Legal Employer, and Primary Work Location are defaulted from the work assignment of the Hiring Manager only if no such value was defaulted from the requisition template, position, job, or the requisition template associated to the position or job. The values are coming from the position. If no value was set on the position for one of these fields, the values coming from the work assignment of the Hiring Manager are used.

If the position you selected has a job requisition template associated to it, you can modify recruiting-specific fields such as Recruiter, Hiring Manager, and Candidate Selection Process that are prepopulated by the template.

Information from the job associated to the position is also added to the requisition. You can modify these values in the job requisition.

  • Job Family
  • Job Function
  • Management Level

If a profile is associated to the position, the following field values are defaulted to the requisition. If no profile is associated to the position, these field values are defaulted from the profile associated to the job that's associated to the position (if there is one).

  • All fields from the Work Requirements section
  • Internal Description
  • External Description
  • Short Description: The short description is defaulted from the Profile Description of the profile only if the appropriate profile option is set (ORA_IRC_REQ_DEFAULT_SHORT_POSTING_DESC_FROM_PROFILE_DESC_ENABLED).

The job description is set on the profile, and that description is defaulted in the requisition posting description.

Job requisition fields aren't sync with the position or anything that's associated with it. If you change the values of the position, the job, the requisition template, or profile contained in that position, these changes have no effect on the job requisition values.

Depending on the configuration selected by your administrator, some requisition behaviors will vary:

  • You can select any position, regardless of the position's hiring status, or only those with a hiring status of Approved.
  • The grade value or the requisition may be defaulted from the job or position.
  • Only grades valid for this job or position may be selected on the requisition.

Important info about translation. For the translated values of the profile to be defaulted on the job requisition, the languages must be active when you create the requisition. To achieve this, a requisition template must be selected on the position from which the requisition is created, and the languages must be selected on the requisition template (which will enable these languages on the requisition being created). Translations must also be provided on the requisition template for the translatable requisition values (the Source Language for each language row in the translation editor must be set to the current language). By doing so, the translated values from the profile will be defaulted on the requisition for the languages of the requisition.