Granting Evaluation Management Permissions

Grant the following Evaluation Management permissions to users.

The table shows permissions for evaluation management.
Permission Description Location
Manage questionnaires, questions, skills and categories Users can access the following libraries in the Recruiting Center:
  • Evaluation Categories

  • Evaluation Questions

  • Evaluation Questionnaires

  • Evaluation Skills

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Users > User Types > Recruiting > Prescreening and Electronic Feedback > Interviews and Evaluation Questionnaires
Manage skill rating scales This permission controls the display of the Skills Rating Scales link in the Evaluation Management Administration page. Administrators can create, edit, and deactivate Skill Rating Scales library content. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Users > User Types > Recruiting > Prescreening and Electronic Feedback > Interviews and Evaluation Questionnaires
Manage Microsoft Exchange and Active Directory integrations Users can create, edit and deactivate integrations for Microsoft Exchange and Active Directory using the Evaluation Management Administration menu. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Users > User Types > Recruiting > Prescreening and Electronic Feedback > Interviews and Evaluation Questionnaires
Access interview information Users can access the Interviews tab in requisitions they can view. The Add and Remove buttons are controlled by the Add and remove participants permission. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Requisitions > Interviews and evaluation questionnaires in requisitions
Add and remove questionnaires Users can access the Interviews tab in requisitions and also add and remove questionnaires. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Requisitions > Interviews and evaluation questionnaires in requisitions
Add and remove participants Users can add and remove participants in requisitions. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Requisitions > Interviews and evaluation questionnaires in requisitions
Access interview information Users can access the Interviews tab in requisition templates they can view. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Requisitions > Interviews and evaluation questionnaires in requisition templates
Add and remove questionnaires Users can access the Interviews tab in requisition templates and add and remove questionnaires. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Requisitions > Interviews and evaluation questionnaires in requisition templates
Access interview information Users can access the Interviews tab in candidate submissions to which they have access. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates > Interviews and evaluation questionnaires in candidate submissions
Remove completed questionnaires Users can remove any completed feedback questionnaires in candidate submissions to which they have access. The ability to remove completed evaluations from the requisition is also managed by this permission. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates > Interviews and evaluation questionnaires in candidate submissions
Add and remove participants Users can add and remove evaluators in candidate submissions. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates > Interviews and evaluation questionnaires in candidate submissions
Manage interviews Users can create interview events in the Recruiting Center. Users who do not have this permission can only view details of interview events. The ability to edit and cancel interviews at the requisition level is also managed by this permission. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates > Interviews and evaluation questionnaires in candidate submissions
Manage evaluation expirations This permission controls which Evaluation Management users (recruiters, hiring managers, interview coordinators) have the ability to manage the default expiration date when making standalone feedback requests. By default, evaluation expirations are calculated based on the value set in the Evaluation Expiration setting available in the Evaluation Management Administration page.

Users can renew a request, which will send the evaluator a link to complete the evaluation. The Renew Request button will become visible.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates > Interviews and evaluation questionnaires in candidate submissions

Adding and removing evaluators in candidate submissions and requisitions

When users only have the permission to add evaluators in candidate submissions, the evaluators are only linked to candidate submissions.

When users have the permission to add evaluators in requisitions or both in requisitions and candidate submissions, the evaluators are linked to the requisitions and all associated candidate submissions.

When users only have the permission to remove evaluators in requisitions, the evaluators are removed from requisitions only. All previously created candidate submissions are not affected. However, new candidate submissions created after an evaluator has been removed will not have that evaluator.

When users only have the permission to remove evaluators in candidate submissions, the evaluators are removed from candidate submissions only.

When users have the permission to remove evaluators in requisitions as well as in candidate submissions, the evaluators are removed from requisitions as well as from candidate submissions that do not have any requests or completed feedback from the removed evaluator. If a request has been made or an evaluation has been completed, the evaluator is removed from the list of evaluators for that candidate submission and can no longer be sent feedback requests (unless that evaluator is added to the Evaluators section again).