Setting the Sensitivity Level of Messages and Notifications

Notifications and email messages sent by Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition can be set to a specific sensitivity level. This feature applies to messages sent from the Recruiting Center, Onboarding (Transitions), Career Section, Evaluation Management, Performance and SmartOrg.

Notifications and email messages can contain sensitive data that only the intended recipient should see. Notifications and email messages can be configured as Private. When customers client email servers (such as Microsoft Outlook) are configured to respect message sensitivity, this can help ensure unintended recipients do not see the content of messages flagged as private.

Four levels of mail sensitivity are available, corresponding to those in Microsoft Outlook:  

  • Confidential

  • Normal

  • Personal

  • Private

The default setting is Normal, meaning when a person receives an email, its sensitivity level is Normal. If the mail sensitivity configuration is set to Private, when a person receives an email, its sensitivity setting is Private. By default, all messages are set to the same level of sensitivity, as configured by a global setting. However, the system administrator can override the global setting value by configuring the sensitivity level of specific email messages. The system will detect the sensitivity level specified in configuration and provide it to the Correspondence Manager, which will send out messages with the appropriate sensitivity. In environments where message sensitivity levels are respected by the client email server, only the intended recipients will be able to receive and view the contents of messages marked as private. For this feature to work the customer's email client must be configured to respect these mail sensitivity settings.

For example, a company has set the sensitivity level of a message to Private. A user outside the company shares their Microsoft Outlook inbox with an administrator. The user applies to jobs inside the company using their current email address. A recruiter in the company uses the system to contact the user regarding a position they applied for. Because the sensitivity level of the message is set to Private, the administrator will not be able to see the message the company recruiter sent to the user through the system. In Microsoft Outlook the sensitivity level set for Taleo messages is indicated to the user in the Info bar. For example, "Please treat this as Private."


A global setting controls the sensitivity level of messages sent by Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products. This setting provides the sensitivity levels supported by Microsoft Outlook (Confidential, Normal, Personal, Private).

The table shows settings for the sensitivity level of messages.
Setting Description Default Value Location
Mail Sensitivity Sensitivity of email messages sent from the system.

Possible values are:

  • Confidential

  • Normal

  • Personal

  • Private

Normal Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings

System administrators can override the Mail Sensitivity global setting by configuring the sensitivity level of specific email messages. This is done via the message template editor, by using the "Sensitivity" drop-down menu. Five sensitivity levels are available:  

  • Default

  • Personal

  • Confidential

  • Normal

  • Private

Selecting the "Default" sensitivity level means that email messages sent using this message template will use the sensitivity level defined in the "Mail Sensitivity" global setting.