Conditionally Enabled Actions

You can conditionally enable actions that are added to:

  • Analyses

  • Dashboard pages

  • Agents

Actions that are added to KPIs are associated with KPI ranges so they are enabled conditionally because of their definitions. Likewise for actions that are added to scorecards, because they are associated with states of initiatives and objectives.

Conditionally Enabled Actions Added to Analyses

When you add an action to an analysis, you can specify that its associated action link is to be displayed only when one or more conditions are met. You do this by selecting one or more columns in the analysis to use and specifying the condition to meet. (The steps to specify a condition are very similar to those used for conditional formatting.)

Conditionally Enabled Actions Added to Dashboard Pages

When you add an action to a dashboard page, you can specify that its associated action link is to be displayed only when a certain condition is satisfied. You do this by specifying a condition (either a named or inline) that is to be satisfied.

Conditionally Enabled Actions Added to Agents

While you primarily use an agent's condition to determine whether the agent delivers its content or not, you can also use it to determine if the agent executes its actions.

When you add an action to an agent, you can specify that the action is to be executed only when a certain condition is satisfied. You do this by adding a condition (either inline or named) to the agent, and then specifying whether you want the action to be executed:

  • Only if the agent condition evaluates to true

  • Only if the agent condition evaluates to false

For some actions, you can also specify whether to execute the action for each row that is returned by the condition.