Color Theme

The theme is the color used to highlight the core navigation bar in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products.

Skyros Theme

The Skyros theme is available for Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products. The Skyros theme is the default theme for new customers. The Skyros theme provides a blue header. Because of the blue header, organization logos that have a white background are not recommended for use with this theme.

Image showing the Skyros theme.

A product setting "Overlay Organization Logo" is available for use in conjunction with the Skyros theme. This setting only works with the Skyros theme. This setting is used to download a logo. Logos with a transparent background are required for this setting. Transparent PNGs are supported and recommended. The image dimensions cannot exceed 280 x 40 pixels.

For the best user experience, the logo used with the Skyros theme should be a light color, preferably white, with a transparent background.

The table shows settings for theme.
Setting Default value at migration Default value for new zone Location
Overlay Organization Logo OverlayCompanyLogo.png OverlayCompanyLogo.png Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings
Default Theme Current Skyros Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings

Other Themes

The following color themes are provided.

The table shows color themes.
Taleo (default) Aqua Sand
Image showing the green Taleo theme. Image showing the Aqua theme. Image showing the Sand theme.
Ice Silver Skyros
Image showing the Ice light theme. Image showing the Silver theme. Image showing the Skyros theme.

A default theme is selected by system administrators. However, Recruiting Center users can modify the default theme in their user preferences (My Setup > Preferences tab).