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About Social Sourcing and This Guide

Sourcing Introduction

Sourcing is a powerful and flexible tool offering organizations talent acquisition services such as mobile-responsive career sites, job postings, job promotion campaigns and messages, employee referrals of candidates, etc. Sourcing can be used to build branded career sites, obtain referrals, build marketing campaigns, maximize internal mobility and much more. Customers are able to create multiple Career Sites (sites) that may target different populations that focus on differing regions or brands, for example. Sourcing integrates with social media channels, such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter, and both Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition and Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE).

Sourcing is three applications in one:

  • Career Site

  • Referral Tool

  • Job Marketing Tool

Sourcing as a Career Site

Sourcing enables customers to build multiple, complex, multilingual, mobile-responsive career sites easily with Site Builder. Using Site Builder, your career sites, or sites, not only contain the list of your jobs (Career Section), but richly branded elements, custom pages, site-specific pages and much more. These sites are then simply maintained using the tools within Site Builder allowing for more frequent updates and less costs and dependence on third-party providers.

Progressive deployment of Sourcing is possible. For example, you can select which Career Sections that you want to include in your deployment and then filter those further whether it be by brand, country, etc. Or, you can create a Sourcing deployment pilot using only a small subset of jobs. This allows customers to experience the benefits of Sourcing with very low risk, assess the results and then later deploy to more users. Sourcing is scalable; it can be managed by a small subset of super users.

Sourcing is flexible in its configuration options. It allows groupings of jobs from various Career Sections and supports the creation of a global portal. There is no need to reconfigure OTAC to implement Sourcing; all of your OTAC configurations, permissions, groups, Career Sections, etc., remain.

Sites in Sourcing provide an easy and powerful user experience. Contributing to this optimal user experience is Sourcing's ability to configure and deploy Landing pages. Landing pages are dedicated, promotion-specific pages that are presented as links within a site and that can also be shared in emails, social media and campaigns. A Landing page narrows the focus of the content presented by grouping jobs by category, location or a customized combination of both category and location. This narrower focus of Landing pages eases the navigation for a user as they reduce the number of clicks they need to perform to get to the information that's relevant to them.

The first and most important group of people to look at when recruiting are your own employees. Sourcing provides tools such as tethering internal Career Sections to sites, Job Alerts and tailoring sites specifically to internal candidates, to name a few, that allow you to easily target your best talent first.

Sourcing as a Referral Tool

Second only to internal mobility, referrals are crucial to obtaining quality candidates. Sourcing offers tools for employees such as sharing job links through email and social media and a Resume Upload button to leverage your own employees for referrals. You can also create referral campaigns using criterion filters to make those campaigns more efficient by targeting the right audiences.

Sourcing as a Job Marketing Tool

Sourcing helps customers promote their jobs. Landing pages are easily created using Site Builder which allows you to group jobs by location, category, or a combination of both. Landing pages ease the navigation paths for users by eliminating the need for them to filter and drill down into those filters to find the jobs they are seeking. Again, this adds to the mobile users experience as filtering on mobile devices can be cumbersome.

Sourcing has tools to support adding videos to Jobs pages, creating rich content on Landing pages and creating campaigns to market to your Talent Community and fans and followers on social media. These tools all help to promote your jobs to both existing and prospective candidates.

Key Considerations

To make the most of your Sourcing implementation, you are encouraged to put time and thought into determining what you want to achieve with Sourcing. Answering several key questions prior to implementing Sourcing can help guide you into selecting the implementation that's best for your organization. A measured approach is recommended as too many configurations are challenging to maintain. Prior to implementing Sourcing, consider the following:

What do you want to achieve with Sourcing?

  • What types of populations do you want to reach?

  • Do you want to segregate jobs into regions?

  • Do you have multiple brands and if so, do you want to support these different brands uniquely with different sites?

    What are the mandatory steps to implement Sourcing and how do I want to complete them?

  • Which Career Sections from Recruiting do you want to integrate?

  • What are the steps to import your employees into Sourcing?

  • What are the steps to get your jobs synced with Sourcing?

  • What are the requirements to get your locations geocoded?

Production and Vanity URLs

Sourcing is a separate application that resides under its own URL and domain, independent of a customer’s other Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition or Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE) zones.

Oracle provisions customers 2 instances of a Sourcing application, one in a staging/upgrade environment and one in production. The URL domains for Sourcing instances consist of the following structure:
  • Production: http://sub-domain.referrals.selectminds.com

  • Staging/Upgrade: http://sub-domain.upgrade.selectminds.com

Oracle also can support the provisioning of Sourcing with vanity URLs to reflect your organization's name (e.g., jobs.organizationname.com). Using vanity URLs helps prevent users from knowing, from the URL, they have left your organization's site and are on a Sourcing hosted site. Customers with multiple brand identities, aligned to unique sites in Sourcing, can also configure a vanity URL for each site. This contributes to helping organizations build employment brands.

Name Location
Global Vanity Domains [Sourcing] Administrator login > Settings (Name) > Configuration > Company > Company URLs
Site Vanity Domains [Sourcing] Administrator login > Settings (Name) > Configuration > Site Builder > Edit Site Settings

Site Mode, Site Preference and Login Data

Site modes and site preferences allow you to configure for what purpose your site will be used and what populations will be using it. The login data and options presented to users are dependent upon these site modes and preferences.

Site Mode and Site Preference

The site mode can be set to function as:

Job Site and Referral (Recommended)

  • Does not display the Sign Up and Sign In buttons.

  • Displays the My Profile and My Submissions buttons.

  • Does not allow external candidates to automatically share on their social networks. The are able to copy a link and send it in an email or manually post it in their social networks.

Referral Only - a site for internal users to use the job sharing and referral features.

  • Displays Sign Up and Sign In buttons.

  • Forces the idea of an account and logging in.

  • Allows sharing of jobs on social networks.

  • Does not display the My Profile and My Submissions buttons.

    Job Site Only - a job site for external candidates to look for jobs, apply, and review their profile and submissions.

  • Does not display the Sign Up and Sign In buttons.

  • Displays the My Profile and My Submissions buttons.

  • Does not allow external candidates to automatically share on their social networks. The are able to copy a link and send it in an email or manually post it in their social networks.

The image shows the Referral Only site mode in the Sourcing configuration.

Site preferences can also be set to support Sourcing as:
  • employee_only - an internal employee job site.

  • alumni_only - an alumni job site.

  • hybrid - both of the above.

The image shows the employee_only site preference in the Sourcing configuration.

Name Location
Site Mode [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home Page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Site Builder > Edit Site Settings > General
Site Preference [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home Page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Company > Application

Login Data

In Job Site and Referral and Job Site Only modes, the candidate does not create a login. A minimum set of data is requested of the candidate in hopes of limiting the number of drop-offs. If the candidate decides to subscribe to Job Alerts we only request their name, email and job category and location interests. When the candidate applies to a job a login must be created on the Career Section. This login allows the candidates to access their applications, review and edit their profile, access messaging, offers and tasks, if relevant. Once logged into the Career Section the candidate can navigate between the job search engine and the Career Section using the My Profile and My Submissions buttons.

Direct Apply (Recommended)

The Direct Apply feature set is recommended as it offers jobseekers direct access from the Job Details page on Sourcing to the authentication page on the Career Section. This is accomplished by selecting the OTAC_17.4 View Type.

Benefits of this view type include:
  • Eliminates friction during the application process as the candidates are sent directly to the Career Section without any intermediate step to collect data.

  • Uses data in Recruiting to underpin Analytics in Sourcing for all job submissions and referral ownership.

  • Uses data and configurations in Recruiting to determine eligibility of referrals.

  • Recruiting Center users are informed as to which referrals are the result of social job promotion by employees.

  • Eliminates the need for Image Beacon configuration in application flows.

With the OTAC_17.4 View Type enabled, intermediary data collection by Sourcing ceases. Analytics in Sourcing is now populated with more authentic and accurate data from Recruiting. The OTAC_17.4 configuration supersedes the Capture Identification from Applicants setting, i.e. the OTAC_17.4 View Type makes this data collection screen obsolete.

Sourcing and the OTAC_17.4 View Type respect all existing paradigms in Recruiting to determine whether a referral is accepted or not. If Recruiting accepts the attempt to apply the referral:
  • The referrer is associated to the referred candidate.

  • A tracking event on the job submission displays, “Employee Job Promotion” indicating this is a passive referral.

Note: A passive referral is when an employee uses social media job promotion or the copy link feature to generate leads and traffic. Then, their network of contacts finds the link and applies. An active referral is when an employee uses the Upload Friends Resume feature, thereby actively entering that candidate into the system. Pass
This feature set is disabled at upgrade. To enable the feature set:
  1. Click Configuration.
  2. Click Jobs.
  3. In the Apply section, click on the pencil icon next to the View Type field.
  4. Select OTAC_17.4.
  5. Save.
Note: The Employee Sync must be run at least once prior to enabling this feature. Also, both Sourcing and Recruiting must be on Release 17.4 before an Administrator is able to execute the OTAC_17.4 View Type configuration. There is no upgrade chronological dependency.

Hide Apply Modal from Recognized Users

A setting, Capture Identification from Applicants, allows Administrators to hide the apply modal from recognized users.

Note: Direct Apply and selecting the OTAC_17.4 View Type supersedes this setting.
Hiding the apply modal allows candidates applying to jobs to go directly from the Apply for Job button into the Career Section application, streamlining the candidate experience. Recognized users include:
  • Users that access the site from a campaign or Job Alert email.

  • Users that are logged in with username/password.

  • Users that have a cookie on their device from a previous session which is connected to a user record within 3 months.

The Capture Identification from Applicants setting has two configuration options. They are:
  • Always – The apply modal will display to all users.

  • Only from unrecognized users – The apply modal will only display to unrecognized users.

Note: In the case of email or device sharing, the person detected as the recognized user will be credited with the Apply Start for purposes of metrics captured in Sourcing which is surfaced in Analytics. The actual applicant, who authenticates in the Career Section, will show in Taleo Recruiting.

Authentication Buttons for Employees Only

A setting, Referral Only Authentication Display, enables Administrators to hide the Sign Up and Sign In buttons that display on sites configured as Referral Only.

When the site in Sourcing is in Referral Only mode, the Sign Up and Sign In buttons display to authenticate into Sourcing. When combined with authenticating into the application process on the Career Section, users perceive two separate registration experiences. These buttons can be hidden behind a link that displays as, Are you an employee?This reinforces to non employees that they do not need to authenticate in Sourcing in order to apply to jobs.

Clicking the Are you an employee? link surfaces the Sign Up and Sign In buttons along with a Not an employee? link. Clicking the Not an employee? link hides the Sign Up and Sign In buttons and reverts the view. The Referral Only Authentication Display setting has two configuration options. They are:
  • Sign Up and Sign In Buttons for All Users – The Sign Up and Sign In buttons will display to all users and no Are you an employee? link displays.

  • Employee Prompt Before Sign Up and Sign In – The Are you an employee? link displays and the Sign Up and Sign In buttons display only after clicking that link.

  • Employees who are loaded through the synch still have to sign up to claim their accounts.

  • This setting only applies to Referral Only mode and has no impact on the other site modes.

  • This feature does not prevent non employees from using the Sign Up button. Its purpose is limited to being a visual reinforcement of the intended audience of the authentication buttons.

Email Confirmed Sign Up

Enables you to require users to confirm their email address as part of the sign up process for job alerts and new user accounts. This helps to ensure that the Talent Community in Sourcing contains only email-confirmed users. Malicious users or users created through bots or human error will be removed.

Users are sent an email with a personalized link. Following that link confirms that this user is the owner of that email address. Sign up confirmation emails are sent immediately after the email is confirmed. The setting, Delete Unregistered Users, allows you to require email confirmation, but not force the purge of those candidates who do not confirm their accounts. If this setting is enabled, unconfirmed accounts will be deleted after a 24-hour period. Users with unconfirmed email addresses cannot use the Forgot Password function; instead, the email which allows them to confirm their account is resent.

Users created in Sourcing through data synchronization with Recruiting do not need to confirm their accounts.

 When the Email Confirmed Sign Up setting is off, all new users who sign up will be marked as email-confirmed. When the Email Confirmed Sign Up setting is on, all new users who sign up through the UI will be marked as email-unconfirmed. This applies to users who sign up for job alerts and those who sign up for a new user account. Users who are unconfirmed will receive an email from Sourcing with a personalized link. They must click that link to confirm their email address. Users who sign up are not authenticated into a session. Users who are created in Sourcing through data synchronization with Recruiting are always marked as email-confirmed independent of the value of the setting; this includes employees as well as users created in Sourcing.

The email status and user status displays in User Management for Administrators to help Administrators understand why a user may not be receiving emails.

The image shows the Administrator's Edit Users page.

Some considerations:

  • At upgrade, all preexisting users in the application will be marked as email-confirmed.

  • Customers with the Email Confirmed Sign Up setting enabled will upgrade to the Delete Unregistered Users setting enabled, while customers with the Email Confirmed Sign Up setting disabled will upgrade to the Delete Unregistered Users setting disabled. New Customers will have both the Email Confirmed Sign Up and Delete Unregistered Users settings enabled by default.
  • This feature is supported on both the View Type otac_17.4 (Direct Apply) and the legacy View Type taleo_14b (Apply Modal).


Sourcing is available to customers in several supported languages. The default language, and language activation for your organization's implementation, are configured by an Administrator. Individual language preference can be set by each individual user.

Sourcing automatically presents the Sourcing site in the users expected language using their browser language. This allows users to experience Sourcing in their expected language without having to change the language. Sourcing loads into the user’s browser and is able to identify the language configured for that browser. If that language is an active locale in Sourcing then the system is able to show Sourcing in that language. If the browser’s language is not an active locale in Sourcing, the system will then show Sourcing in its configured Default Locale. If there is no Default Locale configured, Sourcing is presented in English-US.

All supported language translations are loaded into the system as a default. Language locale configuration for Administrators provides the means to set a default language locale, and the active locales available to users of the application. The Administrator can add or remove locales from the active list. At least one active language locale must be selected, the same one as the default. The Default Locale cannot be removed from the list until another language is set as the default and made active.

Supported languages must be configured by an Administrator before language preferences can be selected by end-users. Depending upon the configuration, all or a subset of the supported languages may be available to users. Users can set their language preferences during registration, and with their user settings.

Supported Languages and Locales

Sourcing supports the following languages:

  • Czech

  • English - US

  • English - UK

  • Finnish

  • French

  • French - Canada

  • German

  • Hungarian

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Netherlands - Dutch

  • Norwegian

  • Polish

  • Portuguese

  • Portuguese - Brazil

  • Romanian

  • Russian

  • Simplified Chinese

  • Slovak

  • Spanish

  • Swedish

  • Taiwanese

  • Thai

  • Turkish

Language Locales

Available locales (on the Configuration > Company > Active Locales selector) include:
  • English

  • English (United Kingdom)

  • Francais

  • Francais (France)

  • Deutsch

  • Espanol

  • Portugues

  • Portugues (Brasil)

  • Italiano

  • Nederlands

  • Polski

  • Svenska

  • Pyccknn (Russian)

  • Chinese (labeled in its alphabet)

  • Japanese (labeled in its alphabet)

  • Korean (labeled in its alphabet)

  • Taiwanese (labeled in its alphabet)

  • Thai (labeled in its alphabet)

  • Norsk

  • Suomi

  • Cestina

  • Turkce

  • Magyar

  • Romana

  • Slovencina

Multilingual Capabilities

Sourcing provides extensive multilingual capabilities. With the many languages that Sourcing supports, users experience:

  • Automatic detection of the browser language.

  • The ability to easily switch the language being used using the Language Toggle at the top of each page.

  • The ability for candidates to filter jobs by their selected language.

  • The ability to create site content and branding in multiple languages.

  • The ability to read all job descriptions in all languages in which they are published using the Language Toggle on the top of the page.

  • Preloaded languages; Administrators can activate languages as content is ready.

OTAC Job Feed API for Multilingual Jobs

As part of the OTAC Job Feed API, job requisition translations are brought over to Sourcing.

Language Configuration and Settings

Sourcing language-related configurations and user settings are listed in the following table.

Language Configuration, Setting or Function
Name Description Location
Active Locales Administrators can control the active languages for the Sourcing application from the list of supported locales. The default setting is English. If a different locale is selected, it will become the default locale (and associated language). [Sourcing] Administrator login >[Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Company > Application
Default Locales Administrators can control the default locale/language for the Sourcing application. The default setting is English. If changed, the language selected will be the default language. [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Company > Application
Choose Locales in Registration Administrators can control the display of the Locale field when a user is registering on Sourcing. It is Off by default. Turning it On adds Locale to the user registration page. [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Users > [Registration]
Choose Locales in User Settings Administrators can control the display of the Language/Locale field in user settings. It is On by default, allowing users to set their preferred language on their Settings page. [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Users > [User Settings]
Language/Locale End-users can choose their preferred language/locale to view Sourcing in that language. If a user selects a language, the application will be localized to that language. All dictionary tags of the application will be translated for the users, with the exception of job descriptions from a job scrape. [Sourcing] Administrator or other user login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Settings > User Info
Job Language Indicator (Globe icon) When multiple languages are used for a job requisition, a Globe icon is displayed. A user can hover their mouse over the icon to display the languages activated for the requisition. When only one language is used for a requisition, the name of the language is displayed and there is no Globe icon. [Sourcing] Administrator or other user login > [Home page] Jobs

TE Supported Languages

The languages supported for Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products as well as specific features are listed below. For details regarding language availability for Oracle Learn Cloud and Oracle Taleo Business Edition, see the documentation for those products.

  • Scheduling Center: All listed languages are supported except Portuguese (Portugal).

  • Assessment: All listed languages are supported except Indonesian (Bahasa).

  • OBIEE: All listed languages are supported except Indonesian (Bahasa), Lithuanian, Malaysian (Malay), Serbian, Slovenian.

  • Resume Parsing: Resume parsing is delivered using a third party partner service. The functionalities are deliveredas is. Customers needing additional or different resume parsing capabilities should explore partner services.

Language Locale Recruiting and Onboarding Performance Mobile Sourcing Resume Parsing
Bulgarian bg Available Available
Simplified Chinese zh_CN Available Available Available Available
Traditional Chinese zh_TW Available Available Available Available
Croatian hr Available Available
Czech cs Available Available Available
Danish da Available Available
Dutch nl Available Available Available Available Limited
English en Available Available Available Available Supported
English (U.K.) en_GB Available Available Available Available Supported
Finnish fi Available Available Available
French (Canada) fr Available Available Available Limited
French (France) fr_FR Available Available Available Available Limited
German de Available Available Available Available Limited
Greek el Available Available
Hungarian hu Available Available Available
Italian it Available Available Available Available Limited
Indonesian (Bahasa)* in Available Available Available
Japanese ja Available Available Available Available
Korean ko Available Available Available Available
Lithuanian* lt Available Available
Malaysian (Malay)* ms Available Available
Norwegian no Available Available Available
Polish pl Available Available Available Available
Portuguese (Brazil) pt_BR Available Available Available Available Limited
Portuguese (Portugal)* pt Available Available Available
Romanian ro Available Available Available
Russian ru Available Available Available Available
Serbian* sr (sh) Available Available
Slovak sk Available Available Available
Slovenian* sl Available Available
Spanish (Worldwide) es Available Available Available Available Limited
Swedish sv Available Available Available Available
Thai th Available Available Available
Turkish tr Available Available Available

Social Sourcing Configuration Basics

User Accounts

A user account is needed for administrator, recruiter and front-end users of Sourcing to log into the application through the Portal page.

Front-End User accounts are allowed when the Site Mode is set to Referrals. They are created when a potential user (e.g., employee or alumni) clicks the Sign Up button from the Portal page and completes the registration process.

Recruiter accounts are set up when an administrator sends an Invitation to Recruiter email to a potential recruiter, and the recruiter follows the link in the email and completes the registration process.

Administrator accounts are set up by Oracle. To perform configuration, branding and integration work on your organization's Sourcing zone, submit a service request to Oracle to have Administrator role privileges assigned to you.

  • The Email Domains configuration setting enables a check of a user's login email address against your organization's email domains to verify whether the user is an employee.

  • The Choose Relationship configuration setting requires registrants to select their relationship to the company during the registration process.

  • If Choose Relationship is enabled, the Employee Number Validation configuration setting requires registrants to input their Employee Number when selecting an Employee relationship.

Generally, users with accounts log into Sourcing using the Sign In button on the Portal page. Employees can also access Sourcing these ways:
  • If the Partially Log in Trusted Referrers configuration setting is enabled, employees who are trusted referrers, and are navigating in from recruiter emails, get partially logged in as likely users. This allows them to access Sourcing to refer a candidate without signing in, and still get referral credit.

  • Employees can sign in through Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, and access Sourcing without the need for a separate login and password.


Configuration settings affecting user accounts are listed in the following table.

Name Location
Invite a Recruiter [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Users > Recruiters
Email Domains [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Company > Company URLs
Choose Relationship [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Users > Registration
Employee Number Validation [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Users > Registration
Partially Log In the Likely User [Sourcing] Administrator login > Configuration > Users > Login

User Settings

Use the Settings area to update your user account information and personal settings, connected social channels, Jo Alerts, privacy settings and more. Depending upon your role, you may also have access to functions such as Invite a Recruiter, Manage My Channels and Sign Out.

To access Settings first sign into Sourcing from the Portal page. Once you are signed in the Settings link displays on the right side of the Home page header. The link has your username for a label. Click the link to display a dropdown menu with a list of available options, which can include:
  • Configuration

  • Settings

  • Invite a Recruiter

  • Manage My Channels

  • Sign Out

Note: The settings and functions available to you depend upon your user role and your organization's implementation. Various combinations of this functionality are available to administrators, recruiters, employees, alumni and referrals. Depending on your role and Sourcing configuration, you may only see a Settings button instead of the full drop-down menu.


Use the Settings page to view and/or update your:
  • Unique Link

  • Job Alerts

  • User Info

  • Interests

  • Password Reset

  • Social Networks

  • Email Job Alerts

  • Privacy

The Unique Link section displays your referral link, which you can send to friends and other potential candidates via email or social network(s). You can copy the full URL and share it; or you can click Get Short Link, copy the short URL and send that to friends and candidates. (Short URLs allow otherwise long web addresses to be referred to in a Twitter tweet, for example.) If a candidate uses your link to search for a job posting and start an application via Sourcing, you will automatically be listed as the referrer.

The User Info section displays your current user information, if any. Update your information by entering free text or using the dropdown menus in the fields provided. In the Language/Locale and Timezone fields you can select your country and timezone. Selecting a locale will allow you to view Sourcing in the language associated with that particular country. No updates to your account will be made until you click the Save User Info button.

Use the Interests section to tailor the jobs that are sent to you by entering your Interests, Locations and Companies. Click on the fields to view and select options in a dropdown selection list. Save your changes. Based upon your selections, Sourcing will include jobs relevant to your interests each time it generates an automated email to you.

Use Password Reset when you know your password but want to change it. To change your login credentials type in your current password, then enter and confirm a new password. Save your changes.

Administrators must enter their own password to manage the password of another user.

Note: This is not the same as the Forgot Password function available at Sign In. If you've forgotten your password, click the Forgot Password link during the login process and enter your email address. You'll receive an email message with instructions on how to set up a new password.

Use Social Networks to enter and update any Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn accounts that you want connected with your Sourcing user account. To connect a new social channel, click Connect next to the desired social channel icon. This opens a modal from which you can authorize the connection. Click Disconnect for any currently connected social channel to rescind authorization for the connection with Sourcing.

Use Email Job Alerts to choose whether or not to receive email Job Alerts from the system. Click the checkbox to receive email Job Alerts and clear it to opt out. If you opt in, you can receive Job Alerts at the email address tied to your account or another preferred email address. Save your changes.

Use Privacy to choose whether or not you want your account to appear in the Activity Feed and the Top Referrers section. Select the checkbox to allow publishing of your activity to the Activity Feed and Top Referrers section. Clear the checkbox to opt out. Save your changes.

On the Settings page you can also view the Top Referrers and Activity Feed boxes.

Invite a Recruiter

Administrators can use this feature to open a modal from which you can invite a colleague to sign up for Sourcing. Enter an email address, click Send, and the system will generate an invitation email. Your colleague will be able to click a link in the email to register for a Sourcing account with recruiter privileges.

Manage My Channels

Use the Manage My Channels link to open the page of the same name. From this page you can manage your connected social channels (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Linked or Weibo).

Sign Out

The Sign Out feature is for a logged in user to end their session and log them out of Sourcing.

User Information Maintenance

Several enhancements have been made to allow Administrators to view registered users and to maintain those users.

Administrators can use the Edit Users feature to search for users and then view or update their user profiles and settings, or delete users entirely.

  • Enter search criteria in the keyword search to search for specific users, then select Find Users.

  • Click on the name of the user in the search results to bring up the user's profile and settings.

  • Click on the Trash Can icon to delete the user. A warning message will be given to confirm deletion.

The following role level security permissions have been implemented to be sure that only the appropriate roles are able to edit and delete users:

  • Recruiter Administrators and Partners cannot edit or delete Sourcing Administrators (SM Admin) or Oracle Consulting Services (OCS) users.

  • The OCS role cannot edit or delete the SM Admin role.

  • Recruiter Administrators and Partners cannot change any users role to an SM Admin or an OCS user.

  • OCS users cannot change any users role to an SM Admin role.

Synchronized User Delete

Change Logs

Administrators maintaining a Sourcing instance have the benefit of the Change Log which tracks and displays all of the Configuration changes made within a site. The Change Log displays the following information:
  • Config Element - the element within the Configuration that was modified.

  • User Name - the login name of the user that made the change.

  • Old Value - what the value was prior to the change.

  • New Value - what the value was changed to.

  • Site - the name of the site that the change was made in.

  • Date Changed - the date and time that the change was made.

By default, Sourcing displays only the changes made within the last hour, 20 per page. If no changes occurred within the last hour, the Change Log will be blank. Users can search for changes either by selecting the hour, day or week links, or by entering a specific date range. The Old Value and New Value display areas are limited to 20 characters. If the changes are longer than that, a View changes link displays that allows users to drill into the change details.