11Configuration Settings

Configuration Settings

Configuration Settings

Company Configuration Settings

The Company configuration section provides access to settings relating to the general organization, product application, URLs, front-end support and Google analytics for the site.


Settings for the Company configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Company > General
Client Name The client name (e.g., Vision).
Program Name The client's name for their jobs and/or referral program (e.g., Vision Sourcing).
Client ID The client ID unique to every client.
Client Code The three letter internal code unique to this client.
Configuration > Company > Application
Application Version The product version the site was last updated with.
Launch Date The date on which your career site or referral program officially launched, in mm/dd/yyyy format. Set by the project manager, it is the start date for all analytics.
Site Mode Select from these options:
  • Jobs - As a job site Sourcing does not have any of the job sharing and referral features. It functions as a portal for external candidates to look for jobs, apply, and review their profile and submissions in TE.

  • Referrals - In referral mode an internal user also sees all the job sharing and referral features.

  • Jobs and Referrals - A hybrid setting that allows a dual experience, as a job site to an external job seeker, and as a referral site for an internal employee.

Site Preference Select from these options:
  • Employee Only - Sourcing serves as an internal employee job site.

  • Alumni Only - Sourcing serves as an alumni job site.

  • Hybrid - Sourcing serves as both an internal employee and an alumni job site.

Active Locales Enable which translations are made available to users.
Default Locales The default locale (and by extension, language and date format) used throughout the application.
Reset Site Reset all services and refresh all caches for this application.
Configuration > Company > Company URLs
Global Vanity Domains Vanity domains for this site, complete with "www." (or subdomain) prefix and separated by pipe characters. (Vanity domains are specific URLs set up to reflect your company's name. Using them helps prevent users from knowing, from the URL, they have left your company's site and are on the Sourcing hosted site.)
Email Domains Comma separated list of domains used in email addresses by current employees.
Internal Career Site URL Sets the internal career site URL.
External Career Site URL Sets the external career site URL.
Alumni Site URL Sets the alumni site URL.
Alumni Site Profile Edit URL Sets the URL for the alumni site's profile edit.
Configuration > Company > Front End Support
Support Email Enabled Enables a Contact Us support email link to show to users in the application; in standard messaging, error notifications and help text.
Support Email Address Sets the company support email address provided to users.
Configuration > Company > Google Analytics
Google Analytics ID Enables entry of a customer site-specific code to track in Google Analytics.
Google Analytics Dashboard Click here to open the Google Analytics dashboard.

Jobs Configuration Settings

The Jobs configuration section provides access to settings relating to the general display, application process, applicant tracking system, recommendations and endorsements, jobs search filter, "New" flags, bonus display, and internal facing fields and jobs display.


Settings for the Jobs configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Jobs > General
Display Preferences Set the three toggles: 1. Post Date. 2. Total Views. 3. Requisition Number. At least one field must be enabled.
Configuration > Jobs > Apply
View Type Selects the type of job application handoff process. ATS (applicant tracking system), Taleo, Upload Resume, Taleo Direct Internal, Taleo Direct External.)
Redirect Text Enabled Show explanatory text to the user within the apply modal, informing them that they are about to be redirected to an ATS, eRecruitment platform or related site, to continue the application process.
Redirect Text Enables the Redirect Text function.
Join Talent Community Checkbox Enables the Sign Up for Job Alerts button.
Allow Employees to Apply Enables employees to apply for jobs.
Allow Employees to Sign Up for Job Alerts Determines whether the Allow Employees to Sign Up for Job Alerts checkbox displays on the Apply for this Job modal.
Employee Apply Prevention Message Sets message for employee application prevention.
Employee Apply Redirect Message Sets message for employee apply redirect.
Notify Starred Recruiters on Job Apply When a user begins an application to a particular job, notify recruiters that have starred that job. Starring a job allows a recruiter to take ownership and receive activity alerts.
Allow "Remember Me" in Login Enables the Remember Me checkbox on the login.
Job Apply Additional Fields Sets any additional fields for the apply tray.
Prefer Original Referrer If multiple referrers exist for a given application, favor the original referrer over others.
Capture Identification from Applicants Allows Administrators to hide the apply modal from recognized users.
Configuration > Jobs > ATS Parameters
Default Value Enter the default ATS URL.
Unaffiliated Value Enter the unaffiliated ATS URL.
Source Parameter Value Enter the source parameter value.
Alumnus Applicant Value Enter the ATS URL for when the applicant is an alumnus. (For example, http://sample.url/job?src=OTH-10300.)
Employee Applicant Value Enter the ATS URL for when the applicant is an employee. (For example, http://sample.url/job?src=UNS-10260.)
Unaffiliated Applicant Value Enter the ATS URL for when the applicant is unaffiliated.
Referred by Alumnus Value Enter the ATS URL for when the applicant is referred by an alumnus. (For example, http://sample.url/job?src=REF-10280.)
Referred by Employee Value Enter the ATS URL for when the applicant is referred by an employee.
Referred by Unaffiliated Value Enter the ATS URL for when the applicant is referred by unaffiliated.
Configuration > Jobs > Recommend
Default Subject Enter default subject text for job recommendation.
Default Message Enter default message text for job recommendation.
Show Recommend Button to Trusted Referrers Only Enables Recommend button for Trusted Referrers only.
Endorsements Enables endorsement emails to referrers asking for information as to why they are referring particular candidates. (Also see the additional endorsement message settings for Recruiters, Starred Recruiters and Common Email Address, in the Messaging Configuration chapter of this guide.)
Configuration > Jobs > Filters
ATS Filter Enables ATS Status and Status Date columns in the Referrer Activity/Candidates modal. Displays the ATS Status values that are loaded with ATS Status feed.
ATS Default Status ID If ATS Filter is enabled, displays this status for applications by default, if an updated status from the ATS has not yet been uploaded.
Show Hot Jobs Filter to Employees Enables display to employees of filter for flagged Hot Jobs, which are jobs prioritized by Oracle Taleo recruiters.
Show Hot Jobs Filter to Candidates Enables display to candidates of filter for flagged Hot Jobs, which are jobs prioritized by Oracle Taleo recruiters.
Configuration > Jobs > New Flags
New Job Date Range The number of days after a job is uploaded during which it is considered new.
Show New Flags to External Users Enables display to external users of flagged New jobs, which are jobs posted within the New Job Date Range value.
Show New Flags to Trusted Referrers Enables display to trusted referrers of flagged New jobs, which are jobs posted within the New Job Date Range value.
Configuration > Jobs > Bonus
Show Eligibility Enables display of referrer bonus eligibility on job description.
Show Amount Enables display of referrer bonus amount on job description.
Configuration > Jobs > Internal Information
Additional Information Enables display of Additional Information section on job description.
Hiring Manager Enables display of hiring manager on job description.
Internal Contact Name Enables display of internal contact name on job description.
Internal Contact Email Enables display of internal contact email address on job description.
Maximum Salary Enables display of maximum salary on job description.
Minimum Salary Enables display of minimum salary on job description.
Midpoint Salary Enables display of midpoint salary on job description.
Internal Only Jobs Enables display of Internal Only jobs.

Site Builder Configuration Settings

The Site Builder configuration section provides access to settings relating to the ability to create multiple new sites related to the organization's main site, see a list of all sites in the organization's implementation, edit site-specific settings, edit site branding, and edit site pages.


Settings for the Site Builder configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Site Builder > All Sites
Create New Site Allows entry of a new site name and site URL path to create a site based on the default site. Once the name and path are saved the site appears in the list of existing sites, and the Site Builder tools can be used to complete the editing and customization of the site.
List of Existing Sites Allows viewing and editing of existing sites in your implementation.
Site Name and URL Link Allows viewing of an existing site's name, and opening of the site to see it in deployed mode, respectively.
Configuration > Site Builder > Edit Site Settings
Program Name The client's name for their jobs and/or referral program (e.g., Vision Sourcing).
Short Name The client's short name for their jobs and/or referral program (e.g., Vision).
Site Mode Select from Jobs, Referrals, or Jobs and Referrals.
Referral Only Authentication Display

Enables Administrators to hide the Sign Up and Sign In buttons that display on sites configured as Referral Only.

This setting only impacts sites with Site Mode configured as Referral Only. Sites with Site Mode configured as Job Site Only or Job Site and Referral are not impacted by this setting.

Site Vanity Domains

Customers with multiple brand identities, aligned to unique sites in Sourcing, can configure a vanity URL for each site here.

Google Analytics ID Enables entry of customer site specific Google Analytics code to track site activity in Google Analytics. When code is present here, it appears in source code for front-end (e.g., Portal or Home) pages to enable Google Analytics tracking.
Google Analytics Dashboard Use the link stating "Click here to open Google Analytics dashboard" to access the site's Google Analytics dashboard.
Category and Location Pages
Category Landing Page Enables landing pages based on job categories.
Location Landing Page Enables landing pages based on job locations.
Enable State/Prov. Pages Enables location landing pages based on states and provinces. A list of countries displays. For each country a counter shows the number of states or provinces enabled as landing pages, and the total number of states or provinces. Click on a country name to open a list of the states or provinces for the country. Use the toggle to enable or disable the landing page for each state or province.
Filter Jobs by Country Select which countries to include in the jobs for this site.
Filter Jobs by Company Select which companies to include in the jobs for this site.
Filter Jobs by Career Section Select which career sections to include in the jobs for this site.
Reload Job Results Reload job listings in all relevant landing pages. Reload this page to update Location Landing pages (above).
Upload Friend's Resume Available to trusted referrers only. User has the ability to upload a friend's resume.
Country Filter Enables country facet in jobs search, campaign creations and country filter in analytics.
Display Country After Location Enables display of Country after Location on Job Details page.
Company Filter Enables company facet in jobs search, campaign creations and company filter in analytics.
Start Date Range Enables start date range.
Languages Enables Languages facet in jobs search.
Show Hot Flags to Trusted Referrers Enables showing flagged Hot Jobs to trusted referrers.
Show Hot Flags to External Users Enables showing flagged Hot Jobs to external users.
Home Page
Maximum Number of Category Tiles to Display Selects maximum number of category tiles for display on the Home page. Promotes category landing pages by displaying tiles for the top landing pages that are published. Tile display is based upon the following criteria:
  1. The user has categories listed in their preferences, and there are more than 2 open jobs for that category, or,

  2. The system fills the rest of the tiles based on the published categories that have the most New jobs.

Anonymous Activity Feed Hide all names and pictures from Activity Feed.
Referrer Activity If the Site Mode supports referral capabilities, show the user their referral activity via a widget in the sidebar.
Show External ID in Referrer Activity Enables display of external ID in Referrer Activity.
Country List Filter Select which countries will show up in PlaceFinder jobs search.
Maximum Number of Results Enter maximum number of results to show in PlaceFinder jobs search.
TEE Account URLs
Submit Profile URL - Guests Allows the links Go to Profile and My Submissions to target career sections configured for their Sourcing privilege class allowing candidates to go through the targeted flows.
Manage Profile URL - Guests
My Submissions URL - Guests Allows the links Go to Profile and My Submissions to target career sections configured for their Sourcing privilege class allowing candidates to go through the targeted flows.
Submit Profile URL - Employees Allows the links Go to Profile and My Submissions to target career sections configured for their Sourcing privilege class allowing candidates to go through the targeted flows.
Manage Profile URL - Employees
My Submissions URL - Employees Allows the links Go to Profile and My Submissions to target career sections configured for their Sourcing privilege class allowing candidates to go through the targeted flows.
Configuration > Site Builder > Edit Site Branding
Content Colors
Body Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Font Enter hexadecimal value.
Link Enter hexadecimal value.
Link Hover Enter hexadecimal value.
Title Enter hexadecimal value.
Icon Enter hexadecimal value.
Search Banner Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Navigation Colors
Header Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Navigation Link Enter hexadecimal value.
Navigation Link Selected Enter hexadecimal value.
Navigation Link Underline Enter hexadecimal value.
Sub-Navigation Link Enter hexadecimal value.
Sub-Navigation Link Active Enter hexadecimal value.
Footer Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Footer Text Enter hexadecimal value.
Footer Link Enter hexadecimal value.
Footer Link Underline Enter hexadecimal value.
Button Colors
Primary Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Primary Text Enter hexadecimal value.
Secondary Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Secondary Text Enter hexadecimal value.
Search Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Search Text Enter hexadecimal value.
Create Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Create Text Enter hexadecimal value.
Category Tiles Colors
Category Tile 1 Enter hexadecimal value.
Category Tile 2 Enter hexadecimal value.
Category Tile 3 Enter hexadecimal value.
Category Tile 4 Enter hexadecimal value.
Category Tile 5 Enter hexadecimal value.
Category Tile 6 Enter hexadecimal value.
Body Text Normal Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Body Text Bold Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Header Light Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Header Normal Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Header Bold Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Button Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Navigation Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Promo (Promotional text) Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Footer Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Messaging Body Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Messaging Header Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Configuration > Site Builder > Edit Site
Publish Publishes the edited site, saves the site settings.
Logos and Images Opens Logos and Images modal, enabling uploading of site Portal/Home page banner, Facebook Application and LinkedIn logos; and Favicon and Landing Page images.
Advanced CSS Opens the Advanced CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) modal. Enables entry of custom, advanced CSS that works in conjunction with customer's specific branding, so that Sourcing is styled correctly for wrapping Sourcing with the customer's header, footer and sidebar navigation. This CSS is separate from the CSS that controls the colors and styling of Sourcing-specific content.
Branding Toggles On/Off links to branding functions for page layout, pre-header and sub-footer. When activated, each link opens a modal for configuring that feature. Language-specific branding can be manually edited here. If no language-specific branding is specified, the site default language branding is displayed.
Layout Modal enables selection from available page layouts.
Top Modal enables entry and editing of pre-header HTML.
Bottom Modal enables entry and editing of sub-footer HTML.
Compact Navigation Toggles On/Off the company logo in the pre-header.
Responsive Enables site branding to be responsive to viewing on a mobile device.
Language dropdown Ability to preview sites in different languages.
Preview As
User role dropdown Administrators can select different roles to see how the site will present to different users.
Default View Selecting this brings the user back to the Default user role, the role that they logged in with.
Landing Pages
Category Pages Select a category to view, edit, or share its landing page.
Location Pages Select a location to view, edit, or share its landing page.
Custom Pages Select a custom page from a list to view, edit, or share.
Pages (List) Lists links to the pages in the site that can be edited with Page Editor. Click a page name link to open it in the Page Editor.
Promo Toggles On/Off display of the Promo block.
Top Referrers Toggles On/Off display of the Top Referrers block.
Hero Image Toggles On/Off display of the Hero image.
Search Toggles On/Off display of the Search block.
Previous Searches Toggles On/Off display of the Previous Searches block.
Categories Toggles On/Off display of the Categories block.
Share Toggles On/Off display of the Share block.
Social Toggles On/Off display of the Social block.
Featured Jobs Toggles On/Off display of the Featured Jobs block.
Activity Feed Toggles On/Off display of the Activity Feed block.
Landing Page Image Blur Toggles On/Off Land Page Image Blur.
Configuration > Site Builder > Create Clone of Default Site
Site Name Allows entry of a name for a new site that is a clone of a selected, existing site.
Site Path Allows entry of a URL path for the cloned site.
Configuration > Site Builder > Delete Site
Delete Site Allows deletion of sites. Prior to deletion, the following message displays: Warning: You are about to delete this site and all it's settings. All incoming links will be rerouted to the default site. The default site cannot be deleted

Users Configuration Settings

The Users section provides access to settings relating to the user settings configuration; as well as user registration, login, login redirect, trusted referrer, top referrer, priority referrer, and recruiter settings.


Settings for the Users configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Users > General
Username Display Max Length Enter the maximum number of characters for the username display on the Home page's user settings link.
Trusted Referrer Relationship IDs Enter the relationship IDs of the user roles  that are considered trusted referrers. If multiple values then enter in a pipe delimited format. For example, for alumni and employees, enter "10|20".
Configuration > Users > Registration
Choose Relationship Require registrants to select their relationship to the company during the registration process.
Employee Number Validation If Choose Relationship is enabled, require registrants to input their Employee Number when selecting an Employee relationship on the Registration modal.
Choose Department and Location If Choose Relationship is enabled and Employee Number Validation is disabled, require registrants to select their corresponding Department and Location when selecting an Employee relationship on the Registration modal.
Choose Locale in Registration Enables registrants to choose their language locale in the Registration modal.
Terms and Conditions Check Enables Terms and Conditions checkbox and link on the registration modal.
Configuration > Users > Login
Partially Log In the Likely User When enabled, partially logs in trusted referrers navigating from recruiter emails, when their identity is reasonably known (such as via email campaign link tracking).
Configuration > Users > Login Redirect
Front End User Sets the login redirect URL for front-end users.
Recruiter Sets the login redirect URL for recruiter users.
Administrator Sets the login redirect URL for administrator users.
Supreme Administrator Sets the login redirect URL for Supreme Administrator users.
Configuration > Users > Top Referrers
Show to Candidates
Regulates if the Top Referrers modal will be available to users other than trusted referrers. Top Referrers are scored using these criteria:
  • Job shares

  • Clicks resulting from job shares

  • Apply starts from job shares

Each criterion is weighted according to your preferences. In order to be eligible as a Top Referrer, users must meet a configurable minimum Qualifying Score.

Qualifying Score Sets qualifying score for top referrers.
Referral Weight Sets "job shares referral" weight.
Click Weight Sets "clicks resulting from job shares" weight.
Candidate Weight Sets "candidate apply starts from job shares" weight.
Hired Weight Sets "candidates hired" weight.
Configuration > Users > Priority Referrer
Priority Referral Enabled Enables passing of priority referrer parameter in the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) URL.
Parameter Name Enter parameter name (e.g., pr_flag).
Parameter Value Enter parameter value (e.g., true).
Configuration > Users > User Settings
Choose Locale in User Settings Enables locale selector in User Settings (Name) > Settings.
User Settings in Additional Fields Sets any additional fields for the User Settings (Name) > Settings.
Location User Preference Describes how job locations are formatted across the application. Valid keywords are: City, State, Country, Municipality and Address. Valid delimiters are dashes, commas and pipes.
Hierarchical Location Selector When enabled, allows the selection of locations through choosing levels such as country, state or province, city, and address.
Configuration > Users > Recruiters
Invite a Recruiter Enables the ability of administrators to send email invitations to recruiters via the application.
Grant Recruiters Access to Referral On Demand and Talent Community Campaigns Enables recruiters to have access to create and manage Referral On Demand (ROD) and Talent Community (TC) campaigns.
Notify Starred Recruiters on Job Apply When a user begins an application to a particular job, notify recruiters that have starred that job of this activity via email.
Recruiter System Notifications On/Off toggle is provided for each recruiter in the system, whether or not to receive system notifications.

Social Channels Configuration Settings

The Social Channels configuration section provides access to settings relating to site connectivity to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Weibo.


Settings for the Social Channels configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Social Channels > Facebook
Facebook Enabled Enables the Facebook application/channel in Sourcing.
API Key Enter the Facebook API key.
Application ID Enter the Facebook Application ID.
Application Secret Enter the Facebook Application Secret.
Facebook Quickshare Enables Quickshare button to post to Facebook without being tethered.
Description Maximum Length Enter the maximum length for the description.
Tab App Activation Enables display of the Facebook Tab application.
SJD - Use Facebook App Job Link Enables use in SJD (Social Jobs Distribution) of the Facebook application job link.
Configuration > Social Channels > Twitter
Twitter Enabled Enables the Twitter channel in Sourcing.
Consumer API Key Enter the Twitter consumer API key.
Consumer Secret Enter the Twitter consumer secret.
Configuration > Social Channels > LinkedIn
LinkedIn Enabled Enables the LinkedIn channel in Sourcing.
Consumer API Key Enter the LinkedIn consumer API key.
Consumer Secret Enter the LinkedIn consumer secret.
LinkedIn API Enables the LinkedIn API.
LinkedIn JS API Enables the Java Script API for LinkedIn.
Configuration > Social Channels > Weibo
Weibo Enabled Enables the Weibo channel in Sourcing. When activated, Weibo shows up as a sharing option when an employee acts to recommend a job to a friend. This Send a Status Update (Weibo) option sends and embedded link to the friend.
API Key Enter the Weibo API key.
Application ID Enter the Weibo application ID.
Application Secret Enter the Weibo application secret.
Weibo Like Share Widget Enables the Weibo Lite Share Widget.

Campaigns Configuration Settings

The Campaigns configuration section provides access to settings relating to Referrals On Demand (ROD), Talent Community (TC), and Landing Page campaigns.


Settings for the Campaigns configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Campaigns > General
Referral On Demand Campaigns Enables Administrators and Recruiters to see the link for Referrals On Demand campaign creation.
Talent Community Campaigns Enables Administrators and Recruiters to see the link for TC campaign creation.
Grant Recruiters Access to Referral On Demand and Talent Community Campaigns Enables Recruiters to access links to the Referrals On Demand (ROD) and Talent Community (TC) campaigns in the Promote Jobs module.
Landing Page Campaigns Enables email campaigns where recruiters set Landing pages.

Talent Community Configuration Settings

The Talent Community configuration section provides access to settings relating to the general talent community, user registration, Job Alert schedule, and candidate referral marketing (CRM) redirect for the site.


Settings for the Talent Community configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Talent Community > General
Talent Community Enabled Enables users to subscribe to Talent Community (TC) automatic alerts.
Talent Community Campaigns Enables Administrators and Recruiters to see the link for TC campaign creation.
Limited Access to Referrals to Trusted Referrers Enables limiting Talent Community automatic alerts to only referrals from trusted referrers.
Configuration > Talent Community > Registration
Modular Registration Enables modular way to subscribe to Talent Community.
Choose Relationship Require Talent Community registrants to select their relationship to the company during the registration process.
Allow new user Sign Up with company Email Domain. Enables Administrators to allow or prevent the creation of new users using the company email domain.
Configuration > Talent Community > Schedule
Day to Send Weekly Alert Sets the day of the week for the weekly alert.
Day to Send Monthly Alert Sets the day or the week for the monthly alert.
Configuration > Talent Community > CRM Redirect
CRM Redirect Enabled Enables the candidate referral marketing (CRM) redirect. When you prefer to use your organization's own CRM system, any Sourcing promotions or links to join the Talent Community or sign up for Job Alerts will send the user to the URL you configure for the external CRM.
CRM Redirect URL Sets the URL for the CRM redirect.
Configuration > Talent Community > Additional Fields
Talent Community Additional Fields Sets any additional fields for the Talent Community.

Taleo Configuration Settings

Sourcing's Taleo configuration section provides access to settings relating to the Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE) and Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition integrations for the site.


Settings for the Taleo configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Business Edition
TBE Enabled Enables Taleo Business Edition (TBE) integration with Sourcing.
SSO Verifying Key Sets the TBE SSO verifying key.
Signing Key Sets the TBE signing key.
Configuration > Taleo > TBE Employee Connector
Last Synchronized Date Displays date employees were last synchronized between Sourcing and TBE.
Synchronize Employees Synchronizes Sourcing's user base with that of the associated TBE instance by retrieving and uploading a user feed containing records of all new users in TBE since the Last Synchronized Date. Can replace doing this import of job and employee data with a third-party job scrape.
Feed Schedule Sets the automated running of the Synchronize Employees feed on a daily, weekly or monthly schedule.
API URL Enter the URL for the TBE zone you are integrating with.
Username Enter the TBE account username for the integration user.
Password Enter the TBE account password for the integration user.
Company Code Enter the TBE company code.
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition
TEE Enabled Enables TE integration with Sourcing.
TEE Version Enter the TE version.
TEE Base Domain URL

Configure the URL with the *.taleo.net domain. Vanity URLs are not supported in this setting

Username Enter the TE account username.
Password Enter the TE account password.
Use LDAP Enables the use of LDAP.
Upload Resume Enables the display of the Upload Resume button.
Unique Email Constraint Enables the Unique Email Constraint to be active.
Accept Referrals for Known Candidates Enables referrals for known candidates.
Allow Adding Employees Enables employees to be added to TE.
Allow General Candidates Enables allowing for a general submission of a candidate not attached to a job. This feature only works if TE allows general submissions. When activated, a button at the top of the Home page allows an option for a logged-in employee to submit a friend's resume. On the Upload Friend's Resume modal the employee enters their friend's contact information and can upload their resume. When the resume is uploaded in this fashion it creates a profile in TE for the friend.
Allow Integration Sending Email Enables allowing emails from the TE system.
OLF Location Levels Map the TE OLF (Organization, Location and Job Fields) locations to Sourcing address, municipality, city, state or province, and country fields.
Refresh Job Location Levels Refresh all location mapping between Sourcing and TE. Use this only if needed. Normally this is refreshed as part of the TE Job Feed integration on a regular schedule.
OLF Category Level Map the TE OLF (Organization, Location and Job Fields) job fields to Sourcing job category.
OLF Organization Level Map the TE OLF (Organization, Location and Job Fields) job fields to Sourcing company (organization) facet.
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo OLF Structure
Organizations Click the folder icon to display the TE organization tree imported from the TE Job Feed integration.
Locations Click the folder icon to display the TE location tree imported from the TE Job Feed integration.
Job Fields Click the folder icon to display the TE job category tree imported from the TE Job Feed integration.
Map Previous Location Data to Taleo For existing customers who are upgrading from use of a job scrape to use the job feed integration. Use to run a query to match job location data already in Sourcing to TE.
Map Previous Category Data to Taleo For existing customers who are upgrading from use of a job scrape to use the job feed integration. Use to run a query to match job location data already in Sourcing to TE.
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Career Section
Synchronized Career Sections Provides synchronization of active CSs from TE to load jobs from. Click the Edit (Pencil) icon to display a list of the CSs available from the TE Job Feed integration. Use the toggles to turn On/Off the CSs you want to activate/deactivate for use with Sourcing. Activating a career section makes available the jobs from that CS to end-users in Sourcing.
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition Job Connector
Manual Job Synchronization Runs the TE Job Feed integration on demand or at a designated point in time.
Run On Schedule Enables the setting of a schedule for automated running of the TE Job Feed integration on a recurring schedule.
Feed Schedule Sets the TE Job Feed integration run schedule. Valid values vary from every 3 minutes to every 24 hours.
Configuration > Taleo > Synchronize Employees with TEE Zone
Last Run Date Date the feed was last run.
Synch all Employees Now Triggers a feed of all employees from TEE.
Synch Delta Employees Now Triggers the import of changes to employees.
Deltas Days Ago Sets how far back the delta synch should look for changes.
Employee Synch Page Size
Run on Schedule Toggle for running the feed on schedule.
Employee Synch Schedule Timing for when the synch should be run.
Configuration > Taleo > TE Account URLs
Submit Profile URL Enter the TE CS's Submit Profile URL.
Manage Profile URL Enter the TE CS's Manage Profile URL.
My Submission URL Enter the TE CS's My Submission URL.
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Direct (Multiple Career Sections)
Allow Multiple Career Sections for Handoff Enables ability to handoff candidates in a direct application flow to one of multiple TE CSs.
Multiple Career Sections URL Format Enter the URLs for the multiple CSs.
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Direct (External)
Taleo External Desktop URL Format Sets the URL format for an external candidate, desktop user's direct application flow to a TE career section.
Taleo External Desktop Career Section Path Enter the external candidate, desktop user's TE career section URL path.
Taleo External Mobile URL Format Enter the URL format for an external candidate, mobile user's direct application flow to a TE career section.
Taleo External Mobile Career Section Path Enter the URL format for an external candidate, mobile user's TE career section URL path.
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Direct (Internal)
TE Internal Desktop URL Format Sets the URL format for an internal candidate, desktop user's TE career section.
TE Internal Desktop Career Section Path Enter the internal candidate, desktop user's TE career section URL path.
TE Internal Mobile URL Format Sets the URL format for an internal candidate, mobile user's TE career section URL.
TE Internal Mobile Career Section Path Enter the internal candidate, mobile user's career section URL path.
Configuration > Taleo > Candidate's Statuses Updated
Candidate Status Synch Enables the TE Candidate Status Synchronization integration feed. The TE job submission status for external and internal candidates are exported to Sourcing in an API feed, so the appropriate candidate job submission statuses are displayed in Sourcing. When this setting is turned On the job submission information is shown to recruiters, referrers of a candidate, and candidates themselves.
Update Schedule Sets the automated running of the TE Candidate Status Synchronization integration feed on a recurring basis. Valid values are Off, Daily, Twice a Day and Four Times a Day.

Search and Geolocation Configuration Settings

The Search configuration section provides access to settings relating to the geolocation search, geocoding, PlaceFinder and Solr.


Settings for the Search configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Search > SOLR
SOLR Enabled Enables Solr search platform.
Server URL Enter the search server URL.
Core Name Enter the core name. Defaults to client code if blank.
Fields Queried Enter the fields queried in the search.
Boost Query Enter the boost query.
Configuration > Search > SOLR PlaceFinder
Sever URL Enter the Solr PlaceFinder server URL.
Core Name Enter the core name.
Country List Filter Select which countries should show up in PlaceFinder.
Maximum Number of Results Sets the maximum number of results in PlaceFinder searches.
Configuration > Search > SOLR Data Population
Import Jobs Runs a process to import jobs into Solr.
Import Jobs and Delete Archived Runs a process to import jobs and delete archived.
Import Jobs (Java Version) Runs a process to import jobs (Java version).
Configuration > Search > Geolocation and Geocoding
Geolocation Search Enabled Enables Geolocation Search. When turned On, Sourcing will ask the user's location upon loading. If the user agrees, the system will prepopulate the Location Search box with their location.
Metric Default Sets the radius search to work with metric measurements.
User Control Radius Unit Enables the user control radius unit in job search. When enabled, if a user agrees to share their location, or types the city into the Location Search box, the Sourcing search results will find all the jobs that are within a radius of that location. The user can set the search radius distance on the Job Search page.
Default Country Enter the default country.
Location Match Pattern Enter the Location Match Pattern.
Geocode Job Locations Normally done during the TE job feed to Sourcing, configured to run at set intervals. Click Geocode Jobs to run it now.
Allowlist Parser - Server URL Enter the Allowlist Parser server URL.
Allowlist Parser - Core Name Enter the Allowlist Parser core name.


These glossary terms and descriptions pertain to the settings for the Search and Geolocation configuration sections:

Geocoding - A location defined as a string or semi-formatted text, then translated to standard geographical coordinates (i.e. longitude and latitude). "Reverse Geocoding" refers to longitude and latitude coordinates converted to a human-readable location description.

Geocode-based searching - Sourcing uses geocoding to convert job locations and user locations (strings) into longitude and latitude coordinates, and radius search to match users to jobs within a user-defined distance from their location.

Geolocation - The identification of a meaningful, real world location of an object, such as a street address, using its latitude and longitude coordinates. Geolocation search works in Sourcing by using the address, city, state or province, and country from the TE job feed, and coding those fields to a specific longitude and latitude.

Job Location - The geographic location where a job is based. There can be multiple locations for a job posting.

Job Location Translation - The supported language translation, if there is one, for the locale (country) the job location is in.

PlaceFinder - Geocoding technology to make applications location-aware, by converting place formats (such as street addresses or place names) into geographic coordinates and address components.

Solr Search - A search engine platform for websites with features such as faceted search, database integration and geospatial search that make it useful for performing geolocation searches.

Allowlist parser - A part of the Solr technology that is used in the geocoding process, containing a list of places around the world. In order to geocode the job location through the Oracle eLocation API correctly, the location string must be parsed into country, state/province, city and address values. The parsed values are then sent to the API and the coordinates returned to Sourcing.

Messaging Configuration Settings

The Messaging configuration section provides access to settings relating to message templates, message editors and automated messaging for the site. As part of the initial implementation the copy for your organization's campaign messages and automated email templates must be edited.


Settings for the Messaging configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Messaging > Template Includes
Message Header Enter default message header text.
Message Footer Enter default message footer text.
Message Signature Enter default message signature text.
Configuration > Messaging > Broadcast Messaging
Talent Community Job Alerts Enables the Job Alerts signup button.
Use Composer Enables the message composer (for messaging beginning in release 1.10/14B).
Configuration > Messaging > Campaign Templates
Classic + No Jobs (ARM) Enter default From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Classic + Selected Jobs (Talent Community) Enter default From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Classic + Selected Jobs (Email) Enter default From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Classic + Targeted Jobs (ARM) Enter default From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Landing Page (Email) Enter default From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Landing Page (Talent Community) Enter default From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Modern + No Jobs (ARM) Enter default From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Modern + Selected Jobs (Talent Community) Enter default From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Modern + Selected Jobs (Email) Enter default From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Modern + Targeted Jobs (ARM) Enter default From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Configuration > Messaging > Campaign Template Colors
Button Background Enter the hexadecimal color value for the button background.
Button Border Enter the hexadecimal color value for the button border.
Button Text Enter the hexadecimal color value for the button text.
Link Enter the hexadecimal color value for the hyperlink.
Configuration > Messaging > Automated Messaging
Congratulate Applicant to Being Hired Enables this type of email message.
Congratulate Applicant to Being Hired - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Email Report Download Enables this type of email message.
Email Report Download - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Forgot Password Enables this type of email message.
Forgot Password - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Invite a Recruiter - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Invite a Recruiter - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Notify Applicant of Apply for Friend on Behalf of Taleo - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Notify Applicant of Apply for Friend on Behalf of Taleo - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Notify Applicant of Apply Start - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Notify Applicant of Apply Start - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Notify Applicant of Apply for Friend - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Notify Applicant of Apply for Friend - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Notify Applicant of Apply for Friend CC - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Notify Applicant of Apply for Friend CC - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Notify Applicant of Talent Community Subscription - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Notify Applicant of Talent Community Subscription - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Notify Applicant on Behalf of Taleo - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Notify Applicant on Behalf of Taleo - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Notify New Quick Clients Admin - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Notify New Quick Clients Admin - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Notify Recruiter of Apply - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Notify Recruiter of Apply - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Notify Recruiter of Candidate Status Change - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Notify Recruiter of Candidate Status Change - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Notify Referrer of Apply - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Notify Referrer of Apply - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Notify Referrer of Apply CC - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Notify Referrer of Apply CC - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Notify SM of New Quick Client - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Notify SM of New Quick Client - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Post-ARM Notification - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Post-ARM Notification - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Pre-ARM Notification - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Pre-ARM Notification - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Pre-ARM Notification Time Enter the number of hours prior to ARM campaign to send campaign administrators an email reminder.
Send Applicant Link - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Send Applicant Link - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Thank Applicant for Applying - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Thank Applicant for Applying - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Welcome New User - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Welcome New User - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Configuration > Messaging > Endorsement Notifications
Notify Recruiter of Endorsement - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Notify Recruiter of Endorsement - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Send to Starred Recruiters - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Send to Starred Recruiters - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Send to Common Email Address - Toggle Enables this type of email message.
Send to Common Email Address - Text Enter default To, From, Subject and Body text for this type of message template.
Common Email Address Enter the common email address for this type of message.

Dictionary Configuration Settings

The Dictionary configuration section provides access to settings relating to editing the data dictionary, and downloading translations and exceptions reports for the site.

The Dictionary Editor is a powerful tool for the administrator. Much the text on the site is editable using the dictionary editor. (For example, the Promo text on the Portal/Home page, or the Contact Us text in the Help/FAQ section.)


Settings for the Dictionary configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Dictionary > Edit Dictionary
Tag Name Enter the dictionary tag name. Keywords and partial values are accepted.
Tag Value Enter the dictionary tag value. Keywords and partial values are accepted.
Locale Select the language locale.
Site Select the site.
Search Use to search for and/or edit a dictionary entry. To begin, enter any combination of Dictionary tag name, tag value, locale or site. Then click Search. Matching entries appear in a selector. Choose the desired entry from the selector.
Edit Once a dictionary entry is selected using Search, click the Edit (Pencil) icon to edit the Tag Value and/or Locale and/or Site for the entry. Then Save.
Configuration > Dictionary > Dictionary Download
Download Translations Click the Download Report link to open a download dialog for report.
Download Exceptions Click the Download Report link to open a download dialog for report.

Picklists Configuration Settings

Please refer to the Picklists and Facets chapter in this guide for an explanation of how to use these configuration settings.

Facets Configuration Settings

Custom Configuration Settings

The Custom configuration section provides access to settings relating to creating custom pre-headers, fields, pages and other features for the site.

Custom pages provide administrators the ability to create and publish custom company and program-specific information. Up to three custom pages (disabled by default) can be turned on using the settings provided below. When enabled, each page's title displays on the main navigation bar at the top of the Portal or Home page. The pages are also visible within Site Builder and listed as Global Pages.


Settings for the Custom configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Custom > Pre-Header
Custom Pre-Header Enables ability to enter custom HTML for the Portal/Home page pre-header.
Custom Pre-Header HTML Enter custom HTML for the Portal/Home page pre-header.
Configuration > Custom > Additional Fields
Job Apply Additional Fields Enter code for custom fields for the Apply tray, to capture required information from end users (e.g., a question about security clearances).
Talent Community Additional Fields Enter code for custom fields for the Talent Community, to capture required information from end users.
User Settings Additional Fields Enter code for custom fields for the Settings page, to capture required information from end users.
Configuration > Custom > CSS
Advanced CSS Click Edit (Pencil) icon to enter custom advanced CSS code for the stylesheet.
Facebook CSS Click Edit (Pencil) icon to enter custom Facebook CSS code.
Configuration > Custom > Custom Page 1
Custom Page 1 Enabled Enables creation of a custom page and display of the page name in the navigation bar. Provides the ability to enable/disable and customize pages for a Sourcing zone, to publish company and program-specific information. Custom pages are disabled by default. They have editable title, subtitle and content. An example is the creation of a custom page to display the Privacy Policy, for the Facebook Application to link to.
Display to Trusted Referrers Only Enables display of the custom page to trusted referrers only.
Navigation Label Enter a navigation label for the page.
Title Enter a title for the page.
Subtitle Enter a subtitle for the page.
Content Enter text content for the page.
Configuration > Custom > Custom Page 2
Custom Page 2 Enabled Enables creation of a custom page and display of the page name in the navigation bar.
Display to Trusted Referrers Only Enables display of the custom page to trusted referrers only.
Navigation Label Enter a navigation label for the page.
Title Enter a title for the page.
Subtitle Enter a subtitle for the page.
Content Enter text content for the page.
Configuration > Custom > Custom Page 3
Custom Page 3 Enabled Enables creation of a custom page and display of the page name in the navigation bar.
Display to Trusted Referrers Only Enables display of the custom page to trusted referrers only.
Navigation Label Enter a navigation label for the page.
Title Enter a title for the page.
Subtitle Enter a subtitle for the page.
Content Enter text content for the page.

Widgets Configuration Settings

The Widgets configuration section provides access to settings relating to the creation and sharing of Sourcing widgets that can be embedded on other websites.


Settings for the Widgets configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Widgets > Job List Widgets
Create New Job List Widget - Button Click the button to enable creation of a new Job List widget. Enter the Title/Name, Notes, Width in pixels, Height in pixels, and hexadecimal value for the link color. Toggle whether to Include Header On or Off.
Create New Job List Widget - Edit Click the Edit (Pencil) icon to edit the widget Title/Name, Notes, Width, Height, Link Color, or Include Header option.
Create New Job List Widget - Copy and Paste This Code Upon Save, the code for the new or updated widget appears in the text entry area. Copy the code and paste it into the code for an external site to deploy the widget.
Configuration > Widgets > Search Bar Widgets
Create New Search Widget - Button Click the button to enable creation of a new Search widget. Enter the Title/Name, Notes, Placeholder Text, Button Text, Width in pixels, Height in pixels, and hexadecimal value for the button color. Toggle whether or not to include a header, or a button.
Create New Search Widget - Edit Click the Edit (Pencil) icon to edit the widget Title/Name, Notes, Placeholder Text, Button Text, Width, Height, Button Color, Include Header option, and Include button option.
Create New Search Widget - Copy and Paste This Code Upon Save, the code for the new or updated widget appears in the text entry area. Copy the code and paste it into the code for an external site to deploy the widget.
Configuration > Widgets > Email Sign-Up Widget
Create New Email Signup Widget - Button Click the button to enable creation of a new Email Signup widget. Enter the Title/Name, Notes, Button Text, Width in pixels, Height in pixels, or hexadecimal value for the Button Color. Toggle whether or not to include a header.
Create New Email Signup Widget - Edit Click the Edit (Pencil) icon to edit the widget Title/Name, Notes, Button Text, Width, Height, Button Color, or Include Header option.
Create New Email Signup Widget - Copy and Paste This Code Upon Save, the code for the new or updated widget appears in the text entry area. Copy the code and paste it into the code for an external site to deploy the widget.

Change Logs Configuration Settings

Please refer to the Get Started chapter in this guide for an explanation of how to use these configuration settings.

Security Configuration Settings

Password Settings

  • Minimum Password Length

  • Maximum Password Length

  • Uppercase Letter Required

  • Is not the same as user id or user name

  • Minimum number of numeric characters

  • Minimum number of special characters