



The Recruiting Center offers libraries containing requisition templates, questions, disqualification questions, competencies as well as questions, skills and questionnaires used in Evaluation Management.

When accessing a library, the screen is organized into three panes:

  • The left pane contains quick filters. For Questions and Competencies, there are tabs allowing users to display elements associated to all or specific job fields as well as elements associated all or specific locations.

  • The central pane presents the list of elements. Elements displayed depend on the filters and options selected in the left pane. A menu bar allows users to perform specific actions on elements.

  • The right pane contains the online help and online clips if these were enabled. The pane can be expanded or collapsed.

Note: Users who have access to a library can access all items in the library. The system provides a flat list view option which help reduce duplication and mis-alignment of similar elements across the organization. Therefore, when users are in the tree structure view for Job or Location, they are not constrained by Job and Location elements that are linked to their group. They can navigate and interact with the entire tree structure.

Requisition Template

Requisition Template

A requisition template is a requisition file containing information that will likely be reused for a similar job position.

Requisition templates are located in the Libraries menu, under Templates.

A requisition template can be created for each position or job category. Depending on your organization's policies, the requisition template may be very detailed or may include only basic information. When creating a new requisition, it is a best practice to select a requisition template first; this will auto-populate many of the requisition fields based on the selected template.

The creation of requisition templates is done via the Create Requisition Template assistant which is available in the Requisition Templates library. A user type permission is required to create requisition templates. When clicking Create Template, the Create Requisition Template assistant is launched. The creation process is similar to the creation of requisitions. The content of the assistant will vary depending on how it was configured by the system administrator.

When all of the above have been specified, users complete the various fields of the requisition template.

When saving the requisition template, a message appears if information is missing in certain fields. Users can also use the diagnostic tool to know which fields must be filled to be able to save the requisition template.

When the requisition template is complete, its status is Draft. The template must be activated to be used. The activation is done during the requisition template creation or later on by selecting the Active status within the template.

Note: If a user creates a requisition using a requisition template that contains data that the user cannot see, the data will appear in the requisition regardless of the access to the data by the user.For example, if a recruiter is not authorized to see prescreening information but the Prescreening section exists in the requisition template, the prescreening information will appear in the requisition and be visible to the recruiter when the recruiter accesses the file.
Note: Both the recruiter and user group fields can be specified in the requisition template but unlike other fields in the template. These fields will not fill in as defaulted fields in requisitions created from the template. The purpose of the recruiter field in a requisition template is to give a user ownership privilege of the template from a template access viewing and filtering perspective in the Template library. The purpose of the user group field specified in a requisition template is to define which users will be authorized to create requisitions using this template. Only those matching the group will see the template if a group has been specified.

Creating a Requisition Template

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Templates.

  2. Click Create Template.

  3. Follow on screen instructions.

  4. Click Save.

Activating a Requisition Template

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

The requisition template must be Inactive or Draft.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Templates.

  2. In the Requisition Templates page, click a template.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Select Active.

  5. Click Save and Close.

The requisition template is available to Recruiting Center users.

Duplicating a Requisition Template

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Templates.

  2. Click a template.

  3. Click the Duplicate Template icon.

  4. Modify the information.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Editing a Requisition Template

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Templates.

  2. Click a template.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Modify fields as required.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Deactivating a Requisition Template

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

The requisition template must be Active.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Templates.

  2. Click a template.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Select Inactive.

  5. Click Save and Close.

The requisition template is no longer available for use.

Deleting a Requisition Template

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

The requisition template status must be Draft.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Templates.

  2. Click a draft requisition template.

  3. Click the Remove icon.

  4. Click Yes in the message box.



Prescreening questions are used to prescreen candidates and find the best candidates for a job.

Prescreening questions can be created in the Questions Library as well as directly in a requisition.

Prescreening questions created in the Questions Library are available in the Questions Library and can then be added in the Prescreening section of a requisition file. A user type permission grants users access to the Questions Library as well as to the actions that can be performed on questions in the Questions Library.

Prescreening questions created directly in a requisition are only available for the requisition and they are not available in the Questions Library for other requisitions. If at a later date you use that same requisition to create a requisition template, the question that you created in the requisition will not be added to the Questions Library. However, if the question is created for a requisition template, then the question will be added to the library. Questions linked to a requisition are not duplicated in the requisition; they are re-used. Therefore, any changes made to such a question from the requisition will be applied to the question in the Questions Library as well. These changes will therefore also appear in all requisitions to which this question is linked. A user type permission grants users access to the actions that can be performed on questions in the requisition Prescreening section.

Three types of prescreening questions can be created:

Question Type Description
Single Answer Question The candidate selects one answer from a list of choices.
  • Example: Please indicate the highest level of education that you have attained.

Multiple Answer Question The candidate selects as many answers as applicable from a list of choices.
  • Example: Please indicate in which areas you have a demonstrated knowledge and understanding of (check all that apply).

Text Question The candidate types a brief answer in response to a specific question. Use text questions sparingly; use them where they can allow for expansion of information asked in a previous question.
  • Example: Provide a short overview of a program you have designed and implemented that had impact on employee development.

A question can have a maximum of 3000 characters.

Depending on the type of question created, different answer formats are available:

  • radio button

  • pop-up list

Each question is assigned a code. With this unique code, users are able to standardize questions and better control their import/export mechanism. When creating a question, users are required to assign a code to questions created in the Questions Library. For questions created at the requisition level, a code is generated automatically.

Questions have one of the following statuses:

  • draft

  • active

  • inactive

Even if a question has been used in the past, it is possible to inactivate the question in the Questions Library. Once inactive, a question is retained on existing requisitions but cannot be used in newly created requisitions. Inactive questions are also removed from active templates and cannot be carried over when duplicating a requisition where a question was active. Also, now that a code is assigned to each question, it is easy to deactivate the right question when users realize they have a duplicate. In addition, users who manage questions can wait until a question is ready before making it available to end users.

When creating a question in the Questions Library, users can make the question visible to internal candidates, external candidates or all candidates.

When creating a question in the Questions Library, the question can be associated to locations and/or job fields. Associating questions to locations and/or job fields helps the user to select the appropriate questions while using the selector window. If questions associated to locations and/or job fields are included in models, the Apply Model function available in the requisition will bring the appropriate questions into the requisition based on the locations and job fields of the requisition.

When associating a question to locations or job fields, the question can be made available in a profile or in a model:

  • If a question is tagged "In profile", the question will be available to users who create a candidate file, and to candidates who are entering their profile in a career section. Questions made available will be sorted to match the location and job field preferences defined by the candidate.

  • If a question is tagged "In model", the question will be applied to requisitions when users click the Apply Model function in the Prescreening section of a requisition. Questions will be grouped in a model based on the location and job field of the requisition.

Once a question is created in the Questions Library, users can add it to the Prescreening section of a requisition file. When adding questions to a requisition file, users should consider balancing the number of questions with the expected candidate volume and job complexity.

The following table shows the recommended number of questions as per the number of candidates expected and the job complexity.

Difficult to Fill Position Average to Fill Position Easy to Fill Position
Number of Candidates Expected Low - Less than 30 Medium - 30 to 100 High - 100 +
Recommended Number of Questions 8 or less 12 or less As many as required
ACE Indicators

Use Required

Use Asset optionally

Do not use Weight

Use Required,

Use Asset

Use Weight optionally

Use Required

Use Asset

Use Weight

% of Candidates Identified as ACE Candidates 15% and higher 10% to 15% 5% to 10%

The difficult to fill position expects few candidates. Fewer questions should be used. As a rule of thumb, do not exceed 8 questions (job specific and skills together).

The average to fill position should keep candidates engaged, but not lose them due to too many questions. As a rule of thumb, do not exceed 12 to 15 questions (job specific and skills together).

The easy to fill position expects a large number of candidates. You can use as many questions as necessary (job specific and skills together).

Note: It is possible to edit a library question from within a requisition or requisition template. Please be aware that by doing that the question is also modified in all the requisitions using that question. To avoid any confusion, refrain from editing library questions. Editing local questions can only be done within requisitions.
Note: It is not possible to delete questions in the Questions Library. Instead, use the Deactivate Question option.

Question Writing Tips

Questions must be written to obtain useful data from candidates and to facilitate the hiring process. When creating questions to prescreen candidates, these simple rules will help you achieve these goals.

Tip Description

Using the right amount of questions

Balance the number of questions with the job complexity and expected candidate volume.

Writing effective questions

The question should contain Required and Asset criteria.

The question should help you sort candidates who apply for the position.

The response to the question should provide value in determining the caliber of the candidate for the position.

Using Yes/No questions

Use Yes/No questions for straight-forward requirements. For other questions, consider answer ranges that make it less obvious what the correct answer is.

Do not use a Yes/No question for question of type Do you have a Bachelor's degree?

Including an "Out" answer

Always include an "out" answer to the question such as None of the above, None or Not applicable. Otherwise you force the candidate to be untruthful. For example: With which of the following software do you have experience? Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, None.

Standardizing questions and answers

Standardize answer ranges to questions to give the candidate a positive experience. For example, always put "None of the above" at the top or bottom of the answer list. Also, all years of experience questions should have the same ranges in the same order. For example: Indicate the highest level of education you have attained. High School Diploma, Associates Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Doctorate Degree, None of the above.

Reviewing grammar and spelling

A best practice is to review the questions and answers for grammar and spelling

Using strong verbs

Use strong verbs in questions such as "write a program" or "operate". Avoid phrases containing words like "work with" or "involved in".

Using known acronyms

Use only highly recognized acronyms such as IT.

Using examples in the question

Use examples if necessary and reveal more about the position within the question. For example: In this position, you will be required to drive within a 200 mile radius to various merchandise outlets. Do you have a valid driver's license?.

Adhering to legal guidelines

Adhere to legal guidelines by checking with your Employment Law and Diversity officers, keeping questions directly job-related (no personal questions). Also, do not create questions that may lead to discrimination.

Asking one question per question

Do not ask too many different questions within one question. For example, avoid questions such as this one: Please indicate the number of years you have hands-on experience in marketing, accounting and/or manufacturing. It would be more valuable to restructure the question completely or to simply have three different questions if it is important to know the number of years the candidates have worked within those three areas.

Separating questions for years of experience and proficiency

Many times, candidates are asked about the number of years they have performed certain tasks or worked within a certain industry. However, it can be more helpful to know the candidate's proficiency or how well the candidate performs a certain task. Ask yourself if it is more important to know the number of years of experience or the level of proficiency to evaluate a candidate

Creating a Question

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

The question can have a maximum of 3000 characters.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Click Create Question.

  2. Select the type of answer.

  3. Complete mandatory fields.

  4. Select necessary information.

  5. Click Save and Close.

The question is available in the Questions Library.

Activating a Question

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

The question must be draft or inactive.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Select a question.

  2. In the More Actions list, select Activate Question.

The status of the question is Active. The question is available for selection in a requisition

Deactivating a Question

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

The question must be active.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Select a question.

  2. In the More Actions list, select Deactivate Question.

The question remains in the Questions Library with the Inactive status.

Editing a Question

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

If the question is active, only grammatical and typographical corrections are allowed.

If the question is draft, any corrections are allowed.

An inactive question cannot be edited.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Click on a question.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Make modifications.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Changes will be applied to questions that will eventually be added to a requisition. Changes are not applied in a requisition that already contains a question.

Duplicating a Question

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Select a question.

  2. Click Duplicate.

  3. Modify the information in the fields.

  4. Translate the question if necessary.

  5. Click Save and Close.

The question created based on an existing one is available in the Questions Library.

Associating a Question to a Location

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Question should have the draft or active status.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Click on a question.

  2. In the question page, click Edit.

  3. In the Locations section, specify if you want to associate the question to all locations or to specific locations.

    If you associate the question to specific locations, click Modify, select a location in the Location selector, then click Save.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Users are able to add the question in a requisition if the question matches the location of the requisition.

Associating a Question to a Job Field

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Question should have the draft or active status.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Click on a question.

  2. In the question page, click Edit.

  3. In the Job Fields section, specify if you want to associate the question to all job fields or to specific job fields.

    If you associate the question to specific job fields, click Modify, select a job field in the Job Field selector, then click Save.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Users are able to add the question in the requisition if the question matches the job field of the requisition.

Dissociating a Question from a Location

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Question should have the draft or active status.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Click on a question.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Associated Structure section, clear the Locations check boxes.

  4. Click Save and Close.

A question which is not associated to any location remains in the Questions Library but can only be added manually to a requisition.

Dissociating a Question from a Job Field

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Question should have the draft or active status.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Click on a question.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Associated Structure section, clear the Job Fields check boxes.

  4. Click Save and Close.

A question which is not associated to any job field remains in the Questions Library but can only be added manually to a requisition

Adding a Question to the Job Field or Location Structure

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Click on the Job Field or Location tab in the left pane.

  2. Click Add Question...

  3. Click Select next to the desired question.

  4. Click Done.

The user adding a question to a requisition will be presented with a selector window containing questions matching the Organization-Location-Job Field structure of the requisition.

Removing a Question from the Job Field or Location Structure

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Click on the Job Field or Location tab in the left pane.

  2. Select a question.

  3. Click Remove Question.

By removing a question from the Location and/or Job Field structure, the user adding a question to a requisition will be presented with a selector window containing this question regardless of the requisition Organization-Location-Job Field structure. The selector window presents questions matching the Organization-Location-Job Field structure of the requisition or any questions that is not associated to any Organization-Location-Job Field

Adding a Question to the Model

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Click on the Job Field or Location tab in the left pane.

  2. Select a question.

  3. In the More Actions list, click Add to Prescreening Model.

In the Questions Library list, a check mark appears in the In Model column, next to the question. The question is available to another user completing the Prescreening section of a requisition.

Removing a Question from the Model

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Click on the Job Field or Location tab in the left pane.

  2. Select a question.

  3. In the More Actions list, click Remove from Prescreening Model.

In the Questions Library list, a check mark no longer appears in the In Model column, next to the question. The question is no longer available to another user completing the Prescreening section of a requisition.

Adding a Question to the Profile

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Click on the Job Field or Location tab in the left pane.

  2. Select a question.

  3. In the More Actions list, click Add to Profile.

In the Questions Library list, a checkmark appears in the In Profile column, next to the question. The question is available to another user creating a candidate file and to a candidate completing a profile in a career section.

Removing a Question from the Profile

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Click on the Job Field or Location tab in the left pane.

  2. Select a question.

  3. In the More Actions list, click Remove from Profile.

A check mark no longer appears in the In Profile column, next to the question. The question is no longer available to another user creating a candidate file and to a candidate entering a profile in a career section.

Viewing a Question in Another Language

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

The Earth icon must be displayed next to the question in the Question list.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Click on a question.

  2. Select a language from the Activated Languages list.

The question is displayed in the selected language.

Changing the Visibility of a Question

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Recruiting > Libraries > Questions
  1. Click on a question.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Question Properties section, select the visibility from the Visible by drop down list.

  4. Click Save.

The selected question will be visible to internal, external or all candidates according to the selected visibility.

Disqualification Question

Disqualification Question

A disqualification question is a single-answer question that contains the minimum requirements for a candidate to be eligible for a job. A candidate not meeting the required response can be instantly exited from the application process.

To have access to disqualification questions, this feature must be activated within your company.

Disqualification questions are created and configured in the Disqualification Questions Library. Questions available in the Disqualification Questions Library can appear in the Prescreening section of a requisition file if the locations and job fields of the disqualification question matches the locations and job fields of the requisition.

A disqualification question can be viewed by internal candidates, external candidates or all candidates.

A disqualification question requires one answer from the candidate, that is the candidate is limited to one answer from a list of choices. When creating a disqualification question, at least two answers must be provided, one of which must indicate that the candidate passes. There are three possible results for each answer:

  • The candidate passes: the candidate is not disqualified.

  • The candidate is disqualified: the candidate is automatically disqualified.

  • To be verified: the candidate file must be reviewed.

Unanswered disqualification questions are considered as being passed and will not affect the disqualification status of the candidate.

Explanations for Disqualification Questions

If configured by your system administrator, you can configure disqualification questions (active, draft or inactive) so that candidates are required to provide explanations for specific answers. This feature provides candidates a greater opportunity to accurately explain their qualifications and it also reduces the need for users to make follow-up contact with candidates to obtain details regarding their responses.

If an explanation is required for an answer, the user must enter an introduction sentence for the explanation.

For example, if the question is "Have you ever been convicted of a crime?", the introduction sentence could "Please specify the crimes you were convicted for as well as any details". A maximum of 256 characters can be entered.

When applying, if the candidate selects a response to a disqualification question requiring an explanation, the candidate must provide it. A maximum of 1000 characters can be entered for the explanation. Authorized recruiters and managers can also enter an explanation on behalf of the candidate either by capturing or editing the candidate submission.

When an explanation is provided for an answer, the explanation is displayed just below the question answer in the candidate file Prescreening section.

Association to Locations and Job Fields

A disqualification question can be associated to locations and job fields.

  • If a question is not associated to any location or job field, the question will be displayed in the requisition.

  • If a question is associated to all locations and/or to all job fields, the question will be displayed in the requisition.

  • If a question is associated to specific locations and/or job fields, the question will be displayed in the requisition if it matches the location or job field of the requisition.

Disqualification Question Translation

The translation of a disqualification question in all languages is not forced by the system (this behavior exists since Taleo 10). The content writer or library administrator should make sure to translate the disqualification question in all appropriate languages. Disqualification questions that are not associated to a Location of Job Field must be translated in all languages (since they can be displayed to all candidates). Disqualification questions associated to locations of job fields can now be translated only in the appropriate languages; it is no longer needed to translate them into unused languages.

History Tracking

The system tracks changes done to the answer of a disqualification question. Changes are visible in the History tab.

Answers to library based questions, be prescreening questions or disqualification questions, are unique, meaning they are shared across all requisitions using the questions. Tracking of changes done to an answer is propagated for prescreening questions, disqualification questions and competencies.

Changes done to the answer of a disqualification question in the context of a job submission will produce a tracking entry in the History tab of all job submissions where the question is used.

Regarding changes done by the Disqualification Questions Library manager, the behavior is:
  • Changes done to a question in the library are tracked in the library. In the History tab, users can see who changed a question and when the change was done.

  • Changes to questions or possible answers are visible right away into requisitions and candidate files.

  • To ensure data integrity, the status of a disqualification question answer cannot be changed.

The possible results to a disqualification question answer (that is, the candidate passes, the candidate is disqualified, to be verified), cannot be modified once the disqualification question has been used.

In the case of a disqualification question that is not associated to a Location or Job Field, any changes done to its answers are tracked.

Creating a Disqualification Question

A setting allows the activation of this feature.

The question can have a maximum of 1000 characters.

Recruiting > Libraries > Disqualification Questions
  1. Click Create Question.

  2. Complete mandatory fields.

  3. Specify required information.

  4. Click Save and Close.

The disqualification question is available in the Disqualification Questions Library. New disqualification questions added to existing requisitions will not affect candidates who have already applied until they update their profile or their submission.

Duplicating a Disqualification Question

A setting allows the activation of this feature.

Recruiting > Libraries > Disqualification Questions
  1. Select a question.

  2. Click Duplicate.

  3. Modify the information in the fields.

  4. Translate the question if necessary.

  5. Click Save and Close.

The disqualification question created based on an existing one is available in the Disqualification Questions library.

Editing a Disqualification Question

A setting allows the activation of this feature.

If a question is active, only grammatical and typographical corrections are allowed.

If a question is draft, any corrections are allowed.

Inactive questions cannot be edited.

Recruiting > Libraries > Disqualification Questions
  1. Click on a disqualification question.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Make modifications.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Modifications to a disqualification question do not affect already answered questions. Candidates who had passed will still pass. Candidates who had been disqualified will remain disqualified.

Associating a Disqualification Question to a Location

A setting allows the activation of this feature.

Recruiting > Libraries > Disqualification Questions
  1. Click on a question.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Locations section, specify if you want to associate the question to all locations or to specific locations.

    If you associate the question to specific locations, click Modify, select a location in the Location selector, then click Save.

  4. Click Save and Close.

The disqualification question will be added to a requisition if the location of the disqualification question matches the location of the requisition.

Associating a Disqualification Question to a Job Field

A setting allows the activation of this feature.

Recruiting > Libraries > Disqualification Questions
  1. Click on a question.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Job Fields section, specify if you want to associate the question to all job fields or to specific job fields.

    If you associate the question to specific job fields, click Modify, select a job field in the Job Field selector, then click Save.

  4. Click Save and Close.

The disqualification question will be added in a requisition if the question matches the job field of the requisition.

Dissociating a Disqualification Question from a Location

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Disqualification Questions should have the draft status.

Inactive disqualification questions cannot be dissociated from a job field.

Recruiting > Libraries > Disqualification Questions
  1. Click on a question.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Associated Structure section, clear the Job Fields check boxes.

  4. Click Save and Close.

By dissociating a disqualification question from a location, the question will be available to be added to all requisitions regardless of the location specification of a requisition.

Dissociating a Disqualification Question from a Job Field

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Disqualification Question should have the draft status.

Disqualification Question must not be used by a posted requisition.

Inactive disqualification questions cannot be dissociated from a job field.

Taleo Recruiting > Libraries > Disqualification Questions
  1. Click on a question.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Associated Structure section, clear the Job Fields check boxes.

  4. Click Save and Close.

The question will not appear in a new requisition related to the previously selected job field. By dissociating a disqualification question from a job field, the question will be available to be added to all requisitions regardless of the job field specification of a requisition

Adding a Disqualification Question to the Job Field or Location Structure

A setting allows the activation of this feature

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Recruiting > Libraries > Disqualification Questions
  1. Click on the Job Field or Location tab in the left pane.

  2. Click Add Question...

  3. Click Select next to the desired question.

  4. Click Done.

The user adding a disqualification question to a requisition will be presented with a selector window containing questions matching the Organization-Location-Job Field structure of the requisition

Removing a Disqualification Question from the Job Field or Location List

A setting allows the activation of this feature.

Recruiting > Libraries > Disqualification Questions
  1. Click on the Job Field or Location tab in the left pane.

  2. Select a question.

  3. Click Remove Question.

By removing a disqualification question from the location or job field list, users will be able to add the question to all requisitions regardless of the location or job field of a requisition

Activating a Disqualification Question

A setting allows the activation of this feature.

The question must have a draft or inactive status.

Recruiting > Libraries > Disqualification Questions
  1. Select a question.

  2. In the More Actions list, select Activate Question.

The status of the disqualification question is Active. The disqualification question is displayed in the requisition.

Deactivating a Disqualification Question

A setting allows the activation of this feature.

The question must be active in order to be deactivated.

Recruiting > Libraries > Disqualification Questions
  1. Select a question.

  2. In the More Actions list, select Deactivate Question.

The disqualification question no longer appears in the Disqualification Questions Library.

Changing the Visibility of a Disqualification Question

A user type permission grants users access to this feature

Recruiting > Libraries > Disqualification Questions
  1. Click on a disqualification question.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Question Properties section, select the visibility from the Visible by drop down list.

  4. Click Save.

The selected disqualification question will be visible to internal, external or all candidates according to the selected visibility.



A competency is used to gather proficiency level and years of experience of a candidate in order to find the best candidate for a job.

Competencies are supplied with the system and are available in the Competencies Library. Active competencies are displayed by default. The Active quick filter can be removed to display both active and inactive competencies. Competencies can then be added in the Prescreening section of a requisition file. A user type permission grants users access to the Competencies Library as well as to the actions that can be performed on Competencies in the requisition file Prescreening section and in the Competency Library.

Competencies are not written as a question. Examples of competencies could be "Human resource planning", "Develop, implement and evaluate human resources policies and procedures".

A competency can be visible to internal candidates, external candidates or all candidates.

A competency can be associated to locations and job fields.

  • If a competency is not associated to any location or job field, the competency will be available to users when adding competencies to a requisition.

  • If a competency is associated to all locations and/or to all job fields, the competency will be available to users when adding competencies to a requisition only if the In Model option is selected.

  • If a competency is associated to specific locations and/or job fields, the competency will be available to users when adding competencies to a requisition if the In Model option is selected and if the competency matches the locations or job fields of the requisition.

When associating a competency to locations or job fields, the competency can be made available in a profile or in a model:

  • If a competency is tagged "In profile", the competency will be available to users who create a candidate file, and to candidates who are entering their profile in a career section. Competencies made available will be sorted to match the location and job field preferences defined by the candidate.

  • If a competency is tagged "In model", the competency will be available to users who complete the Prescreening section of a requisition. Competencies will be grouped in a model based on the location and job field of the requisition.

Creating a Competency

Competencies are supplied with the system, they cannot be created by a user or a system administrator. Contact Oracle Support for more information.

Editing a Competency

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Libraries > Competencies
  1. Click on a competency.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Make modifications.

  4. Click Save and Close.

The visibility of the competency as well as the locations and job fields associated to the competency reflect changes.

Associating a Competency to a Location

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Libraries > Competencies
  1. Click on a competency.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Locations section, specify if you want to associate the competency to all locations or to specific locations.

    If you associate the competency to specific locations, click Modify, select a location in the Location selector, then click Save.

  4. Click Save and Close.

The competency can be added in a requisition if the competency matches the location of the requisition

Associating a Competency to a Job Field

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Libraries > Competencies
  1. Click on a competency.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Job Fields section, specify if you want to associate the competency to all job fields or to specific job fields.

    If you associate the competency to specific job fields, click Modify, select a job field in the Job Field selector, then click Save.

  4. Click Save and Close.

The competency can be added in the requisition if the competency matches the job field of the requisition

Dissociating a Competency from a Location

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Libraries > Competencies
  1. Click on a competency.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Associated Structure section, clear the Location check boxes.

  4. Click Save and Close.

A competency which is not associated to any location remains in the Competency Library but can only be added manually to a requisition.

Dissociating a Competency From a Job Field

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Libraries > Competencies
  1. Click on a competency.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Associated Structure section, clear the Job Fields check boxes.

  4. Click Save and Close.

A competency which is not associated to any location remains in the Competency Library but can only be added manually to a requisition.

Adding a Competency to the Job Field or Location Structure

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Libraries > Competencies
  1. Click on the Job Field or Location tab in the left pane.

  2. Click Add Competency...

  3. Click Select next to the desired competency.

  4. Click Done.

The user adding a competency to a requisition will be presented with a selector window containing competencies matching the Organization-Location-Job Field structure of the requisition.

Removing a Competency from the Job Field or Location Structure

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Libraries > Competencies
  1. Click on the Job Field or Location tab in the left pane.

  2. Select a competency.

  3. Click Remove Competency.

By removing a competency from the Location and/or Job Field structure, the user adding a competency to a requisition will be presented with a selector window containing this competency regardless of the requisition Organization-Location-Job Field structure. The selector window presents competencies matching the Organization-Location-Job Field structure of the requisition or any competencies that is not associated to any Organization-Location-Job Field.

Adding a Competency to the Profile

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Libraries > Competencies
  1. Click on the Job Field or Location tab in the left pane.

  2. Select a competency.

  3. In the More Actions list, click Add to Profile.

In the Competency Library list, a checkmark appears in the In Profile column, next to the competency. The competency is available to another user creating a candidate file and to a candidate entering a profile in a career section.

Removing a Competency from the Profile

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Libraries > Competencies
  1. Click on the Job Field or Location tab in the left pane.

  2. Select a competency.

  3. In the More Actions list, click Remove from Profile.

In the Competency Library list, a check mark no longer appears in the In Profile column, next to the competency. The competency is no longer available to another user creating a candidate file and to a candidate completing a profile in a career section.

Adding a Competency to the Model

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Libraries > Competencies
  1. Click on the Job Field or Location tab in the left pane.

  2. Select a competency.

  3. In the More Actions list, click Add to Prescreening Model.

In the Competency Library list, a check mark appears in the In Model column, next to the competency. The competency is available to another user completing the Prescreening section of a requisition.

Viewing a Competency in Another Language

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

The Earth icon must be displayed next to the competency in the competencies list.

Libraries > Competencies
  1. Click on a competency.

  2. Select a language from the Activated Languages list.

The competency is displayed in the selected language.

Changing the Visibility of a Competency

A user type permission grants users access to this feature

Libraries > Competencies
  1. Click on a competency.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Competency Properties section, select the visibility from the Visible by drop down list.

  4. Click Save.

The selected competency will be visible to internal, external or all candidates according to the selected visibility.

Evaluation Management Categories, Questions, Skills, Questionnaires Libraries

Creating Evaluation CategoriesCreating Evaluation Categories

Library Managers use the Evaluation Categories library to organize evaluation questions and questionnaires.

Evaluation categories are available in the Libraries tab of the Recruiting Center. A user type permission is required to access evaluation categories.

By default, all evaluation categories are displayed on the library. Use quick filters to refine the list by category or status (Draft, Active or Inactive). You can create new evaluation categories or modify existing ones. When you create an evaluation category, the category is created in your preferred language. Once a category is created, you can translate it. Languages for which a translation was provided are displayed in blue in the Activated Languages menu.

Creating Evaluation QuestionsCreating Evaluation Questions

Library Managers maintain an up-to-date list of evaluation questions, skills, and questionnaires that are compliant with the organization policy.

Evaluation questions are available in the Libraries tab of the Recruiting Center. A user type permission is required to access evaluation questions.

Before creating a question, look at the existing questions in the Evaluation Questions library. Use quick filters to refine the list by question (enter one or multiple words), status (Active, Inactive, Draft), and category. You can filter the list using one or several criteria. Once questions are filtered, you can sort the list by clicking on the column header. If you don’t see the question you are looking for, create a new one.

Creating Evaluation SkillsCreating Evaluation Skills

Library Managers create evaluation skills.

Skill based rating questions are available in Evaluation Management. Skills are added to evaluation questionnaires. Recruiters can evaluate candidates' skills using simple rating scales and they can compare candidates against each other and the desired skill level for the position. Charts provide users with a visual means of reviewing results and comparing responses.

Evaluation skills are available in the Libraries tab of the Recruiting Center. A user type permission is required to access evaluation skills.

Before creating a skill, look at the existing skills in the Evaluation Skills library. Use quick filters to refine the list by skill (enter one or multiple words), status (Active, Inactive, Draft), and category. You can filter the list using one or several criteria. Once skills are filtered, you can sort the list by clicking on the column header. If you don’t see the skill you are looking for, create a new one.

Creating Evaluation Questionnaires Creating Evaluation Questionnaires

Library Managers create evaluation questionnaires and add questions and skills.

Evaluation questionnaires are available in the Libraries tab of the Recruiting Center. A user type permission is required to access evaluation questionnaires.

When you create a questionnaire, three tabs are available:

  • Properties: This is where you provide general information about the questionnaire.

  • Questions: This is where you add questions to the questionnaire. You can specify which questions are required when evaluators complete questionnaires. You can add weight values to question answer. You can also remove questions, reorder questions, and hide or show question details.

  • Skill Ratings: Includes a button to select the rating scale to apply to the questionnaire. Rating scales are created by system administrators. Once the rating scale is selected, you can define which skills are required when evaluators complete questionnaires. You can add, remove, and reorder skills (which were defined in the Evaluation Skills library). Once skills have been added, you select the desired skill level for each skill.