1Getting Started

Getting Started

Scheduling Center

The Scheduling Center is a product used with Recruiting to handle automated and high volume scheduling of candidates.

This add-on scheduling functionality allows users to schedule any number of screening functions for candidates, including but not limited to:

  • job fair or campus appointments

  • mass recruitment events

  • interviews

The Scheduling Center facilitates the scheduling of these functions through the creation and management of calendars, which are populated with timeslots, into which candidates can schedule appointments. The Scheduling Center sends follow-up invitations (triggered through the candidate selection workflow) and reminder emails and records status messages in the candidate file each time a candidate performs a scheduling activity. The Scheduling Center displays a calendar view for users showing the resulting timetables of which invites are scheduled for each time slot on each day. The Scheduling Center sends email messages to candidates requesting them to schedule an appointment. It also sends emails confirming appointments and reminding candidates about their scheduled appointments.

The Scheduling Center screening service is available in two types of integration:

  • Self-service: This integration type is supplied with all applications. In this type, an initial invitation email is sent to the candidate. Emails sent at the different phases of the workflow are controlled through candidate permissions set at the calendar level. The employer (recruiter) is able to manage the appointments of a candidate only if the candidate has logged in to the Scheduling Center at least once.

  • Proctored: This integration type is optional and must be activated by Oracle Support. In this type, no initial invitation email is sent to the candidate. Emails sent at the different phases of the workflow are controlled through candidate permissions set at the calendar level. The employer (recruiter) can manage the appointments of a candidate even if the candidate has not logged into the Scheduling Center.

Although two types of integrations exist for the Scheduling Center, both types are configured, activated and used the same way.

Login Procedure

When users open the Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition solution, the User Sign In page is typically displayed.

On the Sign In page, users can select the language in which they want to use the application. If users change the default language on the Sign In page, the page is displayed in the new language and subsequent Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition product pages are presented in that language. After selecting a language, users can also instruct the system to "remember" their selection so that the next time they sign in, the User Sign In page will be presented in the language they selected.

If single sign-on (SSO) is not enabled within an organization, users must enter a user name and password on the user Sign In page. The user name and password are provided by system administrators. Users can modify their password. If SSO was configured through a consulting engagement (which requires a statement of work (SOW)), the Sign In page is not displayed and the default language that was configured is used.

Once a user's credentials are accepted, the Welcome Center or table of contents page is displayed. The Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products available for use are dependent on which products were purchased by the organization and on the user's user type and permissions. If a user has permission to see only one Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition product and the Display Welcome Center setting is set to "Yes", the product is displayed directly.

Accessing an Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Application

You must have received a user name and password from your system administrator.

  1. Select the language in which you want to use the application.

  2. Enter your user name and password.

  3. Click Sign In.

The Welcome Center

The Welcome Center is the page displayed immediately after you sign in.

The Welcome Center is organized in these areas:

  • The auxiliary navigation bar provides links to the online help and your personal setup options.

  • The core navigation bar contains tabs to Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products.

  • The Quick Access panel provides a "one-click" access to the same products available in the core navigation bar. It also provides access to specific content such as a requisitions and submissions.

  • In the central panel, your organization can put information of interest to all product users.

Auxiliary Navigation Bar

The auxiliary navigation bar, located at the top right of pages, provides users access to Home, Resources, and Sign Out links.

Auxiliary Navigation Bar Option Description
Home If you have access to multiple Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products and you click Home, the Welcome Center is displayed.
Resources May include:
  • My Setup: Access to the Language drop-down menu where you can select the content language for the product.

  • About: Information about the product such as the version number and the build number that you need to provide to Oracle Support when you need to contact them.

Sign Out Terminates the session and you are automatically signed out of all Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products.

Core Navigation Bar

The core navigation bar provides users access to the Scheduling Center, Reports, and Configuration tabs.

Link Description
Scheduling Center Gives users access to the Calendars page where they can create calendars and update existing ones.
Reports Gives users access to a list of reports they can run:
  • Roster Schedule

  • Scheduled Appointments (visible to Administrators only)

  • Appointment Summary Report (visible to Administrators only)

  • Arrival Status Report (visible to Administrators only)

Configuration Gives Administrators access to the following configuration features:
  • Candidate Portal Messaging

  • Email Templates

  • Locations

  • Create Users

  • Import Calendars

  • Display Time Zones

  • Display Languages

  • Mass Update

  • Default Weekdays

  • Resend Candidate Submissions

  • Schedule Appointments Email