
Statements are paragraphs containing legal language that appear above the Diversity form, background check consent form and eSignature form. Privacy statements also contain legal language but they are attached directly to a specific career section and are not placed in an information block.

The creation and management of statements is performed in the Statements section of the Career Section Administration menu. Four types of statements can be used in an application flow:

  • Privacy Agreement: A privacy agreement informs candidates of what the organization can and cannot do with the information candidates provide. It is the only statement that can be attached to a career section outside of an application flow. For example, an organization might want candidates to indicate their agreement with the privacy statement before the latter begin an application process rather than have them indicate agreement within an application flow. Candidates who decline the privacy agreement cannot proceed and no record of them is retained.

  • eSignature: The eSignature statement is part of an information block comprised of an eSignature statement and an eSignature form. The eSignature statement provides an explanation regarding an eSignature form that candidates electronically sign while completing their job submission. Once candidates have saved the eSignature information, the eSignature area cannot be edited. Each job submission will have a unique eSignature and the system will save the eSignature information on the Tracking tab of each candidate's record. This information is also stored for reporting purposes.

  • Background Check Consent: Your organization might want to include a statement whose purpose is to obtain candidates' consent to having a background check performed.

  • Diversity (EEO/EE): The diversity statement is part of an information block composed of a diversity statement and a Diversity form. Candidates can read the diversity statement to learn about your organization's diversity policy. Though a Diversity form includes diversity questions such as gender and race, each of these components is created separately. All organizations that collect EE and EEO information can customize the diversity statement that is displayed above the Diversity form.

When you create legal statements, you can associate statements to locations and organizations. By doing so, a specific statement is displayed only if the locations and/or organizations of the requisition match the location and/or organizations of the statement. A statement can also be associated with one or several career section types, that is Internal, External, Agency Portal, Onboarding Portal. For example, if a privacy agreement statement is only associated with the Agency Portal career section type, it will be unavailable for Internal career sections.

Note: Even though the diversity, background check consent and eSignature statements can be associated with an Agency Portal career section type, these blocks cannot be included in the Agency flow and therefore associating these statements with an Agency Portal will have no effect.

You can choose to display a privacy agreement statement before the login page or registration page. In these cases, the context (organizations and locations) of the statement must match the context of the career section. If no privacy agreement statement is selected for a career section, no statement will be displayed before the login or registration pages.

A privacy agreement can also be displayed at the beginning of an application flow. You can choose to create a contextualized privacy agreement statement that will be displayed if it matches the requisition's organization, location and/or career section type.
  • If no privacy statement exists for the context, the privacy agreement statement selected for the career section is displayed.

  • If no privacy statement is defined and no contextualized privacy statement exists for the context, no statement is displayed at the beginning of the application flow.

  • If a requisition is associated to multiple locations, all privacy statements are displayed. For example, if a job is available in the United States and in Canada and a privacy statement exists for each country, both privacy statements are displayed. The lowest level in the Location tree determines the display of the privacy statement.

    For example, if nothing is specified at level 4 for the location (City), then level 3 (State/Province) is considered. If nothing is specified at level 3, then level 2 (Country) is considered. If nothing is specified at level 2, then level 1 (World Region) is considered. If nothing is specified at level 1, the system displays the privacy agreement statement for the career section (if one was selected).

Each instance that a candidate agreed to a Privacy Agreement on the Career Section is captured helping to audit the Privacy Agreement terms that apply to your candidates. This allows you to identify which candidates agreed to which Privacy Agreements, at which points in time. The context of the agreement, such as the Career Section, job submission and language is also tracked.

Statements are not mandatory. For example, if no diversity statement is created and a Diversity block is used in an application flow, no statement is displayed. This is also true if the context of the statement does not match the context of the requisition.

Candidates, agents, and referrers need indicate their agreement only once with a specific privacy statement.