Candidate Summary by Recruiting Status (Time Spent in Each Status)

The report provides a summary of how long it takes to move candidates along in the recruiting cycle.

Report Columns

This table shows report columns and description
Name Description
Req. Identifier Returns the requisition id, as displayed in the recruiting application.
Req. Title Returns the requisition title, in its base language.
Current Status Start Date Returns the date when the candidate was moved to the current status.
Recruiter Name Returns the recruiter name.
Hiring Manager Name Returns the hiring manager name.
Job Field Level1 Name Returns the name of the requisition job field.
Location Level1 Name Returns the name of the requisition primary location.
Current Status Returns the current status of the requisition. Note that the values "Approved" and "Sourcing" roll up to the "Open" status.
Historical Workflow Name Returns the name of the candidate selection workflow used for this job submission.
Historical Step Sequence Returns who changed the candidate to this status.
Historical Step Name Returns the sequence of the step in its workflow.
Historical Status Name Returns the sequence of the status in its step.
Historical Reference Status Name Returns the historical reference status name.
Average Duration (Days) Return an average, derived by function, of how long the candidates were in this status.
# Submissions Returns the number of distinct job submissions.

Report Prompts

All report prompts are optional.

This table shows report prompts and descriptions
Name Description
Requisition Status Filters the report based on whether the requisition current status is in the list of values selected.
Submission Current Status Start Date Filters the report based on whether the submission current status start date is between two selected dates.
Submission Created Date Filters the report based on whether the submission created date is between two selected dates.
Hired Candidate Start Date Filters the report based on whether the hired start date is between two selected dates. If the hire start date is null the offer actual start date is used.
Latest Filled Date Filters the report based on whether the latest filled date is between two selected dates.
First Sourced After Latest Approved Date Filters the report based on whether the first sourced after latest approved date is between two selected dates.
Ref. Status Name Filters the report based on whether the current status reference name is in the list of values selected.
Workflow Name Filters the report based on whether the current workflow name is in the list of values selected.
Step Name Filters the report based on whether the current step name is in the list of values selected. If the workflow name filter is being used, only the steps in the selected workflow will be available.
Status Name Filters the report based on whether the current status name is in the list of values selected. If the step name filter is being used, only the statuses in the filtered steps will be available.
Organization (Level 1) Filters the report based on whether the organization level1 name is in the list of values selected.
Organization (Level 2) Filters the report based on whether the organization level2 name is in the list of values selected. If the Organization (Level 1) filter is being used, only the child organizations in organization level2 will be available.
Organization (Level 3) Filters the report based on whether the organization level3 name is in the list of values selected. If the Organization (Level 2) filter is being used, only the child organizations in organization level3 will be available.
Organization (Level 4) Filters the report based on whether the organization level4 name is in the list of values selected. If the Organization (Level 3) filter is being used, only the child organizations in organization level4 will be available.
Location (Level 1) Filters the report based on whether the location level1 name is in the list of values selected.
Location (Level 2) Filters the report based on whether the location level2 name is in the list of values selected. If the Location (Level 1) filter is being used, only the child locations in location level2 will be available.
Location (Level 3) Filters the report based on whether the location level3 name is in the list of values selected. If the Location (Level 2) filter is being used, only the child locations in location level3 will be available.
Location (Level 4) Filters the report based on whether the location level4 name is in the list of values selected. If the Location (Level 3) filter is being used, only the child locations in location level4 will be available.
Job Field (Level 1) Filters the report based on whether the job field level1 name is in the list of values selected.
Job Field (Level 2) Filters the report based on whether the job field level2 name is in the list of values selected. If the Job Field (Level 1) filter is being used, only the child job fields in job field level2 will be available.
Job Field (Level 3) Filters the report based on whether the job field level3 name is in the list of values selected. If the Job Field (Level 2) filter is being used, only the child job fields in job field level3 will be available.
Job Field (Level 4) Filters the report based on whether the job field level4 name is in the list of values selected. If the Job Field (Level 3) filter is being used, only the child job fields in job field level4 will be available.
Recruiter Name Filters the report based on whether the recruiter name is in the list of values selected.
Hiring Manager Name Filters the report based on whether the hiring manager name is in the list of values selected.
Req. Identifier Filters the report based on whether the req. identifier is in the list of values selected.
Req. Title Filters the report based on whether the req. title is in the list of values selected.
Minimum Requirements Met Filters the report based on whether the minimum requirements met indicator is in the list of values selected.
Is Ace Filters the report based on whether the is ace indicator is in the list of values selected.
Submission Is Internal Filters the report based on whether the submission is internal indicator is in the list of values selected.
Submission Is Completed Filters the report based on whether the submission is completed indicator is in the list of values selected.

Report Filters

This table shows report filters and descriptions
Filter Description

Historical Status Sequence is not null

Filters the report to remove candidates where no historical status sequence has been recorded.
Historical Reference Status Name is not equal to/is not in Declined; Hired; Rejected Filters the report to remove the declined, hired, and rejected reference status as these status are final statuses.
Historical Step/Status Was Reverted is equal to/is in No Filters the report to remove candidates whose step/status has been reverted.
Current Status Start Date is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Submission Created Date is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Submission Completed Date is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Latest Filled Date is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Current Reference Status Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Current Workflow Name is prompmted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Current Step Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Current Status Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Organization Level1 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Organization Level2 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Organization Level3 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Organization Level4 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

IFNULL("Submission Dates"."Hire Start Date","Submission Dates"."Offer Actual Start Date") is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

When the prompt is set this value filters on the Hire Start Date. If hire start date is null it filters on the Offer Actual Start Date.

Location Level1 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Location Level2 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Location Level31 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Location Level4 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Job Field1 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Job Field2 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Job Field3 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Job Field4 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Recruiter Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Hiring Manager Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Req. Identifier is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Title (BL) is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Is Ace is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Minimum Requirements Met is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Submission Is Internal is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Submission Is Completed is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Current Status is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

First Sourced After Latest Approval Date is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.