14Product Resource Administration

Product Resource Administration

Resource Administration

The Resource Administration feature allows system administrators to display the ID associated to text appearing on pages of Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products in order to modify the text.

Each element of text also called resource, such as fields, buttons, tooltips, links, page titles and sections, has a unique ID associated to it. These IDs can be displayed in the application, in front of each resource, so users can precisely locate and identify a resource they need to modify or override in the application. If an "X" appears at the right of the resource ID, this means that the text was already overridden.

The value of a resource can be composed of units, special characters, and letters. The resource value is not unique, therefore the same text can be used for different resources. Resource values can be modified and updated in the application by system administrators. To make a global change to the value of a resource for all zones, contact your Oracle representative.

Example: The Save button can be used on several pages of the application. Each Save button appearing in the application will have a specific ID, and the value of every Save button will be text Save.

Resource values can be refreshed. This enables system administrators to apply any changes made to the resource values for the customer's custom set of resources. System administrators can block the refresh of the resource value. This allows system administrators to use a testing environment where the actual value of a resource is either chosen or not. This is usually done while performing some temporary testing in a staging zone.

Each product has a specific Resource Administration feature allowing the display of the product's resource IDs. The New Hire Portal Resource Administration is accessed from this URL: http://yourzonename/newhireportal/ResourceConsole.jss.

Product Administration Menu
Career Section Administration Career Section Administration Menu
Career Section Career Section Administration Menu
Central Configuration SmartOrg Administration Menu
Onboarding (Transitions) Administration Onboarding (Transitions) Administration Menu
Onboarding (Transitions) Center Onboarding (Transitions) Administration Menu
Performance Administration Performance Administration Menu
Performance Performance Administration Menu
Recruiting Administration Recruiting Administration Menu
Recruiting Center Recruiting Administration Menu
SmartOrg SmartOrg Administration Menu


User Type Permission Description Location
Manage resources Provides users the ability to refresh resource values, to block resource value refresh, and to force the refresh of resource values. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > User Types > Functional Domains > Configuration > Resource Management
Display resource identifiers Provides users the ability to display resource IDs using the Show Identifier button in the Resource Administration page. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > User Types > Functional Domains > Configuration > Resource Management
Note: To modify resource values for a specific product, user type permissions specific to the product are also required in some cases. To modify Onboarding (Transitions) resource values, for example, users require the permissions described in the previous table and at least one Onboarding (Transitions) permission, for example, "Manage Onboarding (Transitions) processes of all types".

Displaying Resource Identifiers

The Display Resource Identifiers user type permission is required.

Configuration > [Product] Administration > Resource Administration
  1. Click Show Identifiers.

  2. Close this window.

Starting with the next page that is displayed, resource IDs will be displayed in front of each element of the application.

Hiding Resource Identifiers

Resource Identifiers must be displayed.

The Display Resource Identifiers user type permission is required.

Configuration > [Product] Administration > Resource Administration
  1. Click Hide Identifiers.

  2. Close this window.

Starting with the next page that is loaded, resource IDs will no longer be displayed in front of each element of the application.

Refreshing Resource Values

Two user type permissions are required: Manage Resources and Display Resource Identifiers.

Configuration > [Product] Administration > Resource Administration
  1. Click Unblock Refresh.

  2. Select the desired type of refresh.

  3. Enter the name of the project if necessary.

    The project name is associated with revisions made to the customer's custom set of resource values, administered in TexTool application.
  4. Click Refresh Values.

  5. Close the window.

The latest value of the resources is displayed.

Blocking Resource Value Refresh

Two user type permissions are required: Manage Resources and Display Resource Identifiers.

Configuration > [Product] Administration > Resource Administration
  1. Click Block Refresh.

  2. Add a comment.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Close the window.

It will no longer be possible to have the application reflect any changes applied to a value.

Unblocking Resource Value Refresh

Two user type permissions are required: Manage Resources and Display Resource Identifiers.

Configuration > [Product] Administration > Resource Administration
  1. Click Unblock Refresh.

  2. Close the window.

Any changes applied to resource values will be reflected in the application when refreshing the values.

Changing Career Section Resources

Some commonly used career section resources can be overridden by a Career Section system administrator.

A resource that can be overridden by a system administrator is referred to in this guide as a user-defined label. User-defined labels can be changed in career sections, career portal pages, application flows, and application flow blocks. A user-defined label can contain up to 4,000 bytes.

Element Location
Career Section Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Career Sections > Career Section Name > [Career Portal Pages] Edit User-defined Labels
Career Portal Page Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Career Sections > Career Section Name > [Career Portal Pages] Click on a Career Portal Page > Edit User-defined labels
Application Flow Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Application Flows > Application Flow > [Application Flow Properties] Edit User-defined Labels
Application Flow Block Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Application Flows > Application Flow > Block Name > Edit User-defined Labels

To see if a resource can be changed manually, system administrators must display the resource identifiers and then view the career section.

In the Career Portal Page Field Identification Number table located in the Appendix, locate the ID number of the field you want to edit, then navigate to the career portal page using the path displayed in the PATH column.

Note: Application flow user-defined labels – any label changes made to the JobSubmissionPrivacyAgreemenResources resource group (Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Application Flows > application flow) > Edit User-defined Labels) will only affect the privacy statement displayed at the beginning of the job submission process.
Changing the Text of a Career Portal Field

The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Text in tabs, links, fields and buttons appearing in career portal pages can be changed if the text has a product resource identification number.

You need the resource identification number of the field. You can look at the list of IDs in the Appendix or you can display the resource identifiers associated to the field.

Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Career Sections > Career Section name
  1. Access the career portal page where the field is located.

  2. Locate the IDs you wish to modify. You can refine the list by resource number.

  3. Click on the resource.

  4. Click Edit next to Properties.

  5. In the Override field, type the new field label. Maximum of 1,000 characters.

  6. Click Save.

Changing the Text of Fields in a Block

The modification of labels in a block consists of the following steps.

  1. Displaying resource identifiers associated to each field.
  2. Access the career section containing the application flow you wish to modify. Resource IDs are displayed in front of each label.
  3. Locate the label you wish to modify and note the resource ID.
  4. Changing the text of a field in a block.

Changing the Text of Fields in an Application Flow

The modification of labels in an application flow consists of the following steps.

  1. Displaying resource identifiers associated to each field.
  2. Access the career section containing the application flow you wish to modify. Resource IDs are displayed in front of each label.
  3. Locate the label you wish to modify and note the resource ID.
  4. Changing the text of a field in the application flow.