Multilingual Capabilities

Sourcing provides extensive multilingual capabilities. With the many languages that Sourcing supports, users experience:

  • Automatic detection of the browser language.

  • The ability to easily switch the language being used using the Language Toggle at the top of each page.

  • The ability for candidates to filter jobs by their selected language.

  • The ability to create site content and branding in multiple languages.

  • The ability to read all job descriptions in all languages in which they are published using the Language Toggle on the top of the page.

  • Preloaded languages; Administrators can activate languages as content is ready.

OTAC Job Feed API for Multilingual Jobs

As part of the OTAC Job Feed API, job requisition translations are brought over to Sourcing.

Language Configuration and Settings

Sourcing language-related configurations and user settings are listed in the following table.

The table presents Sourcing language-related configurations and user settings.
Language Configuration, Setting or Function
Name Description Location
Active Locales Administrators can control the active languages for the Sourcing application from the list of supported locales. The default setting is English. If a different locale is selected, it will become the default locale (and associated language). [Sourcing] Administrator login >[Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Company > Application
Default Locales Administrators can control the default locale/language for the Sourcing application. The default setting is English. If changed, the language selected will be the default language. [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Company > Application
Choose Locales in Registration Administrators can control the display of the Locale field when a user is registering on Sourcing. It is Off by default. Turning it On adds Locale to the user registration page. [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Users > [Registration]
Choose Locales in User Settings Administrators can control the display of the Language/Locale field in user settings. It is On by default, allowing users to set their preferred language on their Settings page. [Sourcing] Administrator login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Configuration > Users > [User Settings]
Language/Locale End-users can choose their preferred language/locale to view Sourcing in that language. If a user selects a language, the application will be localized to that language. All dictionary tags of the application will be translated for the users, with the exception of job descriptions from a job scrape. [Sourcing] Administrator or other user login > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Settings > User Info
Job Language Indicator (Globe icon) When multiple languages are used for a job requisition, a Globe icon is displayed. A user can hover their mouse over the icon to display the languages activated for the requisition. When only one language is used for a requisition, the name of the language is displayed and there is no Globe icon. [Sourcing] Administrator or other user login > [Home page] Jobs