Uploading Company Logos for Message Templates

The logo must respect the following criteria:

  • Must be a .GIF file.

  • Must have the desired size as it will not be resized by Oracle. Maximum size allowed is 300 KB.

  • A maximum of 30 logos can be uploaded.

  • After upgrading to version 13A, the current logos will not show in the settings themselves but they are still available in the zone.

Configuration > [General Configuration ] Settings
  1. In the Refine by list, select Category, then Corporate Branding, and click Refresh.
  2. Select one of the Custom Correspondence Logo setting.

    For example, Custom Correspondence Logo 01.

  3. Click Edit.
  4. Click Browse to select an image.
  5. Click Save.

The company logo is now available to be added in message templates. To preview your logo after it has been uploaded, access this link and replace ZONENAME by the proper zone name and XX by the actual logo id (01 to 30): http://zonename.taleo.net/custom/images/company_logo_XX.gif

When changing an existing company logo, the logo is updated everywhere, including past offer letters. In an offer letter, the logo is saved as a link to the logo. As a result, changing the logo will also update the logo in past offer letters. A workaround would be to upload a new logo using another Custom Correspondence Logo setting instead of changing an existing logo setting.