Custom Format Strings For Date and Time Fields

Custom format strings provide additional options for formatting columns or hierarchy levels that contain time stamps, dates, and times. To set custom format strings to a column or hierarchy level, you use the Custom Date Format field (for date and time fields) or the Custom Numeric Format field (for numeric fields) in the Column Properties dialog: Data Format tab.

Custom Format Strings for Date and Time Fields

You can set custom format strings to a column or hierarchy level in the Custom Date Format field in the Column Properties dialog: Data Format tab.

General Custom Format Strings

Short sentence or paragraph to describe the configuration table.

This table shows Format Strings and their associated result
General Format String Result
[FMT:dateShort] Formats the date in the locale's short date format. You can also type [FMT:date].
[FMT:dateLong] Formats the date in the locale's long date format.
[FMT:dateInput] Formats the date in a format acceptable for input back into the system.
[FMT:time] Formats the time in the locale's time format.
[FMT:timeHourMin] Formats the time in the locale's time format but omits the seconds.
[FMT:timeInput] Formats the time in a format acceptable for input back into the system.
[FMT:timeInputHourMin] Formats the time in a format acceptable for input back into the system, but omits the seconds.
[FMT:timeStampShort] Equivalent to typing [FMT:dateShort] [FMT:time]. Formats the date in the locale's short date format and the time in the locale's time format. You can also type [FMT:timeStamp].
[FMT:timeStampLong] Equivalent to typing [FMT:dateLong] [FMT:time]. Formats the date in the locale's long date format and the time in the
locale's time format.
[FMT:timeStampInput] Equivalent to [FMT:dateInput] [FMT:timeInput]. Formats the date and the time in a format acceptable for input back into the system.
[FMT:timeHour] Formats the hour field only in the locale's format, such as 8
YY or yy Displays the last two digits of the year, padded to the left with zero, if necessary, for example, 01 for 2001.
YYY or yyy Displays the four- digit year, padded to the left with zero, if necessary, for example, 0523.
YYYY or yyyy Displays the four- digit year, for example, 2011
M Displays the numeric month, for example, 2 for February.
MM Displays the numeric month, padded to the left with zero for single-digit months, for example, 02 for February.
MMM Displays the abbreviated name of the month in the user's locale, for example, Feb.
MMMM Displays the full name of the month in the user's locale, for example, February.
D or d Displays the day of the month, for example, 1.
DD or dd Displays the day of the month, padded to the left with zero for single-digit days, for example, 01.
DDD or ddd Displays the abbreviated name of the day of the week in the user's locale, for example, Thu for Thursday.
DDDD or dddd Displays the full name of the day of the week in the user's locale, for example, Thursday.
DDDDD or ddddd Displays the first letter of the name of the day of the week in the user's locale, for example, T for Thursday.
h Displays the hour in 12-hour time, for example 2.
H Displays the hour in 24-hour time, for example, 23.
hh Displays the hour in 12-hour time, padded to the left with zero for single-digit hours, for example, 01.
HH Displays the hour in 24-hour time, padded to the left with zero for single digit hours, for example, 23.
m Displays the minute, for example, 7.
mm Displays the minute, padded to the left with zero for single-digit minutes, for example, 07.
s Displays the second, for example, 2.
You can also include decimals in the string, such as s.# or s.00 (where # means an optional digit, and 0 means a required digit).
ss Displays the second, padded to the left with zero for single-digit seconds, for example, 02.
You can also include decimals in the string, such as ss.# or ss.00 (where # means an optional digit, and 0 means a required digit).
t Displays the first letter of the abbreviation for ante meridiem or post meridiem in the user's locale, for example, a.
tt Displays the abbreviation for ante meridiem or post meridiem in the user's locale, for example, pm.
gg Displays the era in the user's locale.
ODBC Custom Format Strings
This table shows ODBC Format Strings and their associated results
ODBC Format String Result
[FMT:dateODBC] Formats the date in standard ODBC yyyy-mm-dd format
(4-digit year, 2-digit month, 2-digit day).
[FMT:timeODBC] Formats the time in standard ODBC hh:mm:ss format (2-digit hour, 2-digit minute, 2-digit second).
[FMT:timeStampODBC] Equivalent to typing [FMT:dateODBC] [FMT:timeStampODBC]. Formats the date in yyyy-mm-dd format, and the time in hh:mm:ss format.
[FMT:dateTyped] Displays the word date and then shows the date, in standard ODBC yyyy-mm-dd format. The date is shown within single quote characters (').
[FMT:timeTyped] Displays the word time and then shows the time, in standard ODBC hh:mm:ss format. The time is shown within single quote characters (').
[FMT:timeStampTyped] Displays the word timestamp and then the timestamp, in standard ODBC yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format. The timestamp is shown within single quote characters (').