
The following is a quick glossary of Sourcing terminology.

Applicant: A person who is applying for a job. Applicants are of three types:
  • Alumnus - A former employee.

  • Employee - An existing employee.

  • Unaffiliated - Never been an employee.

Apply Start: Creation of an application, when users click “Start Application” in Sourcing and are passed off to an application flow; via the Upload Resume modal, Taleo Enterprise integration, or other eRecruitment platform or Applicant Tracking System.

Applicant Tracking System (ATS): A software application that enables the electronic handling of recruitment needs.

Automated Referral Marketing (ARM): Scheduled, recurring automated messages sent to a population encouraging them to share jobs.

Candidate: A person interested in or seeking a job. There are several types in Sourcing:
  • Alumnus - A former employee.

  • Employee - An existing employee.

  • General - A candidate being referred in without being tied to a specific job.

  • Known - A candidate being referred in who is already registered in the system.

Campaign: Messages that are scheduled to be sent to a chosen population on a recurring basis.

Category Tiles: Display on the Home page. Promote category landing pages by displaying tiles for the top landing pages that are published. Tile display is based upon the following criteria:
  1. The user has categories listed in their preferences, and there are more than 2 open jobs for that category, or,

  2. The system fills the rest of the tiles based on the published categories that have the most New jobs.

Each tile contains the following information:
  • Category name.

  • 3 most recently posted jobs in that category.

  • Number of New jobs in that category.

  • Tile is a link to the associated landing page.

CS: Career Section.

Endorsement: Giving information as to why you are referring a particular candidate, when prompted by an endorsement email sent by the system. Generally your reply is provided to interested recruiters.

External User: A user who is outside of or not affiliated with your organization. Not an employee or alumnus.

Facebook Jobs Application: A Sourcing job search application recruiters can embed on a Facebook page for which they have administrator privileges, so visitors to the page can be directed to your organization's job postings.

Geocoding: A location defined as a string or semi-formatted text, then translated to standard geographical coordinates (i.e. longitude and latitude). "Reverse Geocoding" refers to longitude and latitude coordinates converted to a human-readable location description.

Geolocation: The identification of a meaningful, real world location of an object, such as a street address, using its latitude and longitude coordinates. Geolocation search works in Sourcing by using the address, city, state or province, and country, and coding those fields to a specific longitude and latitude.

Geolocation Search: Sourcing uses geocoding to convert job locations and user locations (strings) into longitude and latitude coordinates, and radius search to match users to jobs within a user-defined distance from their location.

Hot Job: Jobs that recruiters and/or administrators have selected as “Hot”, meaning they will appear first in all job searches and in campaigns. Administrators and recruiters can toggle the Hot Job tag on and off from the Job Search and Job Details pages.

Internal User: A user who is affiliated with your organization, an employee or alumnus.

Job Alert: Emails sent to users who have signed up for the Talent Community, including relevant jobs based upon each user’s Location and Interests.

Job Apply Start: See Apply Start above.

Job Location: The geographic location where a job is based. There can be multiple locations for a job.

Job Location Translation: The supported language translation for the locale (country) the job location is in.

Job Share: A user recommending a job to one or more friends, via copied-and-pasted referral links or URLs, in emails or through social channels.

Job Site: Use of Sourcing as a site for candidates to search for and apply to an organization's jobs. Job sites can be for external candidates, internal employee candidates, or both.

Job View: A users' view of an individual job, whether done by an employee, referral and other role.

Landing Page: A page branded for displaying postings for your organization's jobs, based on job category and/or location, whose URL can be provided to users via email or social channels.

Language Locale: A country, for which there is a standard language or languages that Sourcing is translated into. For example, for United States the language is English, and for Canada there is Canada English and Canada French. See the Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Configuration Guide for Sourcing for a list of supported languages and locales.

New Job A job tagged by the system, based on the number of days after the job is uploaded during which it is considered new. Administrators set the date range in the Jobs configuration.

PlaceFinder: Geocoding technology to make software applications location-aware, by converting place formats (such as street addresses or place names) into geographic coordinates and address components.

Recruiter Site: Use of Sourcing as a site for an organization's recruiters to advertise and share open jobs in messages, campaigns, and on social channels.

Referral: A candidate's submittal of their resume for a specific job, when the candidate is associated to a referrer who has sent the candidate a referral link. Or a general referral of a candidate by a referrer who enters the candidate's contact information and uploads their resume.

Referrals On-Demand (ROD): One-time messages sent to a population sharing specific jobs or social channels.

Referral Site: Use of Sourcing as a site for employees, alumni and others to refer in candidates, in general or for specific jobs.

Referrer: A person who refers in a candidate. Certain logged-in users of Sourcing can view and copy their personal referral link in user settings, and can share their link with candidates via email or social channels. There are several types of referrers:
  • Alumnus - A former employee.

  • Employee - An existing employee.

  • Original Referrer - The first referrer of a candidate, if there are multiple referrers.

  • Priority Referrer - A setting in the Users configuration enables passing of priority referrer parameter in the Applicant Tracking System URL.

  • Top Referrer - A block on the right side of the Home and Job Search pages showing information about users who have referred the most candidates. A setting in the Users configuration allows administrators to regulate if the Top Referrers will be available to users other than Trusted Referrers. Top referrers are scored by the system using these criteria: job shares, clicks resulting from job shares, and apply starts from job shares. Each criterion is weighted according to your preferences. In order to be eligible as a Top Referrer, users must meet a configurable minimum Qualifying Score.

  • Trusted Referrer- A setting in the Users configuration allows administrators to enter the relationship IDs of the user roles that are considered trusted referrers. Based on configuration, Trusted Referrers can be allowed to partially log in to refer candidates, recommend candidates for jobs, upload candidate's resumes, and see New and Hot jobs flags.

  • Unaffiliated Referrer - Referrers who are not employees or alumni.

Social Channels: Social networking sites (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Weibo) with which Sourcing has functionality to integrate.

Social Job Distribution (SJD): Campaigns that post jobs to connected Facebook fan pages, Twitter handles, and LinkedIn pages.

Solr Search: A search engine platform for websites, having features such as faceted search, database integration and geospatial search that make it useful for performing geolocation searches.

Starred Job: Jobs that recruiters and/or administrators have selected to receive notifications for when users share or apply to them. You can manually star jobs on the Job Search page. When you send a campaign from your account, Sourcing automatically stars the jobs you selected for that message. Users can also filter the Job Search page to view only starred jobs.

Talent Community (TC): User population that has signed up to receive, based on location and interests, automated Job Alerts and direct TC messages.

TBE: The Oracle Taleo Business Edition product.

TE: The Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition product line (Recruiting, Legacy Onboarding, Onboarding Transitions, Scheduling Center, Career Section, Performance Management and related platform applications).

Sourcing: The Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Sourcing product.

Unique Referral Link: The long or short URL to your Sourcing site, which you can provide to candidates to expose them to your organization's jobs. If a candidate applies to a job you are automatically identified as the referrer.

Allowlist parser: A part of the Solr technology that is used in the geocoding process, containing a list of places around the world. In order to geocode the job location through the Oracle eLocation API correctly, the location string must be parsed into country, state/province, city and address values. The parsed values are then sent to the API and the coordinates returned to Sourcing.