Use Fill-Out Forms for the Hiring Process

You can use fill-out forms at any point during the hiring process. You can use forms for instance for various new hire paperwork, or to print a candidate submission in a particular format, or during an interview with a candidate to complete a candidate's "Do not disclose" information. You can also print a form, complete it, and have it signed by a candidate.

  1. Go to the Submissions menu.
  2. Select a candidate submission.
  3. In the More Actions menu, select Fill Out Form. The Fill Out Form page displays the forms associated with the respective submission’s step and status (as per the candidate selection workflow configuration).
  4. Click on a form. Acrobat® Reader opens, displaying the form. The form is filled automatically using the corresponding fields of the candidate file or requisition file.
  5. Validate the information.
  6. Click Print. A PDF form is automatically generated.