Candidate Progression Status

The candidate progression status indicates the most advanced progression status of a candidate on other requisitions across all positions where the candidate is being considered.

To see the progression status of a candidate, the Progression Status column must be added to the candidate list format. Icons are used to indicate the furthest active progression status of a candidate across all positions where the candidate is being considered. When clicking a progression status icon, a tooltip indicates the active status and a date. For example: "Most advanced progression status: New (as of 2011-Oct-17)".

The table shows progression status icon.
Progression Status Icon Description
New progression icon New
Reviewed progression icon Reviewed
First interview progression icon, Second interview progression icon, Third interview progression icon First, second, and third interview
Testing progression icon Testing
Offer progression icon Offer
Hired progression icon Hired
Pipeline progression icon Pipeline
Contact progression icon Contact

In the example below, a candidate has applied to four jobs:

The table shows an example of job status and candidate status.
Job Job Status Candidate Status
1 Active for sourcing New > To be reviewed
2 Closed Interview 2 > To be scheduled
3 Active for sourcing Offer > Rejected
4 Active for sourcing Interview 1 > To be scheduled

The icon that would appear for this candidate across all contexts would be Interview 1 icon because it is the furthest active progression status on an active job. Both requisition status and candidate status must be active to be considered for the furthest active progression status.

In the Candidates list, the In Selection Process icon remains available and shows the parallel job applications of the candidate. In a job-specific candidate list, the progression status icon may be displayed while the In Selection Process icon may not be displayed if there is only one job application. In the search result list, if the In Selection Process icon is displayed, the progression status icon is also displayed. If no In Selection Process icon is displayed, the progression status column is empty.

It is recommended to remove the tracking solution (In Selection Process icon) and to replace it with the Progression Status feature in general lists (such as search result lists, folder lists) if you allow users to view the content of requisitions to which a candidate has applied and to which the user has access. In a job-specific candidate list, the In Selection Process icon is visible only when there is at least one concurrent active job application, and the progression status icon is visible as soon as there is one active job application.