How the Overall Score in a Best-Fit Analysis is Calculated

The Best-Fit feature calculates the overall score for a target profile using an algorithm rule. The overall score appears in the Overall Fit column in the results section on the Find Best Fit page.

The algorithm for the best-fit analysis isautomatically processed by the application.

The following image shows the best-fit algorithm rule.

The best-fit algorithm rule to calculate the overall score of the target profile. If the selected and target profiles have matching content items, the individual score of each content item is calculated. Else, the target profile is ignored in calculation. The individual score of each matching content item is added to calculate the overall best-fit score of the target profile.

Selected Profile

The selected profile for which you want to find the profile that is the best-fit is source profile.

Target Profile

The target profile is the profile for which the overall score is calculated. The application compares the content items of the target profile with those of the source profile.

Individual Score

The individual score is the number assigned to each matching content item of the content types for which you specify the priority or importance. The individual score calculation algorithm depends on the best-fit analysis type.

Overall Score Calculation Rule

The overall score is the total of all individual scores of all matching content items. If the total of all individual scores includes decimals, then the application rounds off the total score to derive the overall score. The application rounds down the score if the decimal digit is less than 5. However, it increases the score by 1 if the decimal digit is 5 or more.


  • If the total score is 56.4, the overall score is 56.

  • If the total score is 56.7, the overall score is 57.