Requisition Status

On the My Submissions page, the display of the job status can be configured to display whether submissions are still being accepted.

On the My Referrals page, the display of the job status can be configured to display whether candidates are still being accepted.

The table shows the statuses of the requisition in My Submissions page and My Referrals page.
Requisition Status Default Label displayed in the Career section
Active Accepting Job Submissions
Inactive No Longer Accepting Job Submissions

The requisition status can indicate the status of the requisition in the Recruiting Center.

The table shows the statuses of the requisition in the Recruiting Center.
Requisition Status Default Label displayed in the Career section
Canceled Closed
On Hold On Hold
Filled Filled
Open Accepting Job Submissions

The labels of requisition statuses displayed in the My Submission page and My referrals page can be customized. Default labels are supplied for all requisition types and types of user (agent, internal or external candidates, referrer or all types of users). System administrators can create a specific label for a specific combination of user and type of requisition. When a requisition status is customized for a specific usage, the customized status is applied to all Career Sections and to all staffing types. If no user-defined requisition status is created then the default value is displayed. Only one status can be configured for a given combination of requisition type and user.