Upgrading TCC in Unix/Linux

Upgrading to the latest version of TCC allows users to take advantage of the latest fixes, enhancements, and new features. Oracle recommends following the upgrade process described below to ensure smooth transition and minimal impact on existing integration scripts.

An [INSTALL FOLDER] for the new version of TCC, different from the current installation location.

  1. Download and install the latest TCC version.
  2. Download and install the latest feature packs

    To install a feature pack, unzip the downloaded file into the [INSTALL DIRECTORY]/featurepacks directory.

  3. Copy the configuration board from [OLD INSTALL DIRECTORY]/system/default.configuration_brd.xml to [NEW INSTALL DIRECTORY]/system directory, in order to run existing integration scripts that use configuration board symbols or endpoints.
  4. Copy the last run date files from [OLD INSTALL DIRECTORY]/lastrundates/*.xml to [NEW INSTALL DIRECTORY]/lastrundates directory.
  5. Test the existing integration scripts with the new TCC version.

    If using Net Change, TCC users MUST run the “Net Change Setup” to create the Net Change database for the new TCC version.

  6. Modify any existing reference to the TCC installation location to point to the new location.