Onboarding (Transitions)-only Career Sections

An Onboarding (Transitions) career section type was developed for organizations who want to create task-oriented career sections for candidates or employees.

This career section type contains a single tab called "Tasks" where candidates, new hires or employees can complete their tasks. No job-related information such as the Job Search tab, the My Jobpage tab, job lists or application flows is available.

Dedicated Onboarding (Transitions)-Only Career Sections are ideal if you want to create distinct portals for specific purposes and audiences. You can create dedicated Onboarding portals for onboarding, "cross-boarding" (internal mobility), promotion, relocation, offboarding or other purposes. Each one can have theme, branding and colors that are different from your other career sections and you can rename labels if desired. A dedicated Onboarding portal for offboarding processes, for example, could have a unique theme, branding and colors and you could change the default tab name "Tasks" to "Offboarding".

Email messages which bring employees to these dedicated Onboarding (Transitions)-Only Career Sections must be configured to include the specific URL for that destination, rather than any variable. This is because only invited employees should find out about this career section; other more standard internal and external career sections should be configured to have earlier sequence numbers, so that these will receive all of the standard candidate traffic.

To create this type of career section, you select the Onboarding Portal type in the career section properties. By default, the Tasks tab appears. The My Account and Access Management career portal pages are enabled by default; the other career portal pages cannot be enabled. For details, see Building an Onboarding (Transitions)-Only Career Section.