7Social Channels Configuration

Social Channels Configuration

Social Channels Configuration Settings

Facebook Integration Setup

For the Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud (OTAC) Sourcing application to interact with Facebook for purposes of job sharing, campaigns, authentication, and job posting, a secure connection must be made between the two platforms.

A System Administrator must create a Facebook App using a Facebook Developer account and request its approval from Facebook. Once approved, the resulting credentials must be configured in OTAC Sourcing by the System Administrator.

Creating a Facebook App

  1. Create a Facebook account or identify a valid Facebook user who will be the owner of the App. This user must have the Platform capability activated in their Facebook settings.

  2. Access the website https://developers.facebook.com

    1. If the menu bar has a Getting Started link, continue here.

    2. If needed, the Facebook user may need to set up a Developer's account. The Get Started link on the menu opens a wizard. After beginning this wizard the menu bar to then contain a My Apps link. Exit the wizard and continue below.

    3. If the menu bar has a My Apps link, continue with Step 3.

  3. Under My Apps, click + Add New App.

  4. Enter a value in the Display Name field. (Suggestion: Use your company name plus an indicator for your staging v. production zones.

  5. Confirm the Contact Email. Note that this may be different from the email address which is on the Facebook account.

  6. Click Create App ID.

  7. Complete the Security Check and click Submit.

Configuring Basic Settings for the Facebook App

In this step, you will customize the App for the needs of Sourcing. For now, do not use the Add a Product function in the main panel of the website.
  1. Expand the Settings menu on the left panel and select Basic.

  2. Enter the URL of the Sourcing zone in the App Domian field. (Format: zone.referrals.selectminds.com)

    1. Adjust the domain to reflect your own in Sourcing. Do not include http:// or https://

  3. Confirm the Display Name. (Your company name is recommended).

  4. Complete the Namespace field. (Your company name is recommended).

  5. Confirm the Contact Email address.

  6. Enter a Privacy Policy URL. (Consider using your corporate statement).

  7. Enter a Terms of Service URL. (Consider using your corporate statement).

  8. Upload an image for the App Icon.

  9. Select a Category. (Business and Pages is recommended).

  10. Select a Business Use. (Support my own business is recommended).

  11. The Data Protection Officer Contact Information section is optional.

  12. Click Save Changes to save the data entered so far.

Adding Platforms to the Facebook App

You will need to set up both a Page Tab Platform and a Website Platform. Steps 1-9 take you through the Page Tab Platform setup and Steps 10-13 take you through the Website Platform setup.
  1. Click + Add Platform.

  2. Click Page Tab.

  3. Enter Secure Page Tab URL. (Format: https://zone.referrals.selectminds.com/fb).

    1. Modify the link to reflect your own zone. Must include https://

  4. Enter the Page Tab Name. (Example: Careers).

  5. Enter the Page Tab Edit URL. (Format: https://zone.referrals.selectminds.com/fb).

    1. Modify the link to reflect your own zone. Must include https://

  6. Leave Page Admin Control toggle as On.

  7. Leave Wide Page Tab toggle as Yes.

  8. Add Page Tab Image icon. (Must be 111 x 74 pixels of the indicated formats).

  9. Click Save Changes.

  10. Click Add Platform.

  11. Click Website.

  12. Enter the URL of your Sourcing zone. (Format: https://zone.referrals.selectminds.com.

    1. Modify the URL to reflect your own zone. Must include https://

  13. Click Save Changes.

Adding Facebook Login Product

  1. Click on PRODUCTS+

  2. On the Add a Product page, select Facebook Login by clicking the Set Up button on that box.

  3. On the Quickstart menu, select WWW-Web.

  4. Confirm the Site URL and click Continue. (Format: https://zone.referrals.selectminds.com).

    1. Set Up the Facebook SDK for Javascript. No action needed here. Click Next.

    2. Check Login Status. No action needed here. Click Next.

    3. Add the Facebook Login Button. No action needed here. Click Next.

    4. Next Steps. No action needed here. Click Back.

  5. Navigate to Products > Facebook Login > Settings.

    1. Ensure that Client OAuth Login, Web OAuth Login, Enforce HTTPS and Embedded Browser OAuth Login are set to Yes.

  6. Enter the 3 URLs listed below into the Valid OAuth Redirect URLs field. Adjust the URLs to reflect your own zones; must include https://

    • https://zone.referrals.selectminds.com
    • https://zone.referrals.selectminds.com/auth/facebook/access
    • https://zone.referrals.selectminds.com/auth/facebook/page/access
  7. Click Save Changes.

Preparing the App for Review

  1. Adding Items. Click on the App Review menu option on the left panel.

    The items you are adding to your App function as permissions.
  2. Click Start a Submission.

  3. On the next screen, select the two items in the left panel that are listed below and then click Add 2 Items.

    • manage_pages
    • publish_pages
    Note that for each of the two items you need to add notes and upload the screencast (provided by Oracle) to be reviewed by a Facebook developer.
  4. Gathering Materials. Complete the two substeps below before proceeding further. You will need these items in subsequent steps.

    1. Create a user in your Sourcing zone with a privilege class 4 - Recruiter, and role employee, in which a Facebook App reviewer may use to log into and conduct validation. Consider using a fictitious email address for the user using the domain @invalidemail.com, which is owned by Oracle.

      Any email sent to this fictitious address will be stored on a mailbox in Oracle servers and then purged. If you want to use the domain @invalidemail.com for this test user you should add this domain in the list of Company domains defined in Configuration > Company > email domains. If your Site Mode is configured as Job Site and Referrals or Referrals Only, create a new user by entering the following URL below and then clicking on the Sign Up button.
    2. Download the "manage_pages and publish_pages.mp4  (3.62MB)" video/screencast from the My Oracle Support portal at: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=364247940008792&id=2065987.1&_adf.ctrl-state=y6m45gcz5_77

  5. publish_pages - Add Details. On the publish_pages section, click on Add Details.

  6. For the question, "How is your app using publish_pages?", select the Lets people publish content or respond to posts and comments as a Page (also requires manage_pages) radio button.

  7. For the question, "What platforms does your app use publish_pages on?", enable Web. A textbox displays, into which you need to add instructions for Facebook to preview the App. Copy and paste the text below into this textbox replacing the URL with your zone URL and suppling the email and password for the Facebook testing user.

    1. User follows the URL of the site: https://zone.referrals.selectminds.com/login

    2. The user enters the email & password as a Recruiter & clicks on the Sign In button. For Facebook's testing, use email address "__" and password "__".

    3. Click on Promote Jobs.

    4. In the "Send Jobs to Fan and Followers" section, click "Create."

    5. Click on the "Add Facebook Page" button to add a Facebook Page – the Facebook sign in window opens.

    6. Enter Facebook credentials. NOTE: The user will not be able to add a Facebook account when there isn't an approved App configured in the system. The user is presented with error handling. Please review the attached screencast from the 45 second mark to view all further actions.

    7. The Facebook page appears in the available pages.

    8. The user selects the Page by clicking the Post Jobs Now link from the page card.

    9. The user selects the jobs from the job list or from the Show only, facets & clicks on the ‘Continue & Create Your Message’ button.

    10. The user selects the Interval between job posts; edit the editable text from the message and click on the 'Post Now' button.

    11. The user clicks on the OK button from the confirmation message.

    12. The post is then published as a page on the Facebook Page.

  8. Upload the manage_pages and publish_pages.mp4 screencast you downloaded earlier from the Support portal.

  9. Click Save and wait for the save to complete before proceeding.

  10. manage_pages - Add Details. On the manage_pages section click Add Details.

  11. For the question, "How is your app using manage_pages?", select the Lets people publish content or respond to posts and comments as a Page (also requires publish_pages) radio button.

  12. Repeat Steps 7,8, and 9 that you used for publish_pages for manage_pages. Use the same instructions in the textbox and use the same screencast file.

  13. App Verification. Click Add Details on the App Verification screen.

  14. You need to create a page on Facebook. Click Create a New Page.

  15. Under Business or Brand, click the Get Started button.

  16. In the Page Name field, enter a name for the page. (Suggestion: Careers).

  17. In the Category field, search by keyword to find your organization's primary line of business and select it.

    1. Add a business address and optionally, a profile picture and cover photo.

  18. Connect the page to your App and the Sourcing zone by transforming the following URL: https://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id= APP_ID&redirect_uri= SITE_URL

    1. Replace APP_ID with your AppID number. This appears at the top of the page.

    2. Replace SITE_URL with your Sourcing Site URL. (Example: https://zone.referrals.selecminds.com).

      A sample URL with the two components, APP_ID and SITE_URL, replaced is https://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=12312Sample12313&redirect_uri=https://zone.referrals.selectminds.com
    3. Enter the transformed URL into a browser location bar and access the page.

    4. Facebook will prompt you to add the Facebook Page to your App. Select the page in the dropdown and then click Add Page Tab.

    5. Return to the Facebook Developer page.

    6. Return to the App Verification section and the Add Details pop-up.

    7. Select the page you just created.

    8. Click Save.

Configuring Facebook Credentials in Sourcing

The credentials provided by Facebook need to be configured in Sourcing Configuration by an Administrator. This step should be completed prior submitting the App for review by Facebook.
  1. Take note of your App ID and App Secret located on the top of the page. Click the Show button to reveal the App Secret.

  2. Navigate to Sourcing > Connfiguration > Social Channels > Facebook. You will see three fields; API Key, Application ID and Application Secret. Enter the following values in each of the three fields:

    • API Key field = App ID from Facebook
    • Application ID field = App ID from Facebook
    • Application Secret = App Secret from Facebook

Submitting the App for Review

Once all of the notes and videos are completed you can submit the App for review. The three components in Current Submission; publish_pages, manage_pages and App Verification, should all have a checkmark next to them prior to proceeding.
  1. Click the Submit for Review button.

  2. Agree to the terms and click Submit.

  3. Click OK.

Understanding the App Review Process

You need to become familiarized with the Facebook App review process.

Go to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review and review the process. In particular, carefully read the Business Verification and Supplemental Terms paragraphs.

As part of this validation process you will be asked to link your App to a Facebook Business Manager account. This may come as a notification on the Facebook home page for the Administrator of the App.

Your organization may already have a Business Manager account from other work with Facebook. Alternatively, follow the prompts and instructions to create a Business Manager account. You can also create a Facebook Business Manager account at https://business.facebook.com.

The Facebook Business Manager account asks the account owner to demonstrate they represent the business named on the account through uploading corroborating documentation. (Examples offered by Facebook include: Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of formation, Business license, Business tax file, Business utility or phone bill).

The supplemental terms must be electronically signed by a Business Signatory.

Configuring the App as Public after Approval

The App must be made public for your job seekers to use it. During the time that Facebook is reviewing your App, you will not have the option to make it public. Once it is in the approval period a toggle will display.

Toggle the Make PMG_REFERRALs public setting to Yes once approval is complete.

Testing the App During the Approval Period

There is a provision to test your App in the Sourcing environment prior to its approval.
  1. Configure the App ID and Secret.

  2. In the menu on the left, go to Roles > Roles.

  3. The Administrator of the App can add users to conduct the testing of the App in the Testers section.

    The users added must be Facebook Friends with the Administrator.

    The users added must have Facebook Developer accounts.

    Note that users named in the Administrators and Developers sections will have different experiences in Sourcing as compared to users named in the Testers area. Users named in the Testers area replicate an end-users experience (e.g., job seeker or employee). Administrators and Developers have additional capabilities.

Twitter Integration Setup

For the Sourcing application to interact with Twitter for purposes of job sharing, campaigns, authentication, and job posting, a secure connection must be made between the two platforms.

A System Administrator must create a Twitter App using a Twitter Developer account. Credentials which enable system interaction with Twitter must be configured in Sourcing by the System Administrator.

Requesting a Twitter Developer Account

You need a Twitter Developer account to be able to create a Twitter App.

Go to https://developer.twitter.com and follow the prompts.

Twitter has a review process prior to granting approval. You will need to connect the Developer account to an existing Twitter account.

Creating a Twitter App

Once you've created a Developer account and it's approved, you can then create the Twitter App.
  1. Go to to apps.twitter.com, and login using your Twitter Developer account credentials.

  2. Click Create New App.

  3. App Icon. You may want to associate an image to this App.

  4. App Name (required). Provide a name for the Twitter App. You may want to use your staging or production zone in the App name as each zone needs its own App.

  5. Description (required). Provide a description of the application.

    The following is an example of the text you may enter here:

    This application will allow employees to share jobs through tweets on their Twitter account so that their followers can be made aware of new opportunities at the company. The application will also allow recruiters to share jobs with followers of the corporate account on Twitter through tweets on the company's Twitter account.

  6. Website URL (required). Configure the URL for Sourcing. (Format: https://customer.referrals.selectminds.com.

    1. Modify the link to reflect your own zone. (e.g., change customer and referrals as needed). Must include https://

  7. Allow this application to be used to sign in with Twitter. Ensure that the Enable Sign in with Twitter checkbox is selected.

  8. Callback URLs (required). Two URLs must be configured.

    1. Configure https://customer.referrals.selectminds.com/auth/twitter/access to reflect your own Sourcing zone. Must contain https://

    2. Click Add another.

    3. Configure https://customer.referrals.selectminds.com/auth/twitter/page/access to reflect your own Sourcing zone. Must contain https://

  9. Terms of Service URL. Provide a URL which contains your corporate Terms of Service statement. This may be inside Sourcing or from your corporate website.

    Include http:// or https:// as applicable to your URL.

    If needed, you may use Site pages or Custom pages in Sourcing to host this content.

  10. Privacy Policy URL. Provide a URL which contains your corporate Privacy Policy statement. This may be inside Sourcing or from your corporate website.

    Include http:// or https:// as applicable to your URL.

    If needed, you may use Site pages or Custom pages in Sourcing to host this content.

  11. Organization Name. Provide the name of your organization.

  12. Tell us how this app will be used (required). Provide a description of the App.

    The following is an example of the text you may enter here:

    This application is linked to our careers website and allows employees to share jobs on their Twitter account so that their network and friends can be made aware of new job postings. The tweet will include a link to the job description and online application process on our platform. Recruiters can also use the application to share jobs on our company’s Twitter account.

  13. Click Save.

Configuring the Twitter App

  1. In the Permissions tab of the App, select the Read and write radio button under Access permission.

  2. Click Save.

  3. In the Keys and Tokens tab of the App, click the Regenerate My Access Token and Token Secret button. This button is in the Your Access Token section under Token Actions.

    This regeneration must happen after Steps 1 - 2.
  4. In the Twitter App, go to the Keys and Access Tokens tab.

    1. From the Application Settings section, note the Twitter credentials in the Consumer Key (API Key) and Consumer Secret (API Secret) fields.

    Zones on Release 17.7 or later, proceed with Steps 2 - 5 and do not complete Step 6. If your Sourcing zone is on a release up to and including 17.6, skip to Step 6.
  5. Sign into Sourcing as an Administrator.

  6. Go to Configuration > Social Channels

  7. In the Twitter section, do the following:

    1. Ensure the Twitter Enabled toggle in enabled.

    2. Enter the value from the Twitter API Key into the Sourcing Consumer (API) Key field.

    3. Enter the value from the Twitter API Secret into the Sourcing Consumer Secret field.

  8. Go to Configuration > Company

    1. Locate the Reset Site setting and click on the Reset button.

  9. Do not complete this step if your zone is on Release 17.7 or higher. Log a Service Request with My Oracle Support. They can update the Consumer (API) Key and API Secret settings for you.

    1. In the SR, provide the values for both the Consumer (API) Key and API Secret.

      Releases earlier than 17.7 do not expose these settings in the Configuration. This is why a Service Request is necessary.

Configuring the Twitter Credentials in Sourcing

  1. In the Twitter App, go to the Keys and Access Tokens tab.

    1. From the Application Settings section, note the Twitter credentials in the Consumer Key (API Key) and Consumer Secret (API Secret) fields.

    Zones on Release 17.7 or later, proceed with Steps 2 - 5 and do not complete Step 6. If your Sourcing zone is on a release up to and including 17.6, skip to Step 6.
  2. Sign into Sourcing as an Administrator.

  3. Go to Configuration > Social Channels

  4. In the Twitter section, do the following:

    1. Ensure the Twitter Enabled toggle in enabled.

    2. Enter the value from the Twitter API Key into the Sourcing Consumer (API) Key field.

    3. Enter the value from the Twitter API Secret into the Sourcing Consumer Secret field.

  5. Go to Configuration > Company

    1. Locate the Reset Site setting and click on the Reset button.

  6. Do not complete this step if your zone is on Release 17.7 or higher. Log a Service Request with My Oracle Support. They can update the Consumer (API) Key and API Secret settings for you.

    1. In the SR, provide the values for both the Consumer (API) Key and API Secret.

      Releases earlier than 17.7 do not expose these settings in the Configuration. This is why a Service Request is necessary.