User Language Settings

Sourcing is available to customers in several supported languages. The default language, and language activation for your organization's implementation, are configured by an administrator. Individual language preference is set by each user.

All supported language translations are loaded into the system as a default. Administrators configure the default language locale for Sourcing, and the active languages/locales available to users of the application. Each Sourcing locale has a corresponding Recruiting language. Sourcing will display the locale names in the local language, e.g. English, Deutsch, Espanol, etc. Depending upon the configuration, all or a subset of the supported languages may be available to users. Users can set their language preferences during registration, and with their user settings.

The image shows the User Info configuration within Settings and highlights the Language/Locale picklist.

Language Toggle

There is a language toggle available on all pages of Sourcing that allows all users to clearly see the languages available to them and to change that language in their user interface. This language toggle only displays if there are two or more languages, or locales, enabled in the system. If there is only a single locale, there are not different locale choices, so the language toggle does not display in the UI.

he image shows the language selector at the top left of the page.

On the Job Details page, the locales enabled on the language toggle are limited to the languages that are enabled on that specific requisition. If there is a delta between the number of locales enabled in Sourcing and the number of languages enabled on this requisition in Recruiting, a message indicating this displays next to the language toggle.

The image shows the message indicating that the job requisition is not available in all website languages.

Browser Language Determines Session Language

Sourcing automatically presents the Sourcing site in the users expected language using their browser language. This allows users to experience Sourcing in their expected language without having to change the language with the newly introduced language toggle.

Sourcing loads into the user’s browser and is able to identify the language configured for that browser. If that language is an active locale in Sourcing then the system is able to show Sourcing in that language. If the browser’s language is not an active locale in Sourcing, the system will then show Sourcing in its configured Default Locale. If there is no Default Locale configured, Sourcing is presented in English-US.
Note: Once a user authenticates, their personal locale preference in their settings supersedes their browser language settings.

Language Settings for Users

Language-related user settings and functions are listed in the following table.

The table presents language-related user settings and functions.
Language Setting or Function
Name Description Location
Language Locales in Registration Administrators can control the display of the Locale field when a user is registering on Sourcing. It is off by default. Turning it on adds Locale to the user registration page. When registering, the user indicates their preferred language locale (country) to view Sourcing in the language associated with that particular country. [Sourcing] Initial user login > Registration modal
Language/Locale End-users can choose their preferred language locale to view Sourcing in the language associated with that particular country. If a user selects a language, the application will display in that language. [Sourcing] Users login (all) > [Home page] Settings (Name) > Settings > User Info
Job Language Indicator (Globe icon) When multiple languages are used for a job requisition, a Globe icon is displayed. A user can hover their mouse over the icon to display the languages activated for the requisition. When only one language is used for a requisition, the name of the language is displayed and there is no Globe icon. [Sourcing] Administrator or other user login > [Home page] Jobs