Default Automated Tasks (System Tasks)

Default automated tasks are available and cannot be deleted.

Items deleted from the candidate search results (system task)

This task is triggered when users perform candidate searches and then delete candidate files. The task deletes the candidate files but the latter can later be restored if necessary (provided the files have not been deleted permanently in the interim by another task). To view and restore some or all of the candidate files deleted, system administrators can click the name of the task and click View History.

Restored items not permanently deleted (system task)

System administrators can trigger this task when they want to restore some or all of the items deleted by a task of type "Delete candidate files (all data can later be restored)" (provided the files have not been deleted permanently in the interim by another task). To do so, systems administrators click the name of the task. All items that have been deleted (as opposed to those that have been permanently deleted) are displayed.

Permanently delete candidate files deleted in the Staffing WebTop at least 7 days ago (system task)

This task is used to manually delete candidates from search results (candidate files can later be restored). System administrators can review who has been deleted, they can restore the candidate if the candidate decides otherwise or if the user made a mistake, they can also decide to deactivate the hard delete task and keep those candidates in the database for longer.

Delete candidate files; all data can later be restored (system task)

This task stores all the candidates who deactivated their Career Section account themselves by clicking the My Account Options > Deactivate (soft deleted). Candidate files can still be restored from the task history until they are permanently deleted. For candidates to be able to deactivate their account, the following elements are required:

  • The Career Portal Page > My Account Options must be displayed in the Career Section.

  • The Career Section property "Display the link allowing to deactivate the account in the My account page" must be enabled.