Analytics for Manage Landing Pages

Administrators use Landing Page Statistics to view analytics for each landing page.

As administrator, access landing page statistics from any landing page. Click the Tracking button at the top of a landing page, when logged in, to open the Landing Page Performance page. Landing Page Performance displays activity for the specific landing page, in graphical and chart views.

Graphical View

In the graphical view it displays the following:
  • Page Views: Number of views occurring directly on the landing page.

  • Page Shares: Number of times the landing page was shared.

  • Signups: Number of Talent Community signups stemming from the landing page.

  • Job Views: Number of job views resulting from landing page traffic.

  • Job Shares: Number of job shares resulting from landing page traffic.

  • Apply Starts: Number of job application starts resulting from landing page traffic.

Chart View

Landing Page Performance also displays Landing page traffic in two chart views: Top Referring URLs and Sites. The charts provide the Referring URL/Site and number of Hits.

Click Download Report to save either of these charts as an Excel report. The report includes Landing Page name, Date, Job Category, Referring Site/URL, and Number of Hits.